

单词 condoned
释义 con·done·d 英kən'dəʊn美kən'doʊn COCA⁴⁹²⁰¹BNC³⁹⁹⁹²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with;

excuse someone's behavior

She condoned her husband's occasional infidelities

近义词 brook小河excuse原谅ignore忽视forgive原谅overlook俯瞰tolerate容许disregard不顾pardon原谅,宽恕,饶恕…make allowances for考虑到

用作及物动词People cannotcondonethe use of fierce violence.人们不能宽恕使用凶残的暴力。
No faith or culture shouldcondonethe outrages against them.任何信仰或文化都不能宽恕对妇幼施加的暴行。 It's somewhat ironic now that these same methodologies condoned by Western governments now get used against the same governments.
现在这多少有点讽刺意味,西方政府一向对这些方法很宽容,现在它却反过来对付西方政府。 yeeyan

“ At least44 Hilton executives were personally involved in or aware of and condoned Hilton's wrongdoing, ” including five on its executive committee, Starwood said.
“至少有44名希尔顿的管理人员或涉及其中,或知道希尔顿的错误行为。”喜达屋表示,这其中还包括五名希尔顿的执行委员会官员。 yeeyan

But if it is proven that News Corporation’s managers condoned lawbreaking, they should not be running any newspaper or television firm.
如果经证明,新闻集团的经理纵容违法,那他们不应该经营任何报纸或电视公司。 yeeyan

But if it is proven that News Corporation’s managers condoned lawbreaking, they should not be running any newspaper or television firm. They should be in prison.
但如果事后证明新闻集团的管理人员纵容了违法行为,他们不应该运作任何报纸或电视公司,应该被投进监狱。 ecocn

EU leaders have in effect condoned Russia’s smash and grab.
欧盟领导人实际上是宽恕了俄国的打砸抢。 ecocn

Here, we see murder, a most disapproved human behavior, not only condoned, but encouraged.
在这里,我们看到,对于屠杀,这种最不能认同的人类行为,不仅宽恕,而且鼓励。 blog.sina.com.cn

Indeed, it has cosied up to a variety of Arab terrorist groups over the years, and has condoned and connived at the assassination of people who seek to cross it.
确实,叙利亚多年来一直接近形形色色的阿拉伯恐怖主义组织,容忍并默许暗杀叙利亚反对者的行动。 ecocn

Mother and Father only smiled again, much to Aunt Mary Maria's disapproval. Impatience in children should never be condoned.
父亲和母亲只是又笑了起来,更多的是针对玛丽·玛利亚阿姨的反对,对孩子不耐心是绝不应该的。 yeeyan

Party machines are weak, heresy condoned.
政党机器势单力薄,不一样的观点得到包容。 ecocn

She condoned her husband's occasional infidelities.
她宽恕了他丈夫偶尔的不忠。 nciku

They deny certain of their appetites but not others which custom has condoned. The saint is the triumph of harsh violence.
他们否定自己的某些欲望,不否定习俗所宽恕的另一些欲望。 blog.sina.com.cn

We don’t want to forgive because it feels like forgetting the wrong and we feel like the other person’s behavior doesn’t deserve to be condoned.
我们不想原谅,因为这似乎是忘记不公平,我们觉得有些人的行为并不值得被宽恕。 yeeyan

Workaholism may be the only socially condoned disease.
工作迷可能是唯一一种受社会赦免的疾病。 yeeyan




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