

单词 confusedly
释义 con·fus·ed·ly 英kən'fjʊzɪdli美kən'fjʊzɪdli 高COCA⁹⁶²³⁸BNC⁵²³⁷¹iWeb⁵²¹⁹³

in a confused manner;

Queen Augusta wrote him an hysterical letter in which she confusedly sympathised with him

confused=-ed-ly像⇒adv.受困惑地³¹;慌乱地³⁸;混乱地³¹近义词 at a loss困惑blankly茫然地perplexedly困窘地confoundedly混乱地

用作副词When we turned back to look at her, she stoppedconfusedly.当我们都扭头看她的时候,她慌乱地停了下来。
The force of the core is a machine of inevitability, of change, vanishing and blendingconfusedly.它核心之能量是一个必然性及变革的机器,消灭着及混乱地掺杂着。adv.in a confused manner
同义词 helter-skelter,pell-mell
反义词 clearly
blindlyadverb without direction, purpose
aimlessly,at random,frantically,in all directions,indiscriminately,instinctively,madly,pell-mell,purposelessly,wildly
incoherentlyadverb inarticulately
aimlessly,ambiguously,brokenly,chaotically,confusedly,disconnectedly,discontinuously,disjointedly,drunkenly,frantically,frenziedly,illegibly,illogically,incomprehensibly,indistinctly,ineptly,randomly,sloppily,spasmodically,uncertainly,unclearly,unintelligibly,unrecognizably,unsystematically,wildly A series of faint, sharp noises resounded confusedly along the wall of paving- stones. It was the men cocking their guns.
接着一阵清脆的嗒嗒声沿着石块墙错杂地响了起来,这是大家在给枪上膛。 ebigear

The N line should be strictly differentiated from PE line, cannot be used confusedly.
工作零线和保护零线要严格区分,不得混用。 cn50hz

The words of references are used confusedly, and haven't changed for many years.
参考文献用语使用混乱的状况多年来没有改观。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

“ I don’t know why I felt so guilty; it was as if I was selling illegal goods, ” explains Wan confusedly.
万立群有些迷茫,他解释说:“我不知道为什么会觉得有罪恶感;就好像我是在销售非法商品。” iciba

Addicting ourselves in an unpredictable and rapidly developing world, we are confusedly surrounded by many kinds of cultures, because of thousands of high- developed information.
我们深深陷入一个飞速发展而不可预知的世界当中,信息的高速发展,使我们处在多种文化元素交错的语境当中。 blog.sina.com.cn

At present, central problems displayed in researches of this area are as follows: different types of evaluation are usually confusedly used;
目前,这一领域的研究表现出的主要问题有:不同功能类型的评价常常被混用; dictall

But some problems also appeared in this process, mainly including: confusedly order in island development and serious environment and resources destruction;
但在海岛开发保护过程中出现了一些问题,主要表现为:海岛开发秩序混乱,资源环境破坏严重; daysogo

Communication modes are confusedly mixed up in the system and this badly blocks the development of on-line monitoring system.
目前在线监测系统数据通信方式混乱,极大的阻碍了在线监测技术的推广应用。 fabiao

He returned no reply, but it was evident that he heard what was said, and that he thought about it , however confusedly.
他并未回答,但显然听见了他的话,而且思考着,尽管头脑不清楚。 jukuu

Ribbons to flow confusedly;
绸带混乱地飘摆; chinapoesy

Say, confusedly bind nice ego wear Shan, laded small Qing body to kiss month behind giving birth Jin and turn circular to then and outwardly hike.
说着,胡乱地系好自己衣衫,沐小小倾身吻了一下月子衿,转身便向外走去。 www.dot-matrix.com.cn

She blushed, and said confusedly that the flowers had been given to her.
她不禁满脸通红,含含糊糊地告诉他们玫瑰花是别人送给她的。 hjenglish

The concepts of state and government are used confusedly in economic law.
“国家”和“政府”这两个概念在经济法语境下的使用多存在混乱。 cnki

These were bayonets and gun- barrels confusedly illuminated by the distant reflection of the torch.
那是被火炬的光映照着的远处的枪刺和枪管。 ebigear

University's life ever let me confusedly, the not mature emotion also once I lost, but I had not throughout forgotten, my dream, my future.
大学的生活曾经让我迷茫,不成熟的情感也曾我失落,但是我始终没有忘记,我的梦,我的未来。 zjfcxzl.blog.21txt.com




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