

单词 concentrate on
释义 concentrate on 英'kɒnsəntreɪt ɒn美'kɑːnsənˌtreɪt ɑːn 高牛6研TI短语⁴⁸⁸⁸
集中于; 专心于

center upon;

Her entire attention centered on her children

Our day revolved around our work

近义词 center中心focus on集中在center on集中在revolve about 绕 … 旋转revolve around围绕 … 旋转…
Most have concentrated on shutting them down.大多数人都集中于弄垮爱沙尼亚的网站。
The research focuses on falling goods prices.研究集中于下降的商品价格。
You shouldconcentrate onyour study.你应该专心于你的学习。
He can keep his mind on his studies.他能专心于他的学习。as in.address
同义词 focus on,give,trydig,direct,turn,undertakeapply oneself to,attend to,devote oneself to,engage in,go at,go for,hammer away,have a go at,have at,knuckle down to,peg away,pitch into,plug away at,take care of,take up,throw oneself into,turn to
反义词 avoid,cut,disregard,ignore,overlook,pass,shun,slightas in.attend
同义词 follow,hear,note,observe,watchcatch,hearken,heed,listen,mark,mind,notice,regarddevote oneself,get a load of,keep an eye on,lend an ear,listen up,look after,look on,occupy oneself with,pay heed,pick up,see to
反义词 ignore,neglect,overlook,disregard,missbe absent,be lazyas in.buckle down
同义词 address,apply oneself,attend to,bend,dedicate oneself to,devote oneself to,exert oneself,get serious,give,give oneself over to,keep close to,keep one's mind on,knuckle down,launch into,occupy oneself with,pitch in,plunge into,put one's hand to the plow,put one's nose to the grindstone,set to,swing into action,take the bull by the horns,throw,turn
反义词 be lazy,ignore,relax
addressverb devote effort to something
apply oneself to,attend to,devote oneself to,dig,direct,engage in,focus on,give,go at,go for,hammer away,have a go at,have at,knuckle down to,peg away,pitch into,plug away at,take care of,take up,throw oneself into,try,turn,turn to,undertake
addressedverb devote effort to something
applied oneself to,attended to,concentrated on,devoted oneself to,directed,dug,engaged in,focused on,gave,had a go at,had at,hammered away,knuckled down to,pegged away,pitch into,plugged away at,threw oneself into,took care of,took up,tried,turned,turned to,undertook,went at,went for
addressesverb devote effort to something
applies oneself to,attends to,concentrates on,devotes oneself to,digs,directs,engages in,focuses on,gives,goes at,goes for,hammers away,has a go at,has at,knuckles down to,pegs away,pitch into,plugs away at,takes care of,takes up,throws oneself into,tries,turns,turns to,undertakes
attendverb pay attention;apply oneself
catch,concentrate on,devote oneself,follow,get a load of,hear,hearken,heed,keep an eye on,lend an ear,listen,listen up,look after,look on,mark,mind,note,notice,observe,occupy oneself with,pay heed,pick up,regard,see to,watch
buckle downverb work very hard
address,apply oneself,attend to,bend,concentrate on,dedicate oneself to,devote oneself to,exert oneself,get serious,give,give oneself over to,keep close to,keep one's mind on,knuckle down,launch into,occupy oneself with,pitch in,plunge into,put one's hand to the plow,put one's nose to the grindstone,set to,swing into action,take the bull by the horns,throw,turn As you develop this skill, concentrate on increasing your state of arousal and observe the sensations your clitoris produces.
为了开发这一技能,请集中精神,提高你唤起的状态,观察你阴蒂产生的感觉。 yeeyan

Assess what aspects of the job you really like and do well and then concentrate on expanding those activities.
评估一下自己喜欢工作中的哪些方面并且做得好,然后专注于扩大这类活动。 ebigear

For example, when you write new documents you concentrate on the writing and not on the colors, background, or navigation.
例如,当您编写新文档时,您可以专心于编写工作,而不必关心颜色、背景或导航。 ibm

If that’s the case, then concentrate on your target group.
如果事实果真如此,那就专注于你的目标客户群。 yeeyan

If you concentrate on the project, you can finish it on time.
如果你专注于这个项目的话,就可以按时完成。 kekenet

In this article I will not go into details on any of the above mentioned tasks, but will concentrate on the game loop alone.
在本文我不会深入前面提到的各种任务的详细实现,而是专注于游戏循环这一点。 yeeyan

That means that human and computer can each concentrate on what they do best.
这意味着人类和计算机各自都能够专注于他们擅长的领域。 yeeyan

You take everything one step at a time, you concentrate on the present moment of cooking, you do some monotonous activities like chopping or stirring that calm your body and mind.
你一步一步做这一切,专心于目前烹饪的这一刻,做一些单调的活动像切和搅拌可以使你的身心平和稳定。 yeeyan

Concentrate on areas that particularly excite you, but try not to stimulate only the most obvious bits.
专注于那些最能使你感到兴奋的区域,但是尽量不要只刺激那个最明显的点。 yeeyan

Concentrate on less, but give it your best.
专注于较少,但是给你最好的事情。 yeeyan

Concentrate on the fact that every action you take builds your future from the present.
专注于这个事实:你现在的每一个行动,都是在构筑你的未来。 yeeyan




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