释义 |
Concept maps 基本例句 概念图 Arthur J Baroody, Bobbye H Bartels. . Usingconcept mapsto link mathematical ideas. Mathematics Teaching in the middle school, 5, 604.谭宁君1996。面积与体积的教材分析。载于甯自强主编:八十四学年度数学教育研讨会论文暨会议实录汇编,27-37。国立嘉义师范学院。 Ruiz-Primo,M.A.,& Shavlson,R.J..Problems and issues in the use ofconcept mapson science assessment. Journal of research in science teaching,33,569-600.陈淑芬、张国恩民86。概念构图式学习系统。国立台湾师范大学资讯教育研究所硕士论文。台北市:国立台湾师范大学。 It summarized the concept, categorization, making, research status quo and progress of concept map and its application.从概念图的概念、分类、制作、研究现状及进展、在护理教学中的应用等方面进行了综述。 |