

单词 confirming
释义 con·firm·ing 英kən'fɜːm美kən'fɜːrm 高COCA¹⁵⁸⁸²BNC⁹⁶⁹³Economist¹⁶²¹¹
vt. 证实; 肯定

prove to be true or correct; make certain

vt. 批准; 认可

ratify; agree definitely to a treaty, an appointment, etc.

vt. 加强; 坚定

make firmer; strengthen

establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts;

his story confirmed my doubts

The evidence supports the defendant

strengthen or make more firm;

The witnesses confirmed the victim's account

make more firm;

Confirm thy soul in self-control!

support a person for a position;

The Senate confirmed the President's candidate for Secretary of Defense

administer the rite of confirmation to;

the children were confirmed in their mother's faith

confirm, authenticate, corroborate, substantiate, verify


confirm指以事实或不容置疑的陈述来证实某事的真实性、准确性、正确性以及有效程度; verify侧重以具体的事实和细节为证据; corroborate指以陈述或新证据作进一步的证实; substantiate强调某事需要证明,并以此提出充分的证据; authenticate指专家或内行的证实。










13世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的confirmare:com 表强调) +firmare (加强),意为进一步加强
用作动词 (v.
~+名词confirm report批准报告confirm telephone message加强电话信息confirm a title to sb批准授予某人一个称号~+副词confirm particularly特别地证实confirm posthumously追认confirm speedily快速批准~+介词confirm by experience为经验所证实confirm sb in使某人在…方面更加坚定confirm sb in the belief使…坚信confirm sb in the view使…坚决认为
confirm in v.+prep.

坚定某人的信念 strengthen sb in sth such a belief or habit

近义词 back后面prove证明check检查verify核实settle解决affirm证实clinch钉牢uphold支持ratify批准endorse赞同approve批准firm up巩固fortify加强testify作证certify证明support支持sustain支持sanction批准bear out证实establish建立reinforce加固authorize批准determine决定strengthen加强O.K.好,对,行validate使生效reassert再断言corroborate确证substantiate证实deepen 使 … 加深authenticate证明…为真反义词 deny否认contradict反驳disprove证明 … 是不对的…
S+~+ n./pron.What he observed confirmed his judgement.他观察到的现象证实了他的判断。
We have confirmed the report.我们证实了那则报道。
The agency confirmed the contract.经销处批准了合同。
The news confirmed my resolution.这消息坚定了我的决心。
The statement has been confirmed by testimony.供述已为证据所证实。
It is confirmed by experience.这已经被经验所证实。
They worked out an effective method, which was confirmed by the leadership.他们制定了一种有效的方法,这种方法得到了领导的认可。S+~+that-clauseThe announcement confirmed that the election would take place on June 20th.公告证实选举将在6月20日举行。
The king confirmed that the election would be on July 20th.国王批准选举在7月20日举行。
It is confirmed by experience that this is the right approach to the command of grammar.经验证明这是掌握语法的正确途径。S+~+ n./pron. +as n.The President confirmed him as secretary of state.总统任命他为国务卿。
He was confirmed posthumously as a member of the Chinese Communist Party.他被追认为中国共产党党员。



用作动词His letterconfirmedeverything.他的信证实了一切。
The treaty wasconfirmedby the president.条约已被总统批准。
Could youconfirmthe dispatch date?您可以确定发货日期吗?as in.affirmative
同义词 affirmatory,approving,positive,supportingacknowledging,acquiescent,affirming,complying,concurring,confirmative,confirmatory,consenting,corroborative,endorsing,favorable,ratifying
反义词 dissenting,negativeas in.establishing
同义词 authenticating,corroborating,demonstrating,proving,substantiating,validating,verifying
反义词 dissolving,ending,tearing downas in.verifying
同义词 authenticating,checking,corroborating,substantiating,validatingconfirmation,substantiation,validation,verification
affirmativeadjective being agreeable or assenting
establishingnoun the act of proving
verifyingnoun proving
authenticating,checking,confirmation,confirming,corroborating,substantiating,substantiation,validating,validation,verification And confirming the reluctance of banks to loosen their lending policies, total loan balances held by financial institutions fell by 3%, the fastest pace since1984.
金融机构所持有的总贷款余额下降了3%,是1984年以来最快的。这证实了银行不愿意放宽其贷款政策。 ecocn

“ We’re confirming a finding in a different population, a different setting, even a different gradient of exposure, and that reinforces the initial finding in New York, ” Perera said.
“我们正在证实一项发现,在不同的人口,不同的环境,甚至不同程度的暴露强化了纽约的最初发现,”佩雷拉说。 yeeyan

A text message confirming the policy is then sent to the farmer’s handset.
然后发送一条短信息到农民的手机上,以确认保单开始生效。 ecocn

Checking is something that we do with the motivation of confirming existing beliefs.
检查是指为了证实已经存在的理念而去做的事情。 infoq

He was confirming your date for Saturday night.
他来确认周六晚上跟你的约会。 hjenglish

I am neither confirming nor denying, and I do not think I have the obligation to do so.
我并没有确认或者否认,我也没有义务去确认或否认这件事。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are absent, confirming the suspicion that Hitler knew them only at second hand.
叔本华和尼采的缺席,证实了希特勒只是通过第二手材料了解他们的猜测。 yeeyan

Sure enough, this light was bent by the mass of the sun, confirming Einstein’s theory.
肯定是光因太阳的质量而出现弯曲,这证实了爱因斯坦的理论。 ecocn

The raid added to a body of evidence confirming La Familia’s expansion into counterfeit software as a low- risk, high- profit complement to drugs, bribery and kidnapping.
此次突击搜查为一系列证据提供了补充,确认该家族扩张进入到低风险、高利润的盗版软件来作为毒品、贿赂及绑架的补充。 yeeyan

The chipmaker’s gross profit margin of 64.7% was its highest ever, confirming the company’s success in reducing costs.
该芯片制造商的毛利润率达到其历史峰值64.7%,这证实了英特尔降低成本获得成功。 ecocn

These commodity studies also show that reforms will lead to large gains, confirming the results of global models.
对这些商品的研究也表明,改革将会带来巨大收益,确认了全球模拟的结果。 worldbank

They are publicly confirming its existence.
他们公开证实它的存在。 blog.sina.com.cn

Two beeps echoed from each raft confirming that they were ready to run through the confluence.
两条木筏各传来一声嘟的信号,确定他们已一切就绪,准备冲过汇流处。 ebigear




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