

单词 condiment
释义 con·di·ment 英ˈkɒndəmənt美ˈkɑndəməntAHDkŏnʹdə-mənt ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝COCA²⁶⁰⁴⁵BNC⁶⁴⁹⁹⁸iWeb¹⁶³⁵³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a preparation a sauce or relish or spice to enhance flavor or enjoyment;

mustard and ketchup are condiments

con-, 强调。-di, 给予,词源同donate, date. 即放到一起调制而成的,调料。condiment vegetable香辛蔬菜alliaceous condiment有葱蒜味的调料…
GRE红宝书cond隐藏, -ment表结果读: 闷他-藏到锅里把他佐料闷起来广州煲汤的方法
dime 一角钱;用一角钱买的调味品如胡椒之类的佐料;conditioner 调节者
condi隐藏+-ment表结果→ 隐藏坏味道的东西 →佐料
GRE难词记忆condiment 音“康的门的”→健康之门的→调味品是健康之门的钥匙词根记忆condi隐藏+ -ment表结果 → 隐藏坏味道的东西 ⇒佐料GRE难词记忆condiment→con+dim=to put放+ent→做菜时放的东西→佐料词根记忆cond+i+-ment表结果=藏起坏味道=调味品近义词 sauce酱汁

用作名词Fish sauce is a traditional fermentedcondimentin coastal areas.鱼露是沿海地区的传统发酵调味品。
You then putcondimentand a little salt into noodles.然后你把佐料放进面条里,再加点盐。noun.flavoring
同义词 dressing,gravy,horseradish,ketchup,mustard,pepper,relish,salsa,salt,sauce,seasoning,spicecatsup,zest
currynoun food seasoning
flavoringnoun spice, extract added to food
gravynoun sauce
saltnoun seasoning
alkali,brine,condiment,flavor,flavoring,relish,savor,sodium chloride,spice,taste,zest
seasonernoun flavoring
seasoningnoun flavoring for food
condiment,dressing,gravy,herb,pepper,pungency,relish,salt,sauce,spice,zest A condiment consisting of a thick, smooth- textured, spicy sauce usually made from tomatoes.
含有粘稠且质地平滑的辛辣酱的调味品,通常用番茄制成。 iask.sina.com.cn

Congee porridges with condiment served with steam fish.
热粥佐以调料和蒸鱼柳,鸡肝,猪肉饺。 yingjiesheng

The marketers for the product decided to indent the condiment's container in order to reduce its content by 9%.
这种产品的销售者曾决定在订单中将其产品容器缩水9%。 yeeyan

The usage of condiment in food is discussed.
论述了调味品在饮食中的作用。 chemyq

The condiment industry mainly includes the following fields: chicken essence, soy sauce and complex condiment.
调味料行业主要有以下几个领域:鸡精、酱油和复合调味料。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thomas Jefferson advised Americans that meat should be treated as a condiment for vegetables.
托马斯•杰斐逊曾建议美国人:肉食应该作为蔬菜的调味品。 ecocn

“ FAILURE is the condiment that gives success its flavour,” observed Truman Capote.
杜鲁门卡波特宣称“失败是成功的调味剂。” ecocn

A salty brown liquid condiment made by fermenting soybeans and roasted wheat or barley in brine.
一种棕色流质咸调味品,以浸泡于卤水中的大豆及烘培小麦或大麦发酵制成。 kdnet

Asian populations tend to be quite positive about purchasing condiments of an ethnic or Asian persuasion; their population increase should support further growth in Asian condiment sales.
亚洲人趋向于明确地采办民族风味的和亚洲风味的调味品,亚洲人口数量的增长将撑持调味品销量在亚洲的进一步增长。 wenjiaoyu

Besides being a condiment on breakfast cereals, are there any other uses for berries?
除了作为早餐脆片的佐料以外,浆果还有其它用途吗? kekenet

Capsicol is a traditional condiment oil, it's very popular because of its good color and smell.
辣椒油是一种传统的调味油,由于色泽和香味好,深受消费者喜爱。 cnki

Experts have found that the condiment can help water retention if mixed with water and spread over soil.
专家已发现这种佐料与水混合,洒到土里后,有助于保持水分。 calm-sea

Go through your refrigerator on a weekly basis, checking your drawers, containers, and condiment racks for food that has turned into science experiments.
每周都检查一次你的冰箱,检查你的抽屉,容器以及调味品架,看看有没有已经变质的食物。 blog.sina.com.cn

In comparison to other condiment segments, ketchup and mustard occupies the middle ground, in terms of annual sales growth.
与其他调味品种类比拟,在每年的销售额增长上来说,番茄酱和芥末处在中间地位。 wenjiaoyu

It is tole that condiment industry is not only a complement of flavouring but also a compose of table economy of China.
从而告诉我们调味品产业不仅是风味特色的一种补充,它正成为中国庞大的餐饮经济的一个组成部分。 cnki

Of all condiment sales, 97% took place in supermarkets.
所有的调味品销售量,97%发生在超市。 wenjiaoyu

The astringent taste slightly spicy, aromatic intensity, fry smell better, and the people at home one of the most popular condiment.
其味麻辣微涩、芳香浓烈,炒熟后香味更佳,是百姓家最常用的调味品之一。 huajao.com

This paper studied the applied situation of yeast extract the condiment, and evaluate the results.
介绍了酵母精在调味品中的应用情况,并对结果进行了评定。 chemyq




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