

单词 conch
释义 conch.

any of various edible tropical marine gastropods of the genus Strombus having a brightly-colored spiral shell with large outer lip来自拉丁词concha, 海螺,蛤蜊。拟声词,模仿吹海螺的声音。conch shell海螺壳trumpet conch海螺
近义词 shell壳

用作名词The crab lives in mantle cavity of a livingconch.这种蟹生活在活海螺的洞中。
The cuttlefish andconchhave similar ancestors.乌贼和海螺有相似的祖先。
Theconchexploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.〈海螺壳〉被砸成无数白色的碎片,不复存在了。as in.shellfish
同义词 clam,crawfish,crustacean,lobster,mollusk,mussel,oyster,prawn,scallop,shrimp,snailbarnacle,crayfish,piddock,whelk
shellfishnoun invertebrate
barnacle,clam,crawfish,crayfish,crustacean,lobster,mollusk,mussel,oyster,piddock,prawn,scallop,shrimp,snail,whelk According to popular belief, anyone lucky enough to hold a big, spiral conch shell will be treated to the loudest rendition of one of nature's“recordings.”
许多人深信,谁能幸运地捡到大海螺贝壳,便能受邀聆听大自然最盛大的“原音重现”。 kekenet

And pink noise, our son’s favorite, sounds like the tone you’d hear were you to take up residence inside a conch shell.
粉色的噪音,是我们儿子的最爱,听起来像你听到的音调,你拿起一个海螺居住在里面。 yeeyan

What is he pointing at? oh, he sees crab and conch under stone.
右边的他在指啥?哦,一定是指石头下面的螃蟹和菠螺。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ I be as hard and old as a conch shell, ”.
我如同老练坚硬的海螺壳。 blog.sina.com.cn

Along with his Haitian companion, Veronique Roy, and a smattering of associates, he dined on a grilled conch and promised a press conference.
跟他一起返国的还有 Veronique Roy和少数几位朋友,晚餐他吃了一份烤海螺,承诺举行一次记者会。 ecocn

Anhui Conch Cement, China's largest cement manufacturer, is the most commonly shorted Chinese company listed in Hong Kong.
中国最大水泥制造商安徽海螺水泥,已经成为了香港红筹股中最主要的做空力量。 yeeyan

Baby conch? I couldn't eat a whole one!
幼儿海螺?我连一个都吃不了! yeeyan

Dolphins first trap small fish in large conch shells with their rostrums beaks. They then bring the shells to the surface and shake them.
海豚先用它们的吻突将小鱼赶到大海螺壳中,然后将螺壳带出水面并晃动。 yeeyan

Gold-plated rope chain with enamel pendant in conch shape, set with crystals in various colours; lobster clasp.
镀金绳链与搪瓷吊坠在海螺形状,集晶体不同颜色;龙虾扣。 iciba

His ordinary voice sounded like a whisper after the harsh note of the conch.
听过海螺刺耳的声音后,他那平常的讲话再听起来就象是悄声细雨。 jukuu

I picked up the conch, listening to the echo of the sea, how wonderful ah!
我捡起海螺,倾听着大海的回声,多么美妙啊! tradeask

Raw conch is very popular.
生海螺很受欢迎。 eastpeekswest.com

The cuttlefish and conch have similar ancestors.
乌贼和海螺有相似的祖先。 blog.sina.com.cn

The waves receding, the beach would leave the beautiful shells and conch, many simply can even count.
波涛退去,海滩上就会留下那美丽的贝壳和海螺,多的简直数也数不清。 bannei

When she returned with the conch, they were waiting and watching.
当她带着海螺回来的时候,它们等待并看着。 yeeyan

When we are happy to play when a colorful conch attracted me.
正当我们开心地玩的时候,一块五颜六色的海螺吸引了我。 tradeask




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