

单词 aerodrome
释义 aer·o·drome 英ˈeərəˌdrəʊm美ˈɛrəˌdromAHDârʹə-drōm' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷⁷⁸⁶⁰BNC²³⁰⁶⁷iWeb²⁸⁰²⁸
an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo合成词。aeroplane, 飞机。词根drome, 跑,见hippodrome, 跑马场。floating aerodrome航空母舰aerodrome beacon机场信标ex aerodrome经 机场交货…alternate aerodrome备用机场controlled aerodrome交通管制航空站…aerodrome traffic空降交通civil aerodrome民用机场
词根记忆aero空气,航空+drom+e=跑飞机之地aero-航空⇒飞机drom跑近义词 drome 飞机场airport机场airdrome飞机场airfield飞机场air base空军基地空军基线…landing strip飞机的起落跑道…landing field飞机着陆场…airstrip飞机紧急降落用的临时…

用作名词Peter liked to see aeroplanes take off from theaerodrome.彼得喜欢看飞机从飞机场上起飞。
It can be unpleasant to live even several miles from anaerodrome.即使住在离机场好几英里远的地方也可能是难受的。as in.landing strip
同义词 air base,airfield,airstripairport,flight strip,landing field,runway,strip,takeoff strip,taxiway
landing stripnoun runway for aircraft
air base,airfield,airport,airstrip,flight strip,landing field,runway,strip,takeoff strip,taxiway Aim The method of designing the luminous intensity distribution of aerodrome beacon was analyzed and investigated.
分析和研究机场标灯光强角度分布的设计方法。 dictall

Linear charge blasting at the net of highway to Zhuhai aerodrome and the hole blasting at underground stope in Gaofen mining company have been design by the expressions.
按推导的计算式设计了珠海西区机场路垭口条形药包爆破和高峰矿业有限责任公司地下采场浅孔爆破。 cnki

The airspace is usually divided into aerodrome flight airspace, airways, air routes, prohibited areas, restricted areas and danger areas.
空域通常划分为机场飞行空域、航路、航线、空中禁区、空中限制区和空中危险区等。 lawyee

The debris of president Kaczynski's plane is spread through hundreds of meters of woodland on the edge of Smolensk aerodrome.

A huge plane slid off an aerodrome runway.
一架巨大的飞机滑离机场跑道。 hjenglish

ALTERNATE AERODROME, An aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed when it becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or land at the aerodrome of intended landing.
备用机场,当不可能或不适宜在预选机场着陆时,可作着陆使用的场机。 kuenglish

An aerodrome meteorological observing system AMOS monitors the weather conditions along the two airport runways and neighbouring areas.
机场气象观测系统的作用是监察机场两条跑道及邻近地区的天气情况。 kuenglish

By abstracting the characteristics and analyzing them to the linear object about air station pathway, the aerodrome objects are indirectly analyzed.
通过对机场跑道的线状目标的特征提取与分析以及对机场特征的分析,达到在对机场类目标的分析。 dictall

Construction of201 Airplane Repair Workshop at Chengdu International Aerodrome.
成都国际机场201飞机修理库施工。 kuenglish

He circled over the aerodrome.
他在小型机场上空盘旋。 dj.client.iciba.com

In theory, we researched the requirement of aerodrome, three-dimensional terrain modeling techniques,3D analyzing technology about three-dimensional terrain visualization are investigated.
在理论上,对机场地理信息的需求、三维地形建模、三维分析等三维地形可视化实现的相关技术进行了研究; iciba

Many of the sets have been created in the old aerodrome-turned- magic land that is Leavesden Studios.
很多场景都在一片由旧飞机场改造为魔法世界的场地上完成,这就是 Leavesden工作室的创造。 tvvcd

Optimization of value of Aerodrome Forecasts.
机场预报值优化。 kuenglish

Peter liked to see aeroplanes take off from the aerodrome.
彼得喜欢看飞机从飞机场上起飞。 ebigear

The result indicates that the damage effect of penetration submunition equipping the programmable electron time fuze meet the design requirement of undamaged areas of aerodrome runway.
结果表明,由配用可编程电子时间引信的侵彻子弹毁伤效果满足跑道未受损面积设计要求。 fabiao

The road, about six kilometers from the aerodrome, “was approximately600m long and was positioned in the same east-west direction as Runway27 at Shobdon, ” said the report.
报告中说,这条马路距机坪约六公里,「长约六百公尺,与索登机场的27号跑道同为东西向」。 taipeitimes

They are able to align themselves in the current like windsocks at an aerodrome, so that they find the best position for power generation.
它们就像飞机场的风向袋,能在水流中保持方向,这样可以找到最好的发电位置。 ecocn

They were responsible for receiving visitors at Beijing Aerodrome and for providing translation and interpretation services for the delegations and guests of the Universiade.
他们主要负责大运会期间在机场迎送外宾,为各个代表团和其他贵宾做陪同翻译等。 cctv

This paper introduces the method of TV tracking and identification for ground bridge and aerodrome road.
本文介绍了地面桥梁、机场跑道目标的电视跟踪与识别方法。 cnki

This system makes the aerodrome management more scientific and the information conservation more integrated.
该系统促进了机场建设管理的科学化、信息化和资料保存的规范化、完整化。 cnki

To complete the mission, you'll lick puzzles, rescue survivors, and seek gone out from the aerodrome.
为了完成使命,抢救幸存者,并寻求从机场出去。 zhangxin

You're cleared to do so, report aerodrome in sight.
你可以那样做,看到机场报告。 blog.sina.com.cn

Aerodrome, Aerodrome Surfaces Usage, Runway, RunwayDirection, Taxiway;
机场,机场表面使用,跑道,跑道方向,滑行道; blog.sina.com.cn

Aerodrome Warning and the Strong Monsoon Signal were issued.
天文台发出了机场天气警报和强烈季候风信号。 kuenglish




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