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conduct electricity短语⁶⁸⁷⁸⁴ 基本例句 导电 ANDREW NEWMAN: It can actually conduct electricity. 安德鲁·纽曼:它实际上是能导电的。 kekenet Aqueous acid solution conduct electricity. 酸的溶液会导电。 iciba Gold can be stretched into wires thinner than a human hair, yet those wires still conduct electricity beautifully. 还可以延展成比头发丝还细的电线,却同时具有极好的导电性能。 yeeyan A major advantage of USM is that it can machine materials that cannot conduct electricity and which, therefore, cannot be machined by EDM or ECM. USM的一个主要优点是切削不导电的材料,也就是 EDM或 ECM工艺不能加工的材料。 ebigear All metals are found not to conduct electricity equally well. 人们发现,并非所有金属都有同样好的导电效果。 studa All metals can conduct electricity. 所有的金属都能导电。 neworldedu All metals do not conduct electricity equally well. 不是所有的金属都具有同样好的导电性能。 renren Called topological insulators, these materials conduct electricity by harnessing a quantum- mechanical property of electrons called spin. 该物质被称为拓扑绝缘体,通过一种带量子机制特性的叫做自旋的电子来导电。 suiniyi Cellulose does not, however, conduct electricity, so Dr Mihranyan needed to coat it with a substance that does. 纤维素本身不具有传导性,这需要为它镀上一层有导电性的表面。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn Glass cannot conduct electricity, nor can rubber. 玻璃不能导电,橡皮也不能导电。 iciba Indeed, Dr Heeger won a Nobel prize for discovering that some plastics can be made to conduct electricity. 其实, Heeger博士因发现某些塑料经过加工可导电而获诺贝尔奖。 ecocn Insulators in reality conduct electricity but, nevertheless, their resistance is very high. 绝缘体实际上也导电,但其电阻很高。 course.cug.edu.cn Metal's ability to conduct electricity is due to the loosely held electrons found in metals. 金属之所以导电是因为金属里有自由移动的电子。 iyaya Most metals conduct electricity. 大多数金属能导电。 iciba Most plastics do not readily conduct electricity. 大多数塑料都不容易导电。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Nonmetals are generally gases or soft solids that do not conduct electricity. 非金属一般为气体或不导电的软固体。023java Only the materials, processing can conduct electricity can't process organic glass, nylon and insulating materials. 只能加工能导电的材料,不能加工有机玻璃、尼龙等绝缘材料。 hornetcnc Scientists have known for some time that plants can conduct electricity. 科学家知道植物能发电已经一段时间了。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn Since carbon nanotubes conduct electricity, sending a current through the paint would help engineers to detect structural weakness through changes in the paint's electrical properties. 碳纳米管可以导电,能沿着涂料传导电流,让工程师通过涂料电性质的变化探测出结构中的薄弱环节。 ecocn The worlds of art and technology have fused to create a new form of body paint that can conduct electricity. 随着艺术与科技的融合,一种可以导电的新型人体涂料应运而生。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn The breakthrough was doing that on a surface that would conduct electricity. 这个突破在于它们的表面可以导电。 yeeyan We also know they readily conduct electricity and heat. Many metals form the strong framework on which our modern society is built. 我们也知道金属易于导电和传热,许多金属形成了我们现代社会的坚强框架。023java |