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com·press·es 英'kɒmpres美'kɑːmpres COCA⁴³⁹⁴²BNC⁵⁸⁹¹⁴ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型例句例句 vt.压缩⁹⁹;压榨¹n.医敷布原型compress的三单过去分词compressed现在分词compressing三单compresses v.动词 vt. 压紧; 压缩,浓缩; 缩短force a substance into less space; press together Noun: a cloth pad or dressing with or without medication applied firmly to some part of the body to relieve discomfort or reduce fever Verb: make more compact by or as if by pressing;compress the data squeeze or press together;she compressed her lips the spasm contracted the muscle v.动词 compress, condense, contract, shrink这组词都可表示“压缩”。condense指用一定的方法使物体聚缩得更紧密、结实或更浓厚、稠密,或减去不必要的部分使其体积变小,但不失去基本内容; compress指通过压〔挤,弄平〕等方式使物体变小或具有一定形状; contract指一物体由于某种原因或使用某种方法而使其体积由大变小或由长变短; shrink指长度、范围、容积等的收缩或变小。 condense,compress,contract,shrink这些动词均含“收缩,压缩”之意。 condense指将东西压缩得更紧密、紧凑,但不失去原有的内容。 compress指把乱而不成形的东西压成一定形状。 contract主要指以内、外部力量进行紧缩,也可用作引申。 shrink侧重指因收缩而达不到原有的长度、体积或容积。 press,jam,squeeze,compress,squash这些动词均含“压、挤”之意。 press普通用词,指一个物体在另一个物体上加压力。 jam专指四面八方都压紧或塞满。 squeeze多指从两面或多面施加压力来压紧、压碎或压出水来。 compress指把某些东西压在一起或使占有较小空间。 squash指某物受力被压偏或压碎。也指塞挤。 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的compresser,意为压在一起。compress into压缩成ice compress冰敷hot compress热敷法wet compress湿敷布cold compress冷敷布,冷压缩,冷敷…compress technique压缩技术compress method罨包法electrothermic compress医 电热敷布…caliber compress弯脚圆规cold wet compress冷湿敷fenestratedl compress开孔敷布fango compress医 泥敷medicated compress药敷法 用作动词v. compress into v.+prep.
将…压缩成… make (sth take up less space) compress sth into sthHe compressed cotton into bales.他将棉花压紧打成棉花包。 He compressed his report into three pages.他把他的报告压缩到三页的长度。 The poet compressed many thoughts and emotions into a few well-chosen words.诗人将丰富的思想感情浓缩于几个精选的词语里。近义词 pressconstrict反义词 expandspread 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.In her anger she compressed her lips so tightly that they went white.她生气时把嘴唇闭得很紧,嘴唇都变白了。 动词100% 用作及物动词Compress this clay into a small ball.把这块粘土压缩成一个小球。 Click the picture that you want tocompress.单击要压缩的图片。 Apply cool running water or wet compresses as soon as possible, continuing until the pain subsides. 尽快用流动的冷水冲或用湿布敷,直到疼痛减轻。 yeeyan The backup utility compresses the data before hitting the disk, in the buffer. 备份实用程序在到达磁盘之前在缓冲区中压缩数据。 ibm The initial rapid expansion of the fireball severely compresses the surrounding atmosphere, producing a powerful blast wave. 火球最初的迅速膨胀剧烈地压缩着周围的大气,产生了威力巨大的冲击波。 yeeyan And for storage of high resolution files, JPG compresses to tiny proportions, with quality loss only visible on close inspection. 而为了储存高分辨率的文件, JPG压缩到小比例,只有非常仔细才能看到画质的降低。 yeeyan As the cloud collapses, it heats up and compresses in the center. It heats enough for the dust to vaporize. 随着这些云的瓦解,它的内部开始变热并压缩,它热到能使尘埃蒸发。 yeeyan As the supernova blast wave slams into tenuous clouds of interstellar gas, the resulting collision heats and compresses the gas, causing it to glow. 当高速行进的超新星冲击波与稀薄的星际气体相撞时,气体受到压缩和加热,因此而发光。 yeeyan By involving customers in each iteration, iterative testing compresses the delivery cycle to the design partner customers, while maximizing the value of the application to this customer. 在迭代过程中引入客户意见,迭代测试压缩对客户的交付周期,从而最大化应用程序对于这个客户的价值。 ibm Compression does not affect HTTP headers; it only compresses the content. 压缩不影响 HTTP头;只对内容进行压缩。 ibm Have your coach or doula or nurse use warm compresses, a heating pad, or ice packs or cold compresses— whichever soothes best. 让你的教练或者导乐士和护士用热水袋,或者冰袋——任何一种更能抚慰你的。 yeeyan Hot packs and cold compresses ease symptoms. 热敷与冷敷都可以缓解症状。 ebigear It then compresses the symbol using a very simplistic algorithm. 然后,它使用一种非常简单的算法对该符号进行压缩。 ibm It then compresses the symbol with the same algorithm used by the Bus filter. 然后,它用总线过滤器所使用的同一种算法压缩该符号。 ibm It compresses warehouse tables with an efficient algorithm and stores them in memory. 它使用一种有效的算法压缩仓库表并将它们存储在内存中。 ibm It's lighter-weight, allows you to enter arbitrary URLs in the address bar, and compresses wide pages accurately. 它是轻量级的,允许您在地址栏中输入任意的 URL并且准确地压缩宽页面。 ibm Its windmill compresses air directly. 他们直接利用风车来压缩空气。 ecocn Some people may find relief with hot or cold compresses. 一些人觉得热敷或者冷敷可以缓解疼痛。 yeeyan The phone’s camera then snaps a photograph, compresses the image and sends it to a clinic for evaluation. 这个手机相机咔嚓出一张照片,压缩并发送到诊所做评估。 yeeyan The engine invokes an interceptor that examines the request, potentially compresses the content, and inserts context into the request, indicating the compression technique used. 该引擎调用一个拦截器指出所使用的压缩技术,这个拦截器检查请求、可能对内容进行压缩并将上下文插入请求中。 ibm When enabled, the OS compresses LPAR memory and leaves the remainder of the memory in an uncompressed state. 启用之后, OS压缩 LPAR内存,内存的其余部分保持未压缩状态。 ibm When the uncompressed pool is full, the operating system compresses the data and moves it from the uncompressed pool to the compressed pool. 在未压缩池已满时,操作系统会压缩数据,并将其从未压缩池移到压缩池中。 ibm When a jet is running, a compressor at the front draws in air and compresses it see illustration. 当飞机飞行时,前部的压缩机吸进空气进行压缩见图表说明。 ecocn When it rises towards the warmer surface the wax melts and expands, which compresses a tank of air. 当它上升至暖水层时蜡会融化并膨胀,从而挤压容器内的空气。 ecocn |