

单词 conditioner
释义 con·di·tion·er 英kənˈdɪʃənə美kənˈdɪʃənɚAHDkən-dĭshʹə-nər ★☆☆☆☆高IS四八COCA¹²⁵⁶⁵BNC¹⁷⁸⁷⁷iWeb⁶⁵⁷³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

exercise that conditions the body;

farm work can be a good conditioner

a trainer of athletesa substance used in washing clothing or hair to make things softer来自condition, 情况。即帮助达到一个好的状况的物品,后指护发素。air conditioner空气调节机power conditioner动力调节器neck conditioner颈肌练习器dough conditioner面团性质改进剂…hair conditioner护发素conditioner roll压扁辊repeater conditioner中继均衡调节器…oil conditioner油调节器crop conditioner农产品干燥机…soil conditioner土壤结构改良剂,土壤…abdominal conditioner腹肌练习器mud conditioner泥浆调质剂fluid conditioner流体调节器conditioner windrower割晒压扁机metal conditioner金属处理剂,磷化底漆…felt conditioner呢绒洗涤器signal conditioner信号调节器sand conditioner旧砂处理设备,型砂配…water conditioner净水器fabric conditioner织物软化剂
用作名词This new style of airconditioneris noiseless.这种新型空调没有噪音。
Only the whir of the airconditionerbroke the silence in the office.打破办公室内寂静的,只有空气调节机呼呼的转动声。
Lipstick and hairconditionerare cosmetics.口红和护发素都是化妆品。as in.modifier
同义词 adjective,adverb,transformeralterant,altereras in.tonic
同义词 analeptic,boost,bracer,cordial,drug,fillip,invigorator,pick-me-up,pickup,refresher,restorative,stimulant,strengthenerlivener,roborant,shot in the arm
modifiernoun limiter
tonicnoun restorative drink, medicine
analeptic,boost,bracer,conditioner,cordial,drug,fillip,invigorator,livener,pick-me-up,pickup,refresher,restorative,roborant,shot in the arm,stimulant,strengthener Co- enzyme Q10 sounds like something invented by hair- product manufacturers to sell conditioner.
辅酶 Q10听起来像是护发产品制造商发明出来推销护发素的东西。 yeeyan

Did you see that window air conditioner there?
你们看到那边那个窗式空调吗? hxen

For its existence as a big city, Phoenix depends on the air conditioner and imported water.
它作为一个大城市能够得以存在,靠的是空调和从外面运来的水。 edu.sina.com.cn

In other words, how hard can things be if you have a refrigerator, air- conditioner, coffee maker, cellphone, and other stuff?
换句话说,如果你有一台冰箱,空调,咖啡机,手机,和其他东西,还能有什么难的事情? yeeyan

It was summertime, and I know the air conditioner was on in the house but it dropped down really quickly.
当时是夏天,我也知道房子里开着空调,但是气温下降得实在是太快了。 eol

The Americans were more likely than the Chinese to say that shampoo and conditioner go together because they're both hair care products.
和中国人相比,美国人更倾向与认为洗发水和护发素更为接近,因为他们都是护发产品; yeeyan

Almost all urban households in China now have a washing machine, a refrigerator and an air- conditioner, according to government statistics.
根据政府的统计数字,现在几乎所有的城市家庭都拥有一台洗衣机、一个冰箱、一部空调。 yeeyan

Apply a deep conditioner and protein treatment regularly to help keep hair conditioned and strong.
定期使用深层护发素和蛋白疗法来帮助保持头发处于强健和良好的状态。 yeeyan

Do you have4 bottles of half used shampoo or conditioner?
你有4个用剩半瓶的洗发水和护发素? yeeyan

He regarded this new air conditioner with interest.

I would also be using wasting the conditioning product needlessly, and purchasing more conditioner than I really need.
我浪费了不必要的空调产品,并且购买了比我真正需要多的空调。 yeeyan

In due course, the company hopes to add the treatment to an ordinary shampoo or conditioner.
公司希望在适当时候把这种疗法加进普通洗发水或护发素里。 yeeyan

Include a new toothbrush, travel size shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion.
包括一个新牙刷,旅行香波,护发素和护肤液。 yeeyan

Much like a fabric softener, it helps make hair more manageable by depositing a fatty conditioner and fighting static.
和织物柔顺剂很相似,它能形成一层脂肪状的护发素,赶走静电,让头发更易打理。 yeeyan

On a hot day, a tree can release tens of gallons of water into the air, acting as a natural air conditioner for its surroundings.
在炎热的白天,一棵树能够向大气中释出数十加仑的水分,对周围环境起到自然空调器的作用。 yeeyan

Spray the conditioner onto your wet hair.
往你的湿头发上喷些护发素. kekenet

This conditioner is said to work wonders on hair damaged by routine swimming in chlorinated water.
这个护发素对于日常在受过氯处理的水中游泳而使头发受损有惊人的效果。 yeeyan

Unplug the phone and use a white- noise machine, or a fan or an air conditioner, to block out background noise.
把电话线拔掉,使用一个能产生白噪声的机器,或是打开电风扇、空调,以阻断背景噪音。 hxen

Your nose is a complex air conditioner. It controls the heat and humidity of the air you take in.
人的鼻子是一台复杂的空调,控制着吸入空气的湿度和温度,同时也过滤不需要的物质。 kekenet




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