

单词 concentration camps
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na.俘虏等的集中营;🌏集中营看守;集中营的原型concentrationcamp的复数 The displaced have been sequestered in shantytowns that some residents reportedly describe as concentration camps.
离乡背井者被隔绝在贫民窟中,对此,某些当地居民将其称为“集中营”。 yeeyan

As soon as Frau Schmitz learned to read, she began to read about the concentration camps.
施密兹夫人一学会了阅读,就开始读起有关集中营方面的书。 yeeyan

But Warsaw prefers not to remember the deaths of thousands of Russian POW in Polish concentration camps in1919-1921.
但是,华沙并不想铭记那些在1919-1921年间死于波兰集中营的成千上万的俄军战俘。 yeeyan

Horrors of Nazi Holocaust, concentration camps exposed.
纳粹大屠杀和集中营的恐怖大白于天下。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn

In just a few days in 1941, the Nazis shot more Jews in the east than they had inmates in all their concentration camps.
仅在1941年的几天内,纳粹在东线枪杀的犹太人数量,就比所有集中营的囚犯人数还要多。 ecocn

Nadia was riveted by heartbreaking details of life in the concentration camps.
Nadia被集中营让人痛心的生活细节的描写吸引住了。 yeeyan

People die over that. People have gone to the gallows and concentration camps over the issue of who they are.
人们可以为此牺牲生命,在归属认同的问题上,人们不惜走上绞刑架,不惜被关入集中营。 putclub

Some were rounded up and shot in their own villages, while others were shipped off to concentration camps.
他们有的被集中在自己的村子枪杀,有的被运送到了集中营。 yeeyan

The bestial treatment of slave labourers in concentration camps, and the use of gas chambers, are commonly seen as the epitomes of Nazi persecution.
在对纳粹迫害的记述概要中,经常可以看到集中营对奴隶劳工非人的虐待和毒气室的使用。 ecocn

These POWs, slave laborers and inmates of concentration camps produced engines for the Luftwaffe and so were forced to aid the regime in defending itself against those who were trying to save them.
这些战俘,奴隶劳工和集中营犯人为二战时期的德国纳粹空军生产发动机,被迫帮助专制政权对抗那些试图拯救他们的人们。 yeeyan

They might round us up and take us off to the concentration camps.
他们会把我们包围起来,带去集中营。 tingroom

We also meet Emily Hobhouse, a rector’s daughter who first rose to prominence by exposing the vileness of Britain’s Boer war concentration camps.
还有埃米莉•霍布豪斯 Emily Hobhouse,她是一个教区牧师的女儿,由于她揭露了英国布尔战争集中营的污点而名望显赫。 ecocn




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