

单词 conceded
释义 con·cede·d 英kən'siːd美kən'siːd COCA¹⁴⁹⁴⁸BNC⁹⁸⁶⁰Economist⁶⁷⁰⁴
vt. & vi. 承认


vt. 出让,容许

grant; allow

admit to a wrongdoing;

She confessed that she had taken the money

be willing to concede;

I grant you this much

give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of anotheracknowledge defeat;

The candidate conceded after enough votes had come in to show that he would lose

concede, accord, award, grant, vouchsafe


accord指给予某人应得的或与其身份、地位相符的利益、尊重等; award指授予、判予,所给予的物品应是应得的或值得的,而给予者常被看成是公正的; concede多指因外在压力迫使而给予或授予; grant指出于同情、正义感或要求而给予,多用于上级给下级或长辈给晚辈等; vouchsafe则指地位高的人仁慈地给予地位低的人所乞求的东西,有时用作反语。

concede, allow, grant

这组词都可表示“允许”“赞同”。它们之间的区别是:grant强调为了说明问题或把注意力集中在要点上而主动应允某事或承认某事属实; concede指在对方提出有力证据的前后勉强承认; allow指权威地承认某事属实、符合逻辑或有道理。








用作动词 v.
~+名词concede one's attention集中注意力concede one's efforts把某人的努力集中于某事上concede one's energies on集中精力concede one's mind专心concede rays of light聚光concede right to sb把权利让给某人concede some of their land割让土地给敌人concede soup煮汤concede one's thoughts集中思想~+副词concede apologetically容许别人表示歉意concede completely完全遵从concede finally最终承认concede frankly坦白承认concede freely从容承认concede generally普遍承认concede gently老实承认concede tactfully机智地承认concede tamely顺从地承认~+介词concede in argument在辩论中让步concede sth into a focus把…聚成焦点concede on专心于,集中在concede to sb's demands对某人的要求让步
近义词 allow允许grant授予admit承认yield生产own自己的accept接受accede同意give in屈服give up放弃confess承认profess 声称forfeit没收物recognize承认cede割让领土compromise妥协acknowledge承认deign有时作贬义或作反语屈…
S+~+AShe was so persistent that I conceded at last.她非常固执,所以我最后让步了。
S+~+ n./pron.The government conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known.选举结果一揭晓,政府就承认失败。
We concede a couple of points in your contentions.我们承认你的论点中有两点是正确的。
He refused to concede an inch.他一步也不退让。
We cannot concede any of our territory.我们不能放弃一寸国土。S+~+that-clauseI conceded that I had made a mistake.我承认我犯了一个错误。
He conceded that he had been wrong.他勉强承认自己当初错了。
Everyone concedes that was true.每个人都承认那是正确的。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.Tom conceded John five points.汤姆让给约翰五分。
Finally he conceded me two thirds of his property.最后他把自己三分之二的财产转让给了我。
The master of the house conceded me the right to use the front door.房子的主人允许我使用前门。
He conceded us the right to walk through his land.他允许我们从他的土地上走过去。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.He conceded ten points to his opponent.他让给自己的对手十分。
In playing Chinese chess he always conceded one horse and one cannon to his opponents.在下中国象棋时,他总是要让对手一马一炮。
The former leader conceded the election to the opposing party.这位前领导人承认反对党在选举中获胜。
S+~+ n./pron. +as adj.They had to concede this as true.他们不得不承认这是真的。




用作及物动词Iconcedethat you are right.我承认你是对的。
You mustconcedethat I have tried my best.你必须承认我已经尽力了。
The defeated side had toconcedesome of their territory to the enemy.战败的一方不得不把一部分领土割让给了敌人。
Youconcedenothing to me and I have toconcedeeverything to you.你对我无论什么都不肯让步;我对你,可无论什么都得让步。
The government was forced toconcededefeat .政府被迫承认失败。用作不及物动词Mike had toconcedewhen he confronted his parents当面对他的父母,麦克不得不让步。as in.permitted
同义词 acceptable,allowable,allowed,approved,authorized,licensed,sanctionedaccorded,chartered,consented,favored,legalized,let,okay,tolerated
反义词 denied,prohibited,refused,unacceptableas in.legally
同义词 constitutionally,justly,lawfully,legitimatelyadmittedly,allowably,authorized,by law,enforcibly,juridically,licitly,permissibly,rightfully,warranted
反义词 illegally,illicitly,unlawfully
legallyadverb in accordance with the law
admittedly,allowably,authorized,by law,constitutionally,enforcibly,juridically,justly,lawfully,legitimately,licitly,permissibly,rightfully,warranted
most permittedadjective granted
permittedadjective granted
acceptable,accorded,allowable,allowed,approved,authorized,chartered,conceded,consented,favored,legalized,let,licensed,okay,sanctioned,tolerated At the moment, he conceded, “ everything is illegal”.
这时候,他承认“所有事都是非法的。” yeeyan

It is also the one least likely to be conceded. A freedom- of- information law and measures to tackle corruption and politicians' privileges may prove more realistic ambitions.
人民党最不愿意承认的是信息自由法律、解决腐败的措施和政客的优惠权利也许会证明人民党有更现实的政治野心。 ecocn

“ I suppose so, ” conceded the mother.
“我想是这样的”母亲承认。 yeeyan

“ We have a lot of problems, so nobody can relax,” he conceded in his latest fireside chat.
在最近的炉边谈话中他承认,“我们现在面临很多问题,每个人都不能放松。” ecocn

But he conceded it was not an altruistic bid to save newspapers.
但他也承认说这不是一项拯救报业的利他主义行动. yeeyan

But negotiators conceded this year that there was no chance of a legally binding deal.
但是,谈判代表们承认,今年没有机会确定具法律约束力的协议了。 yeeyan

Even Mr Ballmer conceded back then that he was searching for the “ holy grail” of healthcare.
即使是鲍尔默先生当时也承认,说他是在搜寻保健行业的“圣杯”。 ecocn

He conceded the election to his opponents.

In your conceded dreams, I am sure, you must invent and see and listen to persons who for the while seem quite as real to you as I do now.
在那些你承认做过的梦中,我确信你一定想象过、看到和听到过一些人,这些人当时在你看来像我现在对于你一样真真切切。 blog.sina.com.cn

Italy have conceded2 goals from the only2 shots on target against them at this World Cup.
本届世界杯,意大利的对手仅2次射正球门,但这2次都造成了意大利的失球。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Marot conceded that any clause in record label contracts would take time to hammer out.
马罗特承认,唱片公司的合同中任何一项条款都需要时间来敲定。 yeeyan

Participants have conceded this point.
参与者们都承认这一点。 ecocn

She also subscribed to a selective amnesia: “ I have the habit of forgetting what I do not care to remember, ” she conceded.
另外,她有选择性的健忘症:“我有个习惯,我会忘记那些我不想记住的事物,”她承认说。 yeeyan

The moment for sanctions might yet arrive, Mr Sarkozy conceded.
萨科齐承认,制裁的时刻仍然可能到来。 ecocn




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