

单词 condense
释义 con·dense 英kənˈdens美kənˈdɛnsAHDkən-dĕnsʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GIMT宝46八COCA²¹⁵¹¹BNC⁴³⁸³¹iWeb¹²⁶⁸⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

vt. & vi. 使变稠,变浓; 浓缩

cause sth to become thicker or more concentrated

vt. & vi. 使凝结

cause sth to change from gas or vapor to a liquid

vt. 简缩,摘要,简述

put sth into fewer words

undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops;

water condenses

The acid distills at a specific temperature

make more concise;

condense the contents of a book into a summary

remove water from;

condense the milk

cause a gas or vapor to change into a liquid;

The cold air condensed the steam

become more compact or concentrated;

Her feelings condensed

develop due to condensation;

All our planets condensed out of the same material

compress or concentrate;

Congress condensed the three-year plan into a six-month plan

condense, abbreviate, abridge, contract, shorten


1.abridge, condense和shorten都可指压缩文章、著作的篇幅而内容不变, abridge比shorten更文雅; abbreviate主要用于删除音节、字母或单词而保留词头; contract通常指省略单词的中间部分,不包括只保留词头的词。

2.表示“缩略成…”时, abbreviate, condense, contract和shorten常与介词to搭配; condense也常与介词into搭配。

condense, compress, contract, shrink

这组词都可表示“压缩”。condense指用一定的方法使物体聚缩得更紧密、结实或更浓厚、稠密,或减去不必要的部分使其体积变小,但不失去基本内容; compress指通过压〔挤,弄平〕等方式使物体变小或具有一定形状; contract指一物体由于某种原因或使用某种方法而使其体积由大变小或由长变短; shrink指长度、范围、容积等的收缩或变小。







来源于拉丁语形容词dens.us, dens.a, dens.um 稠的,厚的
词根词缀: con-加强意义 + dense稠密
同源词:dense, condenser, densely, density
用作动词 v.
~+名词condense milk浓缩牛奶condense report摘要报告condense steam使蒸汽凝结~+介词condense into凝结成,压缩成condense to凝结成
condense into v.+prep.

把…压缩成,缩减为 put into fewer words

condense into sthMoisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.大气中的水汽在夜间凝结成了露珠。condense sth into sthThe cold wind condenses vapor into rain.冷风使水蒸气凝结成雨。condense sth into sthHe condensed the paragraph into one line.他把这一段缩减成一行。
condense to v.+prep.

使凝结(cause to change to a liquid)

condense sth to sthSteam is condensed to water.蒸汽凝结成水。钱博士con加强语气+dens稠密的,在此转作动词,变稠密+e→变稠密⇒浓缩,凝结;使浓缩,压缩
GRE红宝书con全部, denseadj 密集的; 浓厚的-全部变浓-浓缩
con 全 + dense 浓 →全部浓缩
con全部+dense浓密 →全部浓缩
con加强语气+dens稠密的,在此转作动词,变稠密+e→变稠密⇒浓缩,凝结;使浓缩,压缩。非常记忆con一起〖词缀〗+dense等死〖谐音〗⇒机器不断压缩,一起等死吧蒋争熟词记忆con-加强意义dense浓缩⇒凝结;浓缩;缩短联想记忆con+dense密集的→变得密集的→使压缩,使凝结联想记忆con+dense密集的→变得密集的→使压缩谐音记忆音“啃胆死”⇒胆上凝聚了最毒的毒素词根记忆con全部+dene浓缩=全部浓缩词根记忆con + dense浓密⇒浓缩近义词 reducecompress反义词 expandenlarge
S+~+ASoup condenses when boiled.汤煮过后就浓了。
S+~+ n./pron.Condense the mixture by boiling off some of the liquid.通过煮沸蒸发掉一些液体,使混合液变浓。
I have condensed my report.我已缩短了我的报告。
Steam is condensed in thecondenser.蒸汽在冷凝器中凝结。
This long story can becondensed.这篇长故事可以简述。Pprecondenser预冷凝器Paircondenser空气电容器Pintercondenser中间冷凝器Pafter-condenser后部凝结器Pcondensern.凝结器冷凝器缩写者

