

单词 conciliate
释义 con·cil·i·ate 英kənˈsɪliːˌeɪt美kənˈsɪliˌetAHDkən-sĭlʹē-āt' ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八TCOCA⁹⁶¹⁵³BNC⁵¹⁴⁵⁵iWeb⁴⁶²¹⁴

cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of;

She managed to mollify the angry customer

come to terms;

After some discussion we finally made up

make one thing compatible with another;

The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories

con-, 强调。-cil, 召唤,词源同call, claim, council. 即指召集到一起开会,协调,安抚。钱博士con一起+cil呼喊+i连接字母+ate拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀→喊到一起调解矛盾⇒安抚,调和,调解,使和解
GRE红宝书concil = council协商-协商解决问题-调节
不要混同console 安慰;cilia 睫毛,象征柔软,顺服
concil=council协商+iate→协商解决 →调和; 比较:ciliated有睫毛的,有纤毛的;
con一起+cil呼喊+i连接字母-ate…的拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀→喊到一起调解矛盾⇒安抚,调和,调解,使和解。GRE难词记忆conciliate→con=together+cili=to call+ate→to make friendly→使和好词根记忆concil=council协商+ iate → 协商解决⇒调和词根记忆con共同+cil+iate=把人召集到一起来=安抚别人近义词 allay减轻soothe缓和calm平静的lenify安慰settle解决quiet安静的appease安抚mollify安慰placate抚慰resolve解决assuage缓和make up弥补restrain抑制gentle温和的patch up修补alleviate减轻harmonize协调intervene干涉reconcile调和gruntle使高兴moderate适度的pacify使 … 平静accommodate供给住宿make peace讲和, 和解, 言归于好…反义词 estrange使疏远alienate使疏远

用作及物动词They tried toconciliatethe natives with presents.他们用礼物来博得土著人的好感。
He wanted to explain andconciliateher.他要向她解释,劝慰她。
They are both trying hard toconciliateone another.双方都在拼命想取得谅解。
It is hard toconciliatetheir views.他们的看法殊难调和。
William Penn wisely tried toconciliatethe Indians.威廉宾恩很明智地要与印第安人修好。
The two countries started to hold dialogues and showed a willingness toconciliate.两国开始对话,表示愿意和解。verb.placate
同义词 appease,pacify,satisfywin over
反义词 incite,irritate,upset
appeaseverb satisfy, pacify
allay,alleviate,assuage,be enough,blunt,calm,compose,content,diminish,do,ease,gratify,lessen,lull,make matters up,meet halfway,mitigate,mollify,patch things up,placate,propitiate,quell,quench,quiet,serve,soften,soothe,subdue,sweeten,tranquilize
appeasesverb satisfy, pacify
allays,alleviates,assuages,blunts,calms,composes,conciliates,contents,diminishes,does,eases,gratifies,is enough,lessens,lulls,makes matters up,meets halfway,mitigates,mollifies,patches things up,placates,propitiates,quells,quenches,quiets,serves,softens,soothes,subdues,sweetens,tranquilizes
arbitrateverb achieve settlement
adjudge,adjudicate,adjust,bring to terms,come to school,come to terms,conciliate,decide,determine,hammer out a deal,interpose,intervene,judge,make a deal,mediate,meet halfway,negotiate,parley,pass judgment,placate,play ball,reconcile,referee,settle,smooth,soothe,step in,straighten out,strike happy medium,trade off,umpire,work out a deal
arbitratedverb achieve settlement
adjudged,adjudicated,adjusted,brought to terms,came to school,came to terms,conciliated,decided,determined,hammered out a deal,interposed,intervened,judged,made a deal,mediated,met halfway,negotiated,parleyed,passed judgment,placated,played ball,reconciled,refereed,settled,smoothed,soothed,step in,straightened out,struck happy medium,traded off,umpired,worked out a deal
assuageverb soothe, relieve
allay,alleviate,appease,calm,compose,conciliate,cool,ease,fill,lessen,lighten,lull,make nice,mitigate,moderate,mollify,pacify,palliate,placate,pour oil on,propitiate,quench,quiet,sate,satisfy,soften,still,surfeit,sweeten,take the edge off,take the sting out,temper,tranquilize
compromiseverb come to an agreement
adjust,agree,arbitrate,compose,compound,concede,conciliate,find happy medium,find middle ground,give and take,go fifty-fifty,make a deal,make concession,meet halfway,negotiate,play ball with,settle,split the difference,strike balance,trade off The intellectual property law always being embodied and demanding the above aspects conciliate and balance, restriction of rights play the important role as the fulcrum between it.
知识产权法始终体现并要求达到上述两方面的调和与平衡,而“权利限制”在其中起着重要的支点作用。 dictall

