

单词 confidently
释义 con·fi·dent·ly 英'kɒnfədəntlɪ美'kɒnfədəntlɪ 高牛COCA¹⁶⁸⁴⁷BNC⁹⁸²⁶iWeb¹⁰⁷⁰²Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

with confidence; in a confident manner;

we have to do what is right confidently

蒋争熟词记忆confidentadj.有信心的;自信的-ly…地⇒有信心地;自信地;确信地confidentadj.有信心的;自信的-ly…地⇒有信心地;自信地;确信地近义词 surely无疑for sure确定positively极其securely安全地assuredly确实地definitely肯定地assertively断言地with assurance有把握地with certainty确定无疑地with confidence满怀信心地

用作副词This seemed to reassure him and he continued moreconfidently.这似乎使他放心一点,于是他更有信心地继续说了下去。
He steppedconfidentlyout into the road to hail the motor-car, which came along at an easy-pace, slowing down as it neared the lane.他满有信心地走到路中间,想喊住那辆汽车,车子本来开得并不快,但开到小路旁边时,速度放慢了。
He strodeconfidentlyacross the hall.他充满自信地大步走过大厅。
Would you love to go to a party and talkconfidentlyto every guest?你是否愿意参加聚会并自信地和每位来宾交谈。adv.in an assured manner
同义词 positivelyassuredly,having conviction,with conviction
hopefullyadverb optimistically
expectantly,positively,sanguinely,surely,trustfully,trustingly,with confidence,with hope The best way to live is from a state of self- possession, to move confidently, expanding that wholeness.
最佳的生活方式就是从一种泰然自若的状态,充满自信地前进,增强原本完整的自己。 yeeyan

“ THERE will be toys under the Christmas tree this year, ” says Alan Hassenfeld, as confidently as if he were Santa Claus himself.
“今年的圣诞树下会有玩具的,”艾伦•哈森菲尔德说,说得那么自信,好像他自己就是圣诞老人。 ecocn

Act confidently, and soon enough you'll feel confident.
自信地行动,很快你就会信心满怀。 yeeyan

Her demo and clear instructions help even the most clumsy cake decorator like myself to perform the task at hand confidently.
她的演示和清楚指令帮助一些即使很笨拙的蛋糕装饰者比如说我,可以自信地完成这个即将的任务。 yeeyan

I said confidently.
我自信地说道。 yeeyan

I skipped over zero as we counted, but she confidently picked up the number and declared it an oval.
当我们数数时,我跳过了零,但我女儿很自信地说出了零,并且说零是一个椭圆。 yeeyan

I confidently handed in my doctoral- level, award-winning work, absolutely convinced my professor would be as thoroughly impressed with it as I was!
我自信地交上了堪比博士水平、甚至有望获奖的论文,满心以为教授会像我一样为它拍手叫好。 ebigear

Merely providing some scrap of information relevant to solving the problem counted too, as long as they did so often enough and confidently enough.
仅仅只是提供一些与答题有关的片言只语也算,只要他们说得足够频繁,显得足够自信就可以了。 yeeyan

People who ask confidently get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain.
自信地询问的人会比那些犹犹豫豫、没有把握的人得到更多。 fortunechina

Stepping confidently into the rowdy classroom, he opened the window as wide as possible.
他很自信地步入乱哄哄的教室,把窗子尽可能大地打开。 kekenet

Toyota confidently expected it would be selling robots to families and the elderly by2010.
丰田自信地预计在2010年之前将向家庭和老年人出售机器人。 ecocn

We will stand confidently for liberty.
我们为自由而自信的挺立。 hjenglish

Confidently, I drew a line a full foot behind the hoard and proceeded to jump from there.
我满怀自信,在踏板后方整整一英尺的地方划了一道线,然后就从那儿起跳。 kekenet




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