用作动词Hecondensehis speech to half its original length.他把演讲的长度浓缩了一半。
You cancondensemilk by boiling away much of the water in it.煮去牛奶中大部分的水分可使它浓缩。
Steamcondensesinto water when cooling down.蒸汽冷却时凝结成水。
Water vapors cancondenseto form clouds.水蒸汽能凝结成云。
The essay is too wordy, you'd bettercondenseit.这篇文章太过冗长, 要简缩一下。verb.abridge
同义词 compress,curtail,shorten,summarize,thickenabbreviate,chop,coagulate,compact,concentrate,constrict,contract,cut,decoct,digest,edit,encapsulate,epitomize,inventory,precipitate,reduce,shrink,snip,solidify,sum,summate,telescope,trimblue pencil,boil down,cut down,densen,press together,précis,put in a nutshell,synopsize
反义词 extend,increase,lengthen,amplify,develop,enlarge,expand,grow,loosen,open,stretch,thin
abbreviateverb shorten
abridge,abstract,boil down,clip,compress,contract,cut,cut back,cut down,cut off,cut out,digest,encapsulate,get to the meat,pare,prune,put in a nutshell,reduce,summarize,take out,trim
abridgeverb shorten
abbreviate,abstract,blue pencil,chop,clip,compress,concentrate,condense,contract,curtail,cut,decrease,digest,diminish,downsize,lessen,limit,narrow,put in nutshell,reduce,restrict,slash,snip,summarize,trim,truncate
abstractverb prepare short document from longer one
ateverb erode, wear away;use up
bit,condensed,corroded,crumbled,decayed,decomposed,disappeared,disintegrated,dissipated,dissolved,drained,exhausted,gnawed,liquefied,melted,nibbled,ran through,rotted,rusted,spilled,squandered,vanished,wasted away
centralizeverb concentrate, draw toward a point
coagulateverb clot
clabber,coalesce,compact,concentrate,concrete,condense,congeal,consolidate,curdle,dry,gel,gelate,gelatinize,glop up,harden,inspissate,jell,jellify,jelly,lopper,set,solidify,thicken The gas cools off enough for the metal, rock and far enough from the forming star ice to condense out into tiny particles.
气体冷却到能够让金属、岩石和离正在形成的星星足够远的冰凝结成小微粒。 yeeyan

The steam will condense on the inside of the microwave loosening any stuck on food.
蒸汽将在微波炉内浓缩以驱走食物上的附着物。 yeeyan

The vapour cone effect is caused by pressure differences around the aircraft. A sudden drop in pressure associated with high speed allows water vapour, which is normally invisible, to condense as fog.
蒸汽锥效应是由于战斗机周围的压力差所导致的,高速飞行时压力的陡然降低会使不可见的水蒸气凝结成雾气。 yeeyan

The water molecules will eventually evaporate, condense, and recycle back to Earth as precipitation.
水分子会蒸发,凝结,形成降水,重新进入地球的水循环系统。 yeeyan

All of the protoplasm of the rod seems to condense into the granule, or young spore. in a hard dehydrated, resistant state.
杆菌中的所有原生质似乎都凝聚到此颗粒即幼芽孢中,使之处于一种干硬而有抵抗力的状态。 ebigear

As the heat diminishes, radioactive materials that have vaporized condense on the particles and fall back to Earth.
当核爆的热量减少,被蒸发放射性物质会浓缩到这些颗粒中,然后落到地面。 yeeyan

Astronomers know these condense into planets and asteroids.
而天文学家知道这些云状物最终将凝结成大小行星。 yeeyan

Based on decades of observations, astronomers know that sun- sized stars condense from vast clouds of dust and gas.
经过几十年的观察,天文学家知道太阳尺寸的恒星由大量的云雾和气体浓缩而成。 yeeyan

If you lower the temperature, you condense and get the liquid.

It would be impossible to condense a description of all the interactions and settings in the queues and queue manager down to an article or two.
将队列和队列管理器中的所有交互和设置的描述精简到一两篇文章中是不可能的。 ibm

It forces you to condense who you are into a relatively small about of space.
这个小框强迫你浓缩你的自我介绍。 yeeyan

It's what's going to condense first.

Naturalism tries to condense the scientific spirit into a philosophical theory.
自然主义试图将科学精神浓缩为一种哲学理论。 yeeyan

Now we then have to condense that steam and recirculate it back either to a steam generator or back to the core.

So I spent hours vaporizing water and watching it condense on a copper plate.
所以我花大量的时间将水汽化,再观察它在铜盘中凝结成水珠的过程。 yeeyan

The only difference is they made the effort to think for themselves and condense their understanding into a list.
唯一的区别在于他们付出了努力去独立思考并且将他们对此的理解浓缩成了一份列表。 yeeyan

The energy is used to heat the brine, partially evaporating it, and to condense the resulting water vapour.
这些能量被用来加热盐水,使其局部蒸发,然后将所产生的水蒸气凝结下来。 ecocn

These paler aerosols, and to some extent the blacker ones too, can provide sites for water to condense.
这些浅色的气溶胶,以及某一程度上,黑一些的气溶胶可以提供水凝结的场所。 ecocn

This can cause dew to condense out of the air, and mist to form in the air near the ground.
这样就导致露水从空气中凝结出来,使得在离地表比较近的地方出项雾气。 putclub

When they condense, however, they condense into rock clouds that rain little pebbles of different types of rocks.
但是,当它们凝聚后,它们变成卵石云降下不同成分的卵石雨。 yeeyan

You take that gas phase mixture, and you condense it in your condenser.

Condense it if necessary.
必要时浓缩新闻。 ebigear




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