The water rapids and the fish are enemies. A drawing of conciliatory makes them to conciliate. The family will be harmonious.
水濑和鱼是敌对的,画一个身金鱼头使其和解,家庭和睦。 tangkaart.w2.leoboard.com

“The club and the FIGC were not able to conciliate, but the parties have agreed on the possibility of trying arbitration, ” read an official statement.
“俱乐部和意大利足协间的矛盾无法调解,当事人已经同意了尝试仲裁的可能性。”一个官员透漏。 milanchina

Also he saw one dog, that would neither conciliate nor obey, finally killed in the struggle for mastery.
他也曾看见一条既不讨好,也不服从的狗,最后在争夺支配权的斗争中被杀。 kekenet

Although Rawls emphasised on the priority of private right in political Liberalism, this was no success to conciliate individual and group.
尽管罗尔斯的政治自由主义强调个人权利的优先性,但企图调和个体和群体的尝试并不成功。 cnki

An independent adviser has been brought in to conciliate between the two sides involved in the conflict.
一位独立顾问被请来调停卷入冲突的两方。 iciba

Article 51 Before giving an award, an arbitration tribunal may first attempt to conciliate.
第五十一条仲裁庭在作出裁决前,可以先行调解。 ebigear

But they no matter how heavy contradiction does it take place, to can conciliate always finally.
但是他们之间无论发生多么大的矛盾,到最后总是会和解。 wwenglish

Detention is one of the important criminal compulsory measures, which is to conciliate the relationship between the rights of the country and individuals in nature.
拘留是一种重要的刑事诉讼强制措施,其实质是调和国家权与人权的矛盾。 cnki

Elizabeth disdained the appearance of noticing this civil reflection, but its meaning did not escape, nor was it likely to conciliate, her.
伊丽莎白听了他这篇文雅的调整词令,表面上并不愿意显出很注意的样子。这番话的用意她当然明白,可是再也平息不了她的气愤。 jp345

He wanted to explain and conciliate her, but he also wanted to be well out of Chicago.
他想向她解释,安慰她,但是他还是想先远离芝加哥再说。 xddhy

He would never stoop to conciliate.
他决不屈就和解。 kuenglish

I demand someone to conciliate my heart with intelligence and concerned.
我需要有人用智慧和关爱来抚平内心的伤痛。 iask.jczs.sina.com.cn

If the parties apply for conciliation voluntarily, the arbitration tribunal shall conciliate.
当事人自愿调解的,仲裁庭应当调解。 putclub

In order to conciliate the conflicts and clashes at the time of society transition, she tolerates people's desire, but she never connives human's evil;
为了调和社会转型期的各种矛盾和冲突,她宽容世俗欲望,但绝不纵容人性之恶,恣意妄为; cnki

It can not only conciliate the conflict between low return at present and high long term return, but also coordinate government allocation of resources and market adjustment.
它既能解决西部大开发的近期收益低下与长期收益丰富的矛盾,又可以处理好资源行政配置与市场调节的关系。 cnki

It is nearly impossible to conciliate these two disagreeing parties.

There is a need to conciliate both parties, which will require a more refined strategy than before.
这就有必要对供求双方进行协调,要做到这一点将需要一个比以往更精确的战略。 who

They tried to conciliate the natives with presents.

Thus, in order to conciliate Arab dictators and radicals, Washington should retreat from long-standing principle and hand a dramatic victory to the forces of violence and extremism in Palestine.
如此一来,为了迎合阿拉伯独裁者和激进分子的口味,华府应当摈弃长期坚守的原则,向巴勒斯坦的暴力行径和极端势力献上一份饕餮大胜。 ecocn

William Penn wisely tried to conciliate the Indians.
威廉宾恩很明智地要与印第安人修好。 tdict




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