

单词 condescend
释义 con·de·scend 英ˌkɒndɪˈsend美ˌkɑndɪˈsɛndAHDkŏn'dĭ-sĕndʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA⁵⁵⁴⁴⁰BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹iWeb³⁶¹⁰⁵

behave in a patronizing and condescending mannerdo something that one considers to be below one's dignitydebase oneself morally, act in an undignified, unworthy, or dishonorable way;

I won't stoop to reading other people's mail

treat condescendinglycondescend upon不厌其烦地细说…
词根scand-攀爬,上升,弹跳来自希腊语和拉丁语,过去分词形式为scans-, 常见变体形式:scend-/scens-。它和拉丁词根scal-梯子同源,最终都源自原始印欧语*skand-攀登,上升,弹跳。
GRE红宝书con共同, de向下, scend爬-全部向下爬-屈尊俯就
con descend 下降,别人都低,自己高人一等,屈尊
con+de+scend爬 →全部向下爬→俯就
con全部,完全,加强语气+de向下+scend攀爬,上升→下降,降低身份→俯就,屈尊⇒转作贬义词以高人一等、纡尊降贵的态度对待他人。GRE难词记忆condescend → con+descend下 降→ to letoneself down→屈尊词根记忆con + de + scend爬→ 向下爬 ⇒俯就词根记忆con全部+descend=全身向下=屈尊俯就近义词 stoop佝偻lower低的demean贬低disdain轻蔑descend下降humble谦逊的talk down驳倒patronise资助look down on俯视humiliate使 … 蒙羞deign有时作贬义或作反语屈…patronize以高人一等的态度对待…lower oneself降低自己的身分, 自甘堕…反义词 boast自夸pride骄傲

He occasionallycondescendedto take bribes.他偶尔也自贬身价接受贿赂。
Mr. Smith sometimescondescendsto help his wife with the housework.史密斯先生有时屈尊帮他的妻子做家务。verb.stoop, humble oneself
同义词 accommodate,accord,acquiesce,agree,bend,comply,concede,deign,descend,favor,grant,oblige,submit,unbend,vouchsafe,yieldbe courteous,come down off high horse,degrade oneself,demean oneself,high-hat,lower oneself,see fit,talk down to,toss a few crumbs
反义词 contradict,decline,deny,disagree,disallow,disapprove,disobey,dispute,dissent,fight,hinder,oppose,prevent,protest,refuse,reject,resist,veto,withholdrise above
deignverb lower oneself
consent,deem worthy,patronize,see fit,stoop,think fit,vouchsafe
deignedverb lower oneself
condescended,consented,deemed worthy,patronized,saw fit,stooped,thought fit,vouchsafed
lowerverb belittle, disgrace
abase,bemean,cast down,condescend,debase,degrade,deign,demean,depress,devalue,downgrade,humble,humiliate,stoop
vouchsafeverb permit
award,bestow,concede,condescend,deign,favor,give,grant,yield Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.
要彼此同心。不要志气高大,倒要俯就卑微的人。人或作事不要自以为聪明。 xddhy

If my Cousin Xifeng would condescend to take charge here for a month, that would set my mind at rest.
怎么屈尊大妹妹一个月,在这里料理料理,我就放心了。 ebigear

Even then, the most elevated Pushtun elder dares not condescend to another man of his tribe.
尽管那样,最高阶的普什图长者也不敢心怀优越地施惠于本部落的另一个人。 ecocn

Lucky every months will condescend to come, but if you didn't fix to go to greet it, may lose it hand over arm.
幸运每个月都会降临,但是如果你没有准备去迎接它,就可能失之交臂。 cmfei

Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate.
不要志气高大,倒要俯就卑微的人。 ebigear

Perhaps your father would condescend to help with the washing-up!
令尊大人或可纡尊降贵帮助刷锅洗碗吧! ebigear




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