

单词 confining
释义 confining 英kən'faɪnɪŋ美kən'faɪnɪŋ 高TCOCA³⁴³⁸⁸BNC³²⁴⁵¹iWeb³²³⁷¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
restricting the scope or freedom of actioncrowded;

close quarters

近义词 close关terminal末端limiting限制的qualification资格constrictive紧缩的restricting限制的,约束的…constraining动词constrain的…

用作形容词Especially after ourconfiningjourney through the canyon wall, the generator room was an awesome sight.才刚走过狭窄的峡谷隧道,发电机室看起来格外壮观。noun.restricting
同义词 bounding,detaining,enclosing,imprisoning,restraining
closeadjective dense, cramped
compressionnoun condensation
contractionnoun drawing in;shortening
abbreviating,abbreviationabridgingabridgment,compression,condensation,condensing,confinement,confining,constriction,curtailing,curtailment,cutting down,decrease,decreasing,deflating,deflation,diminishing,diminution,drawing together,dwindling,elision,evaporating,evaporation,lesseningloppingnarrowing,omission,omitting,receding,recession,reducing,reduction,shrinkage,shrinkingshrivellingtensing,tightening,withdrawal,withdrawing
imprisonmentnoun placing in forcible detention
capturing,confining,detainingimmuringimprisoningincarceratingjailing,locking upquarantining
more stringentadjective rigid, tight
acrimonious,binding,brick-wall,by the book,by the numbers,compelling,confining,convincing,dead set on,demanding,draconian,drawing,dyed-in-the-wool,exacting,forceful,hard,hard-nosed,harsh,inflexible,iron-fisted,ironclad,picky,poignant,powerful,rigorous,rough,set,severe,stiff,strict,tough,unpermissive,valid
narrowadjective confined, restricted
attenuated,circumscribed,close,compressed,confining,constricted,contracted,cramped,definite,determinate,exclusive,exiguous,fine,fixed,incapacious,limited,linear,meager,near,paltry,pent,pinched,precarious,precise,scant,scanty,select,set,shrunken,slender,slim,small,spare,strait,taper,tapered,tapering,thin,threadlike,tight A CORBA system accomplishes this magical task by confining the interaction between objects to well- defined interfaces.
CORBA系统通过将对象之间的交互定义为明确的接口完成了这一不可思议的任务。 ibm

By the same token, our allies must be prepared to face the necessary rather than confining foreign policy to so-called soft power.
同样,我们的盟友们也要正视现实,而不是让外交政策受制于所谓的软实力。 yeeyan

Comparing India with China according to such standards can be more useful for policy discussions in India than confining the comparison to GNP growth rates only.
在研究政策时比较印中之间的这些标准比仅仅比较 GNP增长率显得更加有用。 yeeyan

Europeans and—to some extent— Americans are increasingly influenced by welfare concerns. They jib at confining animals.
欧洲和美国部分地区正受到动物福利关切组织越来越多的影响,这使得他们在“限制动物自由”呼声前犹豫不决。 yeeyan

Even more calamitous is the prospect of history teaching in the schools confining itself to the transmission and regurgitation of‘ facts’.
而学校的历史教学若局限于自身“事实知识”传递与回流的窠臼,则其前景将更显黯淡。 ecocn

In this regard, the phased approach to the declaration of a pandemic was rigid and confining.
在这方面,宣布大流行的分阶段方法有些死板和局限。 who

Since June2007, when the Qassam Brigades chased Mr Abbas’s forces out of Gaza, the Hamas government has had a hard time confining its military wing to barracks.
自从“卡桑旅”在2007年7月将阿巴斯的势力赶出加沙后,哈马斯政府在管理其军事力量上举措唯艰。 ecocn

That can be scary for me and confining for him, but it also serves a purpose.
这对我来说是吓人的,对他来说是一种限制,但是这也达到了某种目的。 yeeyan

The next two, to come into effect Jan. 1,2013, are bans on castrating pigs and confining pregnant sows in stalls.
接下来两个会在2013年1月1号生效的是禁止阉割猪和限制猪圈中怀孕母猪。 yeeyan

The river guide nodded in agreement. Although the raft was a bit confining, it was a very congenial atmosphere.
河道向导点点头答应了、虽说木筏有点窄,但气氛宜人。 ebigear

The chalk line has been wiped away to-day, but the confining ring is still there.
如今那道粉笔线是抹掉了,但那个禁圈仍然存在。 yeeyan

They jib at confining animals.
他们怜悯动物。 ecocn

This first visit will be exhilarating and then going back into Pisces will feel stiff and too confining before he makes the official move to Aries.
这第一次访问将是令人振奋,然后继续回到双鱼座会觉得太僵硬围之后,他才正式搬到白羊座。 blog.sina.com.cn

Three is something they call confining— anticipating and recognizing disruptive environmental change to quickly manage it.
第三是一些他们所谓的抑制--预测并认识到破坏性的环境变化以快速控制它们。 yeeyan

Three years ago RCTV’s broadcasting licence was not renewed, confining it to cable.
三年前, RCTV频道的广播许可证未获换发新证,而受限于经营有线电视。 ecocn

To get out of this confining and destructive mentality you can choose to focus on the opportunities and the new chances.
要摆脱这种狭隘而消极的心态,你就应当关注各种新的机会。 yeeyan

Wouldn't it be better to go beyond these confining, industrial- age technologies and deliver some of the real power of the computer?
难道就不能更好地超越工业时代技术的限制,发挥计算机的真正作用吗? jukuu

Confining the initial stimulus to government investment would not have worked because it would have been too slow.
如果最初的经济刺激只是局限于政府投资,那肯定是不会起什么作用的,因为它收效甚慢。 yeeyan




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