释义 |
Conection 基本例句 收集¹⁰⁰ Heartattack has very closeconectionwith nervousness ,smoking and lack of practise.心脏病与紧张、吸烟以及缺乏锻炼有密切的关系. Sometimes slience and lies are the best and strongestconectionbettewn people who has the secret can never tell anybodyelse.貌似是说:沉默和谎言对于两个有难言之隐的人来说是最好的关系。。。。吧。。。。 Based on feature of pouring large casting,a newconectionof connecting partial outline design of mould cavety and intemal quality of casting was put forward in this pater.据此,本文针对大型铸件的浇注特点,提出了把局部开头设计与铸件内在技师联系起来考虑的新思想 |