

单词 conclusively
释义 con·clu·sive·ly 英kən'klu:sivli美kən'klu:sivli 高COCA²⁸⁹⁰⁸BNC²⁰²⁴⁴iWeb²⁰¹¹⁷Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

in a conclusive way;

we settled the problem conclusively

conclusive-ly像⇒adv.最后地⁶⁰;确定地⁴⁰近义词 finally最后decisively决然地categorically断然地convincingly令人信服地overwhelmingly压倒性地once and for all彻底地反义词 inconclusively非决定性地

用作副词The hypothesis is coherent, if speculative, and I cannotconclusivelyrule it out.如果冒险一些说,这个假说是自洽的,并且我不能确定地排除其可能性。
Since injection density cannot be varied independently, it is difficult to showconclusivelyits effect on combustion stability.由于不可能独立地改变喷射密度,要确定地指出喷射密度对燃烧稳定性的影响是很困难的。adv.finally
同义词 convincingly,decisively,definitivelydeterminately,once and for all,once for all,positively
absolutelyadverb certainly, without question
actually,categorically,come hell or high water,decidedly,decisively,definitely,doubtless,easily,exactly,for sure,no ifs ands or buts,no strings attached,on the button,on the money,on the nose,positively,precisely,really,right on,straight out,sure as can be,sure as hell,sure enough,surely,the very thing,truly,unambiguously,unconditionally,unquestionably
completelyadverb entirely
absolutely,all the way,altogether,competently,comprehensively,conclusively,effectively,en masse,entirely,exclusively,exhaustively,extensively,finally,from A to Z,from beginning to end,fully,hook, line, and sinker,in all,in entirety,in full,in toto,on all counts,painstakingly,perfectly,quite,solidly,thoroughly,to the end,to the limit,to the max,to the nth degree,totally,ultimately,unabridged,unanimously,unconditionally,undividedly,utterly,wholly,with heart and soul,without omission
effectivelyadverb efficiently
finallyadverb beyond any doubt
assuredly,beyond recall,beyond shadow of doubt,certainly,completely,conclusively,convincingly,decisively,definitely,determinately,done with,enduringly,for all time,for ever,for good,in conclusion,inescapably,inexorably,irrevocably,lastly,once and for all,past regret,permanently,settled,with conviction
intensivelyadverb completely
absolutely,all the way,altogether,competently,comprehensively,conclusively,effectively,en masse,exclusively,exhaustively,extensively,finally,from A to Z,from beginning to end,fully,hook, line, and sinker,in all,in and out,in entirety,in full,in toto,inside out,on all counts,painstakingly,perfectly,quite,solidly,thoroughly,to the end,to the limit,to the max,to the nth degree,totally,ultimately,unabridged,unanimously,unconditionally,undividedly,up and down,utterly,wholly,with heart and soul,without omission
once and for alladverb finally
after all,at last,at long last,at the end,conclusively,in conclusion,in the end,it's about time,sooner or later All the economic and sociological doctrines of Marx and all his interpretations of history have been conclusively disproved.
从结局上看,马克思所有的经济与社会学说,及其对历史的诠释,已经被证明是不正确的了。 yeeyan

In the long term, this will allow us to deliver better features with a lower price, conclusively benefiting our customer.
长远来看,这将允许我们以更低的价格交付更好的特性,对我们的客户决定有利。 infoq

It is entirely possible, but not yet conclusively proven.
完全有可能,但是目前尚没有得到最后的证实。 forbeschina

It was never conclusively proved how, though a contaminated sample may have been to blame.
虽然原因是一个样本受到了感染,但是如何感染的一直未有定论。 ecocn

“The evidence shows conclusively that moral and religious views form the only basis for a belief that same-sex couples are different from opposite- sex couples, ” Walker wrote.
沃克写道:“证据最终表明了道德和宗教的观点仅仅是建立在这样的一个基础上,即同性夫妇和异性夫妇是不同的。” yeeyan

But the fact that new ones are born conclusively proves that they are not immortal.
但是,新生命的诞生这一事实对于表明它们并非长生不死具有决定性作用。 yeeyan

Critically, these results demonstrate conclusively that molecular reproduction need not be based on template replicating DNA, RNA.
至关重要的是,这些结果决定性地表明,分子复制过程,不需要以 DNA, RNA的模板为基础。 yeeyan

Decisions as to how to conclusively address the region's problems cannot wait until the crisis gets more severe.
处理地区问题的最终策略,不能一直等到危机更加严重的时候才去设法处理。 yeeyan

For decades, researchers have been trying to prove conclusively that cholesterol is a major villain in this epidemic.
几十年来,研究者们试图证明胆固醇就是这种流行病的始作俑者。 yeeyan

In order to conclusively decide on an appropriate pattern, we need to explore the catalog of patterns for e- business a bit deeper using our stated requirements as a guide.
为了最终确定一个适当的模式,我们需要用我们所述的需求作为向导更深入地研究电子商务模式的目录。 ibm

No corporate saga has ever demonstrated quite so conclusively that politics and business don't mix.
没有一家公司的传奇故事总结性地表明了政治不能和商业混为一谈。 ecocn.org

No scientific studies have conclusively proven that friends and family make better dinner companions than televisions, but the benefits are clear.
虽然没有科学的研究结论证明,与家人朋友共同进餐比抱着电视进餐更好,但前者的好处却是显而易见的。 yeeyan

Or at least proving conclusively that there are no risks.
至少应该结论性地证明它们没有风险。 yeeyan

Samples of the Ukraine flu virus were provided to a British lab, for testing to conclusively subtype the virus.
乌克兰流感病毒的样本已经被送到英国的一个实验室,用来鉴定这种病毒的最终种类。 yeeyan

There is no test that can declare conclusively that a patient has fibromyalgia.
仍然没有任何检测手段能够最终确诊病人患有纤维组织肌痛症。 ecocn

This is by far the biggest study ever carried out and it shows fairly conclusively that the idea of a G- spot is subjective.
这是迄今为止规模最大的一次研究,同时也相当确凿地表明了 G点存在说是一种非常主观的想法。 yeeyan




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