

单词 coner
释义 con·er 英'kɔːnəʳ美'kɔːrnər

a place where two lines, walls or roads meet


area far away


difficult or awkward situation

vi. 驾车转弯

drive a car round a corner

vt. 垄断,囤积

gain control of the buying, selling or production of goods

vt. 难住

put into a difficult position

a place off to the side of an area;

he tripled to the rightfield corner

the southeastern corner of the Mediterranean

the point where two lines meet or intersect;

the corners of a rectangle

an interior angle formed by two meeting walls;

a piano was in one corner of the room

the intersection of two streets;

standing on the corner watching all the girls go by

the point where three areas or surfaces meet or intersect;

the corners of a cube

a small concavitya temporary monopoly on a kind of commercial trade;

a corner on the silver market

a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible;

his lying got him into a tight corner

a projecting part where two sides or edges meet;

he knocked off the corners

a remote area;

in many corners of the world they still practice slavery

architecture solid exterior angle of a building; especially one formed by a cornerstone
gain control over;

corner the gold market

force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escapeturn a corner;

the car corners





用作名词 n.
动词+~cut corners走近路,节约cut off a corner抄近路drive sb into a corner逼得某人走投无路keep a corner保留一个角落round a corner拐过街角turn a corner拐过街角turn the corner摆脱困境形容词+~blind corner看不见的拐角left corner左角neglected corner被忽视的角落,死角quiet corner安静的角落right corner右角sharp corner急转弯tight corner窘境,困境top left-hand corner左上角名词+~street corner街角介词+~around the corner在拐角处,在近处,即将来到at the corner街口in the corner在拐角上on the corner在拐角上~+介词corners of one's lips嘴角far corners of the country该国的边远地区all corners of the earth世界各地corner of the room房间的角用作动词 v.~+名词corner the thief堵住小偷corner the witness为难证人corner wheat囤积小麦~+副词corner fast快速转弯corner well转弯很稳corner beautifully车转弯灵活corner finally最终无路可逃corner politically政治上陷入困境corner safely安全转弯~+介词corner in在…难住corner in commodities囤积商品corner sb with反驳某人corner with stone用石头砌成
近义词 rim边the那hole洞brim边tree树to对于push推crook钩jam果酱hem褶边end结束box盒子bay海湾bend弯曲turn翻转area面积spot地点nook角落trap圈套bind捆绑edge边缘part部分brow前额dead死的keep保持back后面angle角度place地方brink边缘verge接近niche壁龛curve曲线catch赶上tight紧的quoin隅角all所有的bring带来pickle腌汁region地区margin边缘border边界detain扣留waylay伏击accost搭话corner角落secret秘密recess休息market市场impasse僵局squeeze挤压section部分meeting会议turning旋转oneself自己on在 … 之上into到 … 里monopoly垄断district地区junction连接juncture时刻pin down确定surround包围confront对抗restrict限制stalemate僵局periphery周边perimeter周长private私人的recession后退cul-de-sac死路quarter四分之一convergence收敛convergency会合intersection交集crossing人行横道dead end到达尽头street corner街角crossroads交叉路口tight spot紧要关头turning point转折点bring to bay围困穷追a英语字母表的第一个字母…
用作名词(n.The cube has eight corners.立方体有八个角。
He hit his knee on the corner of the table.他的膝盖撞到了桌子角上了。
Come along, let's push it to the corner.加把劲儿,我们把它推到角落里去吧。
Go on until you get to the next corner and then turn left.一 直往前走到第一个拐角,再向左转弯。
Our little corner shop is no longer a paying concern.我们这个街头小店已赚不到钱了。
As we turned the corner we came on a group of men who were waiting for the public house to open.我们转过屋角时碰到一群人等着店开门。
He rounded a corner and walked into a narrow street.他拐过弯,走进一条狭窄的街道。
The Greens deal with the butcher at the corner of the street.格林家通常在街角处的肉铺子里买肉。
Mother was a witness of the accident at the street corner.母亲是发生在马路拐角处那次事故的目击者。
We knocked into each other at the street corner.我们在街道拐角处相撞。
She glanced shyly at him out of the corners of her eyes.她羞答答地瞟了他一眼。
The delegates came from all corners of the country.代表们来自这个国家的各个地区。
They were chatting in the corner.他们在屋角里闲聊。
The old woman was spinning in the corner of the room.老妇人在屋内一角纺线。
There is a chair which accommodates its shape to a person's position in the corner of the room.在房间的墙角有一把可根据人的位置调节形状的椅子。
The two friends sat in a corner and chatted about the weather.两个朋友坐在一个角落里,闲谈天气。
That man sitting in the corner reminds me of your uncle Joe.坐在角落里的人使我想起你的叔叔乔来。
The money was hidden in corners all over the house.那笔钱被藏在屋里的各个角落。
He numbered the pages in the bottom corner.他把页码写在角底。
I saw him disappear round the corner.我看见他转过拐角不见了。
There is a bookstore round the corner.拐过弯去有一家书店。
His huge bulk appeared round the corner of the street.他那庞大的身躯出现在街角处。
The interviewer had driven her into a corner.面试主持人把她追问得很窘。
They have forced me into a corner, so I'm going to have to give them what they want.他们把我逼得走投无路,因此他们现在要什么我就得给他们什么。
We are certainly in a tight corner, but with perseverance we shall manage to get out of it.我们肯定已处于困境,但只要坚持住,我们就定能摆脱困境。
Unless he gets some money, soon he will be in a tight corner.除非他马上搞到钱,不然他就会陷入困境。用作动词v.
S+~+AHis car corners well.他的车转弯性能良好。
My car corners well even in bad weather.我的汽车即使在坏天气时转弯也很好。
He was cornering at 60 miles an hour.他以每小时六十英里的速度拐弯。
S+~+ n./pron.Some speculators have tried to corner wheat.有几个投机者曾试图囤积小麦。
They've cornered all the business.他们已控制了所有的买卖。
The question cornered me.那个问题把我难住了。
He cornered the witness with clever questions.他机敏的提问使证人无言可对。
The thief was cornered in a blind alley.窃贼被逼进一条死胡同。
The wolf was cornered by the hunters.狼被猎人围住,无路可逃。
The escaped prisoner was cornered at last.那逃犯终于被逼入了困境。

