

单词 Compton
释义 Comp·ton 英ˈkɒmptən美ˈkɑmptənAHDkŏmpʹtən 高COCA¹⁸⁹⁰⁶BNC¹⁷⁶¹³

United States physicist noted for research on x-rays and gamma rays and nuclear energy; his observation that X-rays behave like miniature bowling balls in their interactions with electrons provided evidence for the quantal nature of light 1892-1962compton effect物理康普顿效应…compton scattering物康普顿散射…

用作名词In the field of Compton scatter imaging, the problem of how to image a large-scale object is still not fully settled.摘要在现有的康普顿散射成像技术中,如何对大型物体进行成像的问题始终没有得到充分解决。
Compton scattering can't be understood on the basis of classical electromagnetic theory.康普顿散射不能根据经典电磁理论去理解。用作名词In the field of Compton scatter imaging, the problem of how to image a large-scale object is still not fully settled.摘要在现有的康普顿散射成像技术中,如何对大型物体进行成像的问题始终没有得到充分解决。
Compton scattering can't be understood on the basis of classical electromagnetic theory.康普顿散射不能根据经典电磁理论去理解。 Do some necessary calculations and decide on the general scheme of Compton Back- Scattering Imaging Scanner to the real wall inspection.
针对墙体检测这个实际问题,在必要的理论分析计算基础上,提出了康普顿背散射成像仪的总体设计方案。 cnki

Image to left: The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory was the second of NASA's Great Observatories.
康普顿玛射线观测站(CGRO位居第二。 yeeyan

The distribution of electron momentumDEM in carbon allotropes was measured by Compton scattering method.
本文介绍了用康普顿散射方法研究碳同素异形体的电子动量密度分布。 cnki

The radiography based on Compton back- scattering fits to detect such low atomic number material as explosive, drugs and so on.
康普顿散射成像技术对低原子序数的物质很灵敏,适宜对毒品、炸药等物品的检测。 cnki

As she helps with the re painting of damaged buildings in Clapham, Sara Compton, a young American volunteer, says the big clear-up has been“the best dating opportunity all summer”.
一位来自美国的志愿者,萨拉·康普顿在克拉彭帮忙为被毁坏的建筑刷新漆的时候说,这次大清扫是“整个夏天最佳的艳遇场所”。 renren

By making use of the Vlasov distribution theory and the three dimensional wave equation of waveguide modes, the dispersion relation of scattered waves in Compton region is deduced.
利用电子束的弗拉索夫分布函数理论和三维波导模的波动方程求得在康普顿区域中的散射波色散关系。 cnki

First, the thesis discusses Compton scattering energy spectral data simulation using Monte Carlo Method.
首先,本文讨论了康普顿散射能谱的蒙特卡罗模拟方法。 cnki

In the field of Compton scatter imaging, the problem of how to image a large-scale object is still not fully settled.
在现有的康普顿散射成像技术中,如何对大型物体进行成像的问题始终没有得到充分解决。 dictall

Our results indicate that the inverse Compton contribution is important.
结果表明,逆康普顿散射的贡献是大的。 cnki

Synthetically evaluate the latest application case of Compton Back- scattering according to the papers at home and aboard.
综合国内外的有关文献,对康普顿背散射技术的研究现状进行评述。 cnki

The optical guiding in Compton free-electron laser FEL has been theoretically studied and simulated numerically.
对康普顿型自由电子激光 FEL光导效应进行了理论分析和数值计算。 dictall

This thesis first studies electron density imaging based on Compton scattering energy spectral data.
本文从康普顿散射的能谱出发,研究物质电子密度图像的重建问题。 cnki




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