

单词 concertación
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And respondents in the Adimark poll disliked the opposition, the centre-left Concertación coalition, which ruled for two decades until last year, even more than the government.
在 Adimark民意调查中回答调查问题者也不喜欢反对党,那个直到去年为止统治智利二十年的中间偏左协同联合政府甚至比现任政府还要不受欢迎。 ecocn

As a result, the Concertación has lost its majority in Congress.
结果,“民主联盟”失去了它在国会的多数派地位。 ecocn

Chile’s electoral system, in which two- seat districts force the parties into two broad coalitions, provides a powerful incentive for the Concertación to remake itself under younger leadership.
智利选举制度,拥有两席以上选区国会议员的政党必须加入两大联盟,为 Concertación联盟提供强力诱因在年轻干部领导下重建自己。 ecocn

FOR the past two decades Chile has been rather well-governed by the Concertación, a centre-left coalition.
智利在中左联盟 concertacion的良好领导下渡过了过去的二十年。 ecocn

For the first time, the Concertación will probably run two candidates.
“民主联盟党”将平生第一次可能会派出两位总统候选人。 ecocn

Secondly, he says he would retain many of the Concertación’s social and economic policies, but would be tougher on crime and inject a new“sense of urgency” to boost economic growth.
era表示他将保留很多 Concertación联盟的社经政策,但将更严厉制裁犯罪,并注入新的「急迫感」去推动经济成长。 ecocn

The Concertación has written into law a fiscal rule requiring the government to balance the budget over the economic cycle.
Concertación曾经立法,财政法规要求政府面对经济循环必须平衡预算。 ecocn

The Concertación is more vulnerable to the charge that in its way of doing politics it has lost touch with ordinary Chileans.
Concertación联合政府因被控操弄政治的方式而更易受伤害,他们曾失去与一般智利平民的接触。 ecocn

WHEN the centre-left Concertación coalition won power in Chile20 years ago, its epoch-making victory signified the end of the Pinochet dictatorship and the restoration of democracy.
中间偏左的 Concertación联盟二十年前在智利赢得政权,当年划时代的胜利代表Augusto Pinochet将军独裁统治走入历史和恢复民主。 ecocn

A year ago, her Concertación coalition lost a municipal election—its first-ever defeat.
一年前,她领导的 Concertación联合政府在市长选举落败──这是该党首次败选。 ecocn

As it is, her centre-left coalition, called the Concertación, risks losing power for the first time since democracy was restored in Chile in1990.
实际上,她隶属的中间偏左 Concertación联合政府正承受自1990年智利恢复民主后第一次失去政权的风险。 ecocn

Before him, the centre-left Concertación had ruled for a relatively tranquil20 years, overseeing a long and delicate transformation to democracy.
在他之前,智利中左翼执政联盟相对平稳地统治了20年,带领这个国家实现漫长而脆弱的民主转型。 ecocn

But the Concertación is no more popular.
但执政联盟不再受人欢迎。 ecocn

But he accuses the Concertación of, in essence, caging the animal spirits of entrepreneurship.
但是,他指控 Concertación在本质上将企业家的兽性关进笼里。 ecocn

But he will have powerful support in the media, most of which were hostile to the Concertación.
但是,他将有媒体的强力支持,大多数媒体敌视 Concertación联盟。 ecocn

But the previous Concertación governments did not take these things for granted.
不过,此前历届争取民主联盟政府根本没有把这些事情当回事儿。 ecocn

Chileans have gradually come to take all of this for granted. That made them less susceptible to the Concertación’s campaign claim that “it’s not all the same who governs”.
智利人民逐渐开始认为所有这些理所当然,不太容易受到 Concertación联盟竞选诉求「由谁执政不完全一样」的打动。 ecocn

He will inherit$16 billion saved in offshore funds by Concertación governments when the price of copper was high.
他将继承 Concertación联盟政府在国际铜价高档时,存入海外基金的160亿美元。 ecocn

Her critics in the Concertación say she has not let her ministers govern, trusting instead in a hermetic group of personal advisers of no great ability.
“争取民主联盟”内对巴切莱特持批评态度的人士表示她并没有让她的部长们进行统治,相反却信任一群没有多大才能、离群索居的私人顾问。 ecocn

His candidacy is a protest against the Concertación’s failure to hold a national primary election and against what he sees as the domination of ageing and unaccountable party bosses.
他的参选是对抗 Concertación未举办全国性初选的抗议,以及对抗那些高龄且无须承担责任之党国大老们的主宰。 ecocn

His son, the presidential candidate of the ruling Concertación coalition, faces a difficult election on December13th.
他的儿子是当前执政的 Concertación联盟的总统候选人,将在12月13日迎来一次艰难的选举。 ecocn

In a presidential election on December13th Sebastián Piñera, for the conservative Alianza, won44% of the vote whereas Eduardo Frei, of the Concertación, managed only 30%.
在12月13日的总统选举上,保守党 alianza塞巴斯蒂安•皮涅拉赢得44%的票数,而concertacion的爱多瓦多只得到了30%。 ecocn

Ms Bachelet has been a popular and successful president, but she is due to hand over power on March11th, bringing to an end20 years of rule by the centre-left Concertación.
巴切莱特夫人一直是个受欢迎和成功的总统,但她于3月11日任期结束移交权力,因此而结束中左联盟“争取民主联盟”20年的统治。 ecocn

The ruling centre-left Concertación coalition, which has been in power since1990 and had been looking tired, now has a chance in a presidential election next December it had seemed certain to lose.
智利执政党中左翼的民主联盟党自1990年就一直当政,该党在过去身心疲惫,在明年12月的总统选举中似乎肯定会一败涂地。但现在看来,该党很有可能赢得总统大选。 ecocn

Under the Concertación, Chile has been the region’s big success story, adding an increasingly robust democracy and welfare provision to the free- market economic policies bequeathed by Pinochet.
在 Concertación统治期间,智利拥有拉美区域最大的成功奇迹,日益巩固的民主体制和福利法规将 Augusto Pinochet留下的自由市场经济政策发扬光大。 ecocn




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