corner的基本意思是“角”,是可数名词,指两条线或两条路相交处; 也可作“遥远的地方,天涯海角”解,此时常用复数形式; 引申可指“困境,窘况”,此时可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。

corner接介词in,表示“在角落里”; 接介词on或at,表示“在拐角处”; 接介词round〔around〕,表示“拐过弯去”。





She waved to me as she turned the corner.她拐弯时向我挥了挥手。用作动词用作形容词as in.negative
同义词 adverse,gloomy,pessimistic,unfavorable,weakabrogatingannullinganti,con,contrarycontraveningdenyingdisallowingdisavowing,dissenting,gainsayingimpugninginvalidating,jaundiced,naysaying,neutralizing,nullifying,opposing,recusant,refusing,rejecting,removed,resistingagainst,antagonistic,balky,colorless,counteractive,cynical,detrimental,dissentient,nugatory,privative,repugnant,resistive,unaffirmative,unenthusiastic,uninterested,unwilling
反义词 confident,favorablegood,positiveas in.contradictory
同义词 antithetical,conflicting,contrary,incompatible,inconsistent,paradoxicalanti,antipodal,con,converse,counter,opposite,reverseadverse,against,agin,antipodean,antithetic,counteractive,diametric,discrepant,incongruous,irreconcilable,negating,nullifying,opposing,ornery,polar,repugnant
反义词 consonant,harmonious,equal,same,similaragreeing,confirming,consistent,reconcilable,reconciledvouching




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