

单词 confetti
释义 con·fet·ti 英kənˈfetiː美kənˈfɛtiAHDkən-fĕtʹē ☆☆☆☆☆高八GCOCA³¹⁴⁵³BNC³⁴¹⁹⁹iWeb¹⁹⁷⁵⁵Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

small pieces or streamers of colored paper that are thrown around on festive occasions as at a wedding在现代婚礼上,我们常常见到人们往新人身上抛撒彩色碎纸的场面。这种做法源自意大利。在中世纪的意大利,狂欢节时常常会举行盛大的游行。游行队伍和围观群众常常会相互抛撒小物品以表达欢乐之情。有钱的贵族往往会抛撒糖果,在意大利语中被称为confetti,等于confection糖果。1875年,一位商人在狂欢节之前采购了大量原本是无用副产品的彩色碎纸屑,并在狂欢节上向群众销售,用作游行时抛撒的物品。由于这种碎纸屑对人体无害,又充满喜庆,因此大受欢迎。从此以后,在狂欢节以及其他喜庆场合抛撒彩色碎纸的做法就逐渐流传开来。由于这种碎纸最初是用来代替糖果的,所以也被称为confetti。钱博士con+fetti意大利语,=fection=confection糖果→古时候庆祝场合抛撒的糖果→用来代替糖果的五彩纸屑⇒五彩纸屑
用作名词Confetti blanketed the ballroom floor.五彩纸屑布满舞池。
When they came out of the church, the bride and groom were showered withconfetti.新郎新娘走出教堂时,身上被撒满了五彩纸屑。
The crowd bestrewed the streets withconfetti.人群在街道上撒满彩色纸屑。as in.ammunition
同义词 ammo,armament,bomb,bullet,cartridge,chemical,explosive,gunpowder,materiel,missile,munition,napalm,rocket,shrapnel,torpedoball,buckshot,cannonball,charge,fuse,grenade,powder,round,shell,shotiron rationsas in.bonbon
同义词 caramel,cream,dainty,sweet
ammunitionnoun projectiles for weaponry
ammo,armament,ball,bomb,buckshot,bullet,cannonball,cartridge,charge,chemical,explosive,fuse,grenade,gunpowder,iron rations,materiel,missile,munition,napalm,powder,rocket,round,shell,shot,shrapnel,torpedo
bonbonnoun candy
caramel,confetti,cream,dainty,sweet A flurry of white and red confetti matches the shirts and ties of local residents at the maiden launch of a cruise ship in the North Korean economic zone of Razon.
在朝鲜罗津经济区游轮的处女航下水仪式上,飘落的彩色纸片衬托着当地居民的白衬衫和领带,分外鲜明。 yeeyan

An oil derrick showered silver confetti on the whooping crowd.
竖起的油井架向欢呼的人群中喷洒着银色的纸屑。 topsage

As Diversity reprised their winning act in a snowstorm of confetti and a hail of applause, viewers across the country shared their exultation.
随着“多样性”在暴风雪般的彩带和雷鸣般的掌声中再次收获他们的胜利,举国的观众们分享了他们的狂欢。 yeeyan

As she shakes the shirt, something flies out, floats up like confetti to land on the lid of the dryer.
她抖了抖那衬衫,有什么东西掉了出来,好似结婚时的彩纸一般,飞飞扬扬,落在了烘干机的盖子上。 xianguo.com

Hardly had the confetti from the celebrations settled when she returned to the airwaves to promote her candidacy for November’s election.
而为惠特曼女士庆祝的五彩纸屑尚未平息,准备十一月竞选的电波已经大行其道了。 ecocn

In the background of one shot is a stern sign ordering guests not to celebrate with confetti or rice.
有一张照片的背景上贴着一张措辞严厉的告示,要求来访的宾客不要用五彩纸屑或稻谷来庆祝。 yeeyan

Security is also tight in Paris, London and New York, where revelers will celebrate with confetti, music and fireworks.
巴黎、伦敦和纽约也加强戒备。狂欢的民众将以彩带、音乐和烟花来庆祝新年。 voa365

The currency became known as“ Judefetzen” Jew- confetti, hinting at the chain of events that would lead to Kristallnacht a decade later.
货币被称为“ Judefetzen”犹太人的糖果,暗示着此后发生的一连串事件,并最终导致了10年后的水晶之夜。 yeeyan

The custom of throwing confetti however, does not come from Italy.
但是扔糖果的风俗并不来自意大利。 yeeyan

But while most people are looking forward to seeing William and Kate walk down the aisle, not everyone is in a mood to throw confetti.
但是尽管大部分人期待看威廉和凯特结婚,并不是每个人都有心情洒五彩纸屑。 hxen

Click on Jake and Fizz to see the confetti fly!
点击贝克和菲丝看看糖果飞出来。 ebigear

If we’re lucky, at the end of the night, relatives of the happy couple pick up the flowers, the candles, the extra tulle and decorations and confetti.
如果我们幸运,在晚上典礼结束的时候,新人的亲友们会打包走花,蜡烛,多余的薄纱,装饰品和糖果。 yeeyan

In October, leaf- shaped confetti shoots out of lamp posts in the village center to simulate colorful falling foliage.
十月里,镇中心的灯杆会射出叶子形状的纸屑,以模仿五彩缤纷的落叶。 yeeyan

Many women also carry mementos such as champagne corks or confetti from their wedding day or a pebble from a beach when on holiday.
多数女人都会带上纪念品,比如香槟塞子、婚礼现场的碎纸花还有度假海滩上的石头。 yeeyan

They grow wherever they emerge, rupturing our neat rows with impossibly pink balls of confetti.
但它们满地开花,把我们整洁优雅的行列用难以置信的粉红彩纸球彻底打乱。 yeeyan

Walking past a church one day I see him emerge from the church with a bride, and many guests throwing confetti over them.
一天,当我经过教堂时,我看见他和一位新娘款款而出,许多宾客向他们抛撒五彩纸片以示祝贺。 yeeyan

Wall Street's hi-tech Nasdaq exchange has wheeled out its confetti machine for the first time since the credit crunch.
华尔街高科技股票聚集的纳斯达克交易所自信贷紧缩以来,首次推出五彩纸屑机庆祝新公司股票上市。 yeeyan

When the final buzzer sounded, the Kings sang and danced their way around the court. The only thing missing was confetti.
当计时器声响那一刻,国王球员在场上手舞足蹈,就差飘散五彩纸屑了。 yeeyan




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