

单词 compounds
释义 com·pound·s 英'kɒmpaʊnd美'kɑːmpaʊnd COCA⁹²⁰⁹BNC⁷⁷¹⁸Economist⁹⁷⁷³
C复合物,化合物; 复合词

thing made up of two or more separate things combined together; substance consisting or two or more elements chemically combined


an area enclosed by a wall, fence, etc.containing a group of buildings

vt. 使混合,使合成

make a substance or quality by combining parts

vt. 使严重; 使恶化

make worse by adding to or increasing

a whole formed by a union of two or more elements or partschemistry a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weightan enclosure of residences and other building especially in the Orient
composed of more than one part;

compound leaves are composed of several lobes;

consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or elements or parts;

soap is a compound substance

housetop is a compound word

a blackberry is a compound fruit

composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole or colony;

coral is a colonial organism

make more intense, stronger, or more marked;

The efforts were intensified

Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her

Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness

This event only deepened my convictions

put or add together;

combine resources

calculate principal and interestcreate by mixing or combiningcombine so as to form a whole; mix;

compound the ingredients

compound, amalgam, blend, composite, mixture

这组词的共同意思是“混合物”。mixture指两种以上东西的混合物,既可指具体的,也可指抽象的东西; amalgam通常指质软的东西的混合物,在比喻用法中指易塑的或未成型的东西; blend着重指液体、气体的混合; composite着重指人为的或偶然的混合; compound主要指化学上的“合成,化合物”,也指任何有内在联系的东西。












用作名词 n.
形容词+~chemical compound化合物organic compound有机化合物名词+~factory compound工厂区temple compound寺院~+介词compound of…化合物compound of sodium and chlorine钠和氯的化合物用作动词 v.~+名词compound differences消除分歧compound mistake加重错误compound offence加重过错compound trouble加重困难~+介词compound…from…用…配成…compound of由…合成
近义词 mixturen. combination反义词 simple简单的
用作名词n.When two or more elements combine and form a compound, a chemical change takes place.当两种或两种以上的元素结合形成化合物时,发生化学变化。
Many words arecompounds, such as blackboard, inkpot, and the like.许多词是复合词,如blackboard, inkpot等等。
The compound was subdivided into four living areas.那个区域被划分成四块居住小区。
They blocked the compound gate.No one of the bandits got away.他们堵住了大门,匪徒一个也没跑掉。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.He compounded water, sand and soil and formed bricks.他用水拌和沙和泥土做成砖块。
The heavy rain compounded the trouble of the lost hikers.大雨增加了迷路的徒步旅行者们的困难。
Our difficulties were compounded by the language barrier.我们本来就窘迫的境况由于语言障碍变得更加困难了。
The medicine was compounded from several drugs.这药是几种药物调配成的。
Our difficulties were compounded by other people's mistakes.其他人的错误增加了我们的困难。
用作名词Water is acompoundof hydrogen and oxygen.水是氢和氧的化合物。
'Bus conductor', 'dark-haired' and 'policeman' arecompounds.bus conductor,dark-haired和policeman都是复合词。
Medicines are usuallycompounds.药品通常是复合物。用作名词All prisoners were frog-marched into thecompound.犯人都被迫反剪双臂进入院子。用作形容词“Fingerprint” is acompoundword.“Fingerprint”指纹是一个复合词。
Rose is a plant withcompoundleaves.玫瑰是复叶植物。用作及物动词Hecompoundedvarious ingredients into an effective drug.他将各种成分混合成一种有效的药物。
I ran out of petrol and then, tocompoundthe felony, I found that I'd got a flat tyre.我的汽油用完了,然而使事情更糟的是,我发现有一只车胎爆破了。
tocompounda felony对重罪案私了
My bankcompoundsinterests semiannually.我的银行以半年为单位计算复利。用作不及物动词Hecompoundedwith his creditors for a remission of what he owed.他和他的债权人谈妥免除其债务。
Hecompoundedwith the house owner for the rent.他同房主就租金之事作了妥协。noun.combination, mixture
同义词 admixture,aggregate,alloy,amalgam,amalgamation,blend,combo,commixture,composite,composition,compost,conglomerate,fusion,goulash,medley,mishmash,soup,stew,synthesis,union
反义词 division,separationverb.mix, combine
同义词 commingle,mingle,admix,concoct,couple,associate,coalesce,unite,amalgamate,synthesize,fuse,link,commix,join,intermingle,blend,bracket,meld,connectmake upimmixcoagment
反义词 uncomplicate unmixmake easyseparate,dividebetterdisconnect,disjoinverb.make difficult;complicate
同义词 aggravate,magnify,worsen,intensify,exacerbate,add to,multiply,heightenconfound,confuse,extend,augmentmake complex,make intricate
反义词 uncomplicate unmixmake easy,separate,divideclear up,clarify,helpbetterexplain,enlighten,calm,weaken,lessen,decrease,soothe,improve Beams of electrons can help clean water and air by breaking down pollutants into different molecular compounds.
电子束可以把污染物分解成不同的分子化合物,从而帮助清洁水质和空气。 yeeyan

