

单词 conceals
释义 con·ceal·s 英kən'siːl美kən'siːl COCA³²⁹⁴⁸BNC²³⁵³¹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
vt. 隐藏; 隐瞒,遮住

hide; keep secret; keep sb/sth from being seen; cover; screen

prevent from being seen or discovered;

Muslim women hide their faces

hide the money

hold back; keep from being perceived by others;

She conceals her anger well

conceal, cover, dissemble, hide


hide是这组词中含义最广泛的词,既可指故意的隐藏,也可指无意中偶然的隐藏,有时还指客观上某物被另一物所掩盖; conceal强调故意将事物隐藏起来,不使他人知道; dissemble和cover指用言语或行动来隐藏或掩饰真正的感情、思想、意向、计划等, cover有蒙混过关或不被人发觉的意味; 而dissemble指可以令人产生一种错觉。例如:

The trees concealed me from view.那些树把我遮住,别人看不见。
He was thinking the enemy must have hidden themselves somewhere.他在想敌人一定藏在什么地方。
How can we cover up our mistakes?我们怎样才能把我们的错误掩盖起 来呢?
She dissembled her anger with a smile.她以微笑掩饰她的愤怒。conceal,hide,screen





1292年进入英语,直接源自古法语的conceler,意为隐藏,隐瞒;最初源自古典拉丁语的concelare:com- 一起 +celare 隐藏,隐瞒,意为隐藏,隐瞒。
用作动词 v.
~+名词conceal one's anger隐藏怒气conceal present把礼物藏起来conceal the weapon隐藏武器~+介词conceal oneself behind the trees藏在树后conceal by the cloud被云遮住conceal from对…隐瞒conceal sth under a smile以微笑隐藏…
conceal from v.+prep.

隐蔽…以避开…,对…隐藏某事( hide sth, sb or oneself from sb/sth)

conceal sb/oneself/sth from sb/sthThe trees concealed me from view.那些树把我遮住,别人看不见。
He didn't conceal anything from you.他对你什么也没有隐瞒。近义词 hidedisguisedissemble反义词 revealdisclose
S+~+ n./pron.I never conceal my political views.我从不隐瞒我的政治观点。
He tried to conceal the fact that his young sister was ill.他企图隐瞒他妹妹生病这个事实。
The door was partially concealed by the drapes.门有一部分被门帘遮住了。
The boy was reading a book which was concealed under his desk.那个男孩正在读藏在书桌下面的一本书。
用作及物动词Heconcealedhimself behind the tree.他藏在树后。
It is against law toconcealevidence.隐藏证据是违法的。
It is wrong for a man toconcealthings from his wife.一个男人对妻子隐瞒事情是不对的。
She tried toconcealwhat she had done to them.她试图隐瞒对他们所做的事。
He could hardlyconcealhis joy at his departure.他几乎掩饰不住临行时的喜悦。verb.hide, disguise
同义词 bury,camouflage,cloak,cover,cover up,harbor,lurk,mask,obscure,stash,stow,wrapbeard,burrow,cache,couch,dissemble,ditch,duck,ensconce,enshroud,masquerade,plant,screen,secrete,shelter,skulk,slink,sneak,veilhole up,keep dark,keep secret,lie low,put in a hole,stay out of sight,tuck away
反义词 disregard,ignore,reveal,uncover,unwrap,filldisclose,divulge,expose,lay bare,let out,open,show,tell A key to the illicit trade is use of a network by buyers and sellers that conceals their identity.
买家和卖家利用网络进行非法交易的关键在于可以隐藏身份。 yeeyan

And in both cases the family of the deceased woman conceals the legacy from her surviving friend.
同样,在两部小说中,死去的女人的家庭又都向她活着的朋友隐瞒了那笔遗产。 yeeyan

But that obvious observation conceals a precise mathematical description: the link between the severity and frequency of conflicts follows a smooth curve, known as a power law.
用一个很简单的数学式,可以表示为:存活率与冲突频率间呈现平实的曲线关系,这被认为是法的力量。 yeeyan

On the other hand, Europa's smooth, icy surface likely conceals an ocean of liquid water.
另一方面,木卫二光滑的冰层之下很可能掩藏着一个液态水的海洋。 yeeyan

Pray, don't imagine that he conceals depths of benevolence and affection beneath a stern exterior!
求求你别妄想他在一副严峻的外表下深深埋藏着善心和恋情! putclub

The face conceals the motive for each word.
面孔隐瞒动机为各个词。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

A lonely island in the middle of the South Atlantic conceals Charles Darwin's best- kept secret.
一个南大西洋中部的孤岛隐藏着查尔斯达尔文保存完好的秘密。 yeeyan

A modeling technique where a topless woman conceals her nipples by covering both breasts with her hands or fingers.
这是一种模特技法。上空的女性用她的双手和手指,遮掩她的双乳,以隐蔽她的乳头。 yeeyan

He conceals the fact that he is jealous of my seal and wants to steal it.
他隐瞒了他嫉妒我的印章并想偷的事实。 hjenglish

However, this continuity of geography conceals the reality that China has changed shape over the centuries, and continues to do so even now.
然而,地理的连续性掩盖的真相是,几百年间,中国的版图已经改变,甚至这个改变还在继续。 yeeyan

Take Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth, who during the day conceals the depth of her treachery, but at night in her sleep confesses her guilt.
莎士比亚戏剧中的麦克白夫人白天深藏她的背叛行为,而晚上在睡梦中供认罪行。 yeeyan

That average, though, conceals great regional inequalities.
但是,这一平均水平掩盖了大区域的不平很大的地区发展不均等问题。 ecocn

The moon is just bursting through the clouds, and there, standing where you do, and wrapped in that cloak that conceals your figure, you remind me of M. de Villefort.
月亮正从云堆里钻出来,而您所站的那个地点,和您裹住全身的这件披风,使我想起了维尔福先生。 ebigear

The dictator he presents to the world conceals the father figure who tells a lad off for calling him“ Alex” but still admires his spirit and sees life as rich in comedy.
他对外的暴君形象掩盖了他父亲般慈爱的形象。他会责备那个叫他“艾利克斯”的小伙子,但仍赞赏他的精神并乐对生活。 yeeyan

While drawing attention to the successes achieved, the report in no way conceals the main problems that still have to be overcome.
在提请注意所取得成功的同时,报告并没有隐瞒仍需要解决的主要问题。 who




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