

单词 coney
释义 coney 1/co·ny 英ˈkəʊniː, ˈkʌniː美ˈkoni, ˈkʌniAHDkōʹnē, kŭnʹē 高COCA²⁴³⁵⁰BNC³⁸⁰⁶²iWeb⁶¹¹⁹²

black-spotted usually dusky-colored fish with reddish finsany of several small ungulate mammals of Africa and Asia with rodent-like incisors and feet with hooflike toessmall short-eared burrowing mammal of rocky uplands of Asia and western North Americaany of various burrowing animals of the family Leporidae having long ears and short tails; some domesticated and raised for pets or food近义词 rabbit兔子hyrax非洲蹄兔rock rabbithyraxcony兔子尤指欧洲兔…dassie动=hyrax蹄…DAS数据采集站=data …pika鼠兔(一种短耳野兔…

用作名词A new top dog emerged on New York's Coney Island as the World's Hot Dog Eating Champion.新的世界吃热狗大赛冠军在纽约兔子岛产生了。as in.hare
同义词 lagomorph,leveretas in.rabbit
同义词 bunny,hare,rodentbuck,capon,chinchilla,cony,cottontail,cuniculus,doe,lagomorph,lapin
harenoun rabbitlike animal
rabbitnoun animal
rabbitsnoun animal
bucks,bunnies,capons,chinchillas,coneys,conies,cottontails,cuniculuses,does,hares,lagomorphs,lapins,rodents Alter the formula or ask for ketchup and you can head right back to Coney Island, pal.
如果你想吃点别的比如番茄酱那你可以去康尼岛,朋友。 yeeyan

In1868, the developer William A. Engeman purchased, for twenty thousand dollars, several hundred acres between Manhattan Beach and Coney Island.
1868年,开发商威廉. A.恩格曼花2万美元买下了介于曼哈顿沙滩和科尼到之间的几百英亩地。 yeeyan

“ Everything is sliding and crumbling, ” Henry Miller wrote of Coney Island in his1936 novel“ Black Spring”. “ Everything glitters, totters, teeters, titters.”
“每样东西都是油稽滑腻,支离破碎”,亨利・米勒 Henry Miller在他1936写的小说《黑色的春天》中如此描绘康尼岛: “每样东西都闪闪烁烁,摇摇颤颤,嘻嘻窃窃”。 ecocn

“ I sell three or four every single day and then I get one or two back a week, ” said Dave Gillie, owner of Gillies Coney Island Restaurant in Genesee Township.
戴夫吉利是杰纳西镇一家吉利科尼岛饭店的主人,他说,“每天我付出去的钱里面,会有三四次使用到这种货币,每个星期收回来的钱也会一两次见到这样的钱”。 yeeyan

“ It’ll be absolutely gorgeous, ” Mr. Markowitz said, and“a really great attraction for the future of Coney Island.”
“那一定会是非常棒的,”马可维迪斯先生说到,“并且,这肯定会对康尼岛未来的发展有促进作用。” yeeyan

“ Moby-Dick” was written not by Herman Melville but by Herman Melbrooks, who wrote most of it in Yiddish on the boat over from Coney Island.
“白鲸”不是赫尔曼·梅尔维尔所写,而是赫尔曼·梅尔布鲁克斯的作品,大部分是他在离开科尼岛的船上用意第绪语写的。 yeeyan

Brooklyn contains the Botanical Gardens, Coney Islanda beach with an amusement park, and J. F.K. International Airport.
布鲁克林区则包含植物园、科尼岛一座有游乐场的海滩和约翰.肯尼? f国际机场。 ebigear

But he was also proud, glad to have elbowed his way into the literary canon despite being raised in Coney Island by a poor widow who knew more Yiddish than English.
但他也对此感到自豪,很高兴这本书跻身文学经典,尽管他是由科尼岛一个懂意第绪语胜过英语的穷寡妇抚养的。 ecocn

But many residents say the project’s sheer size would undermine their tranquil buffer between the Coney Island Boardwalk and the New York Aquarium on one side and residential buildings on the other.
但是许多附近居民觉得工程过于庞大,会影响周围道路和附近的纽约水族馆的地基安全,以及周围住宅楼的地基也会受到影响。 yeeyan

For example, one girl in his class dropped a glass bottle with a note inside into the water off of Coney Island.
例如,他班上一名女生将一个玻璃瓶丢进了科尼岛附近的水里,瓶子里还有张纸条。 xianguo.com

He looked down and saw the lights of Coney Island. Another abandoned project. Somehow, the planned renovation of what they used to call“ America's Playground” never happened.
他望着下面科尼岛上的灯光。又一个狂热的计划,不知怎地,那个他们叫做“美国游乐场”的革命计划从未发生过。 dashuye

His address listed by the authorities was a housing project in Coney Island.
官方地址显示他的住址为科尼岛的一个房地产项目。 blog.sina.com.cn

Hundreds of subway trains come here to the Coney Island Maintenance Facility each week to be inspected, repaired and cleaned.
每周都会有上百趟地铁到科尼岛维护设施这里来进行检查,维修和清洗。 linuo-paradigma

In 1893 the New York Times declared Coney Island“ Sodom-by-the- Sea”.
1893年,纽约时报宣称康尼岛为“海边索多玛”。 ecocn

Locals in nearby housing projectsa grim legacy of Robert Moses, New York's master builder and a Coney Island villain fret about losing their regular seasonal jobs.
住在附近 “政府住房计划” 简屋中的本地居民担心届时将失去他们在游乐场季节工作机会这些政府住房是纽约的大建造商、康尼岛恶人罗伯特・摩西的丑陋“遗产” 。 ecocn

Looking around, she found a ring of sun-warmed rocks where the coney- rabbits dried their hay.
她四下看了看,发现了一圈被太阳晒热的岩石,是蹄兔用来晾干草用的。 yeeyan

The way Marty Markowitz sees it, the rundown nine-acre park where Coney Island and Brighton Beach meet is ripe for a sparkling transformation.
在马蒂·马可维迪斯看来,康尼岛布莱顿海滩九英亩大小的公园是时候做一些改变了。 yeeyan

When they burst they caused fires, destroying, among other things, the Dreamland amusement park in Coney Island.
此外,当它们爆炸时可以导致火灾,曾摧毁了康尼岛的梦幻世界游乐园。 ecocn

Which is why we're weathering the late afternoon heat in his Volvo, motoring to Coney Island.
这就是为什么我们坐在他的沃尔沃上驶往康尼岛以体验傍晚的交通热潮。 yeeyan

Coney Island has lured New Yorkers with promises of cheap thrills for well over a century.
康尼岛以它廉价和刺激招徕纽约客已达世纪之久。 ecocn




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