Under these conditions the nitrogen would not be available to bond with other elements in order to form the compounds and chains that form the building blocks of life.
在这些情况下氮不会是可用的对于同其他元素结合,为了形成化合物和形成生命的建筑模块的链条。 yeeyan

“ Some compounds dissolve in water, ” she said.
“一些化合物溶于水,”她说。 yeeyan

At the end of the argument, the arguer advocates extending the compounds that prevent PEP from breaking neuropeptides apart to students who have poor memory and difficulty in concentrating.
在论述的结尾之处,论述者倡导将那些可阻止 PEP致使神经肽分裂的化合物推广至那些记忆力和专注力差的学生身上。 iciba

Because blood and urine are packed with these compounds, it should be possible to detect and analyse them.
由于血液和尿液中充满了这些化合物,所以对他们检测和分析是可行的。 ecocn

Certain flavor compounds give you a nice caramel flavor, whereas others give you a burnt or bitter taste.
一定程度化合物给你美妙的焦糖味道,而其它给你烧焦或苦涩的味道。 yeeyan

For compounds that can be prepared and manipulated at ordinary laboratory temperatures, ligands are, so far, few.
迄今为止,对能在通常的实验室温度制备和操纵的化合物来说,这样的配体还很少。 yeeyan

However, they are different in one crucial respect. Their sand is composed not of silica, but either of ice or of carbon compounds.
然而,它们之间存在一关键不同:泰坦星上的沙子不是由二氧化硅,而是冰或者碳化合物组成。 ecocn

If you want to understand whether compounds form or not look only at the valence shell.

It was an unbelievable collection of organic compounds and amino acids.
那是对有机化合物和氨基酸的不可思议的收藏。 yeeyan

Second, scientists might be able to isolate the cocktail of compounds that gives off the odor to develop lab instruments or automated field detectors.
其次,科学家们可以从化合物中将散发气味的混合物隔离出来用来改良实验室仪器或自动探测器。 hjenglish

Some of the compounds in the oil evaporate, reducing their impact on the environment.
漏油中的一些化合物蒸发能够降低对环境的影响。 yeeyan

Some compounds can easily resolve.

The findings also add support to the existence of pheromone- like compounds in humans.
这些发现同时为人体中存在类似费洛蒙的化合物提供了支持。 yeeyan

The question of life in these situations never came up, it was impossible for any stable elements or compounds to form.
在这些情况下,关于生命的问题根本无从谈起,任何稳定的元素或化合物都不可能形成。 yeeyan

These pollutants are called aerosols and they include soot as well as compounds of nitrogen and sulfur and other stuff into the air.
通常,我们称这些污染物为悬浮微粒,它们包含烟尘以及氮硫与进入大气的其他物质的混合物。 yeeyan

They actively break down fat compounds and lipids.
它们活跃地分解脂肪化合物和类脂。 yeeyan

This is an unfortunate ecological coincidence, as one of the original compounds for sunscreen was synthesised from an Australian coral reef.
这是个不幸的生态巧合,防晒霜自身中的一种化合物正是用一种澳大利亚珊瑚礁中人工合成的。 hjenglish

This is a breakthrough for lung cancer researchers who have been trying to figure out if there are specific volatile organic compounds associated with the presence of the disease.
这对肺癌研究人员来说是一项突破。 研究人员一直试图弄明白,是否存在同肺癌相关的某些特殊的易挥发有机化合物。 cri

When molecules meet, they often form new compounds by exchanging electrons.
当分子相遇,它们通常通过交换电子形成新的化合物。 yeeyan

You could even make compounds: Earth plus water makes cold.




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