释义 |
confirmed bachelor短语³⁹⁹¹⁸ 基本例句 🌏单身寡佬;永远坚持独身的男子 Giles was a redheaded, crew- cut confirmed bachelor whose life was filled by his students, his love for the Constitution and social justice, and his passion for the Washington Redskins, win or lose. 他把生命献给了学生,以及对美国宪法和社会公正的爱,对华盛顿红人队的拥戴,无论他们是输是赢。 blog.sina.com.cn Clear thoughts expressed in unclear language is the style of a confirmed bachelor. 清晰的思想以不清晰的文字表现出来,乃是一个决意不娶之男子的笔调。 http://dj.iciba.com He was a confirmed bachelor and I was a career woman when we met13 years ago. 他是一个单身汉,我是一个职业妇女,在我们13年前遇见时。 tianya |