

单词 concierges
释义 concierges ˌkɔ:nsiˈɛəʒz COCA⁹¹⁵¹¹BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.看门人;门房concierge的名词复数原型concierge的复数 Clipboard- carrying concierges greet customers at the door to direct them to the right section of the store or to the personal shopper or trainer with whom they had made an appointment.
带着笔记本的门房在门口迎接顾客,把他们引导到店内的不同区域,或到个人销售者,或做过预约的培训人员那里。 yeeyan

It offers expert insight and tips from local Hyatt concierges in more than 40 destinations worldwide along with advice from confirmed frequent travelers.
社区里提供了全世界40多个地区旅游的专家分析意见,也有经过认证的游客经验分享。 tctopclub

Many of the apps act as virtual concierges, allowing customers to interact with the hotel or tourist board, secure bookings and reservations and obtain information about services.
以上大部分应用程序都以虚拟礼宾部的形式运作,通过它们,客户可以与酒店或旅游局取得联系、确认房间预订以及获得相关服务信息。 yeeyan

Amenities include rooftop pools, gyms, laundry services and concierges, none of which can be found in Washington's older buildings.
附属设施包括屋顶泳池、健身房、洗衣服务及门卫,这些都是华盛顿老建筑所不具备的东西。 ebigear

At the five-star hotels nearby, I asked concierges about quiet bars where I might meet people; they directed me to places I’d already rejected.
在附近的五星级酒店,我问一杂货店老板哪里有安静的酒吧可以认识人,他们指向了我已经拒绝的地方。 yeeyan

Check in was smooth and efficient. Concierges were swift, polite, precise and friendly.
入住时顺利而高效,礼宾动作敏捷,对人礼貌,服务周到,待人友好。 taskcn

They even have concierges aboard the flights, to make sure things are in order when you arrive.
甚至在飞机上乘客也可以享受官家服务,从而保证了乘客的安全抵达。 edu.sina.com.cn

They reward downtown concierges with lavish gifts in return for directing customers their way.
他们请市中心区各楼堂馆所的门卫和接待员向他们的客人推荐‘杰克’,作为回报,他们会毫不吝惜地赠送大量丰厚礼物给门卫们。 yeeyan




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