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aegon ˈeɪɡan COCA²¹⁰²⁹⁶BNC⁵²²¹³ 基本例句 Aegon公司财富500强公司之一,总部所在地荷兰,主要经营保险 Stephen Snowden, a fixed income manager at Aegon Asset Management, said: “The credit market is substantially broken as we speak.” Aegon资产管理公司固定收益部经理斯诺登说,“信贷市场正如我们所说的那样已经基本上崩溃了”。 yeeyan The Golden Company was reputedly the finest of the free companies, founded a century ago by Bittersteel, a bastard son of Aegon the Unworthy. 黄金团据说是最好的自由军团,一世纪前由苦钢——“庸王”伊耿的一个私生子建立的。 cndkc Fear not, my little friend. The blood of Aegon the Dragon flows in her veins. 别担心,我的小朋友。她流着可还是伊耿流传下来的龙血。 ed007.cn Have you forgotten Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon? 你难道忘记了雷尼丝公主和伊耿王子么? cndkc Her walk had not taken her through Flea Bottom, so its denizens had packed onto the lower slopes of Aegon's High Hill to see the show. 她的游行并未经过贫民窟,所以那里的居民纷纷挤上伊耿高丘较低的山坡,来观看这场演出。 cndkc Long- only funds were cutting their exposure to banks, and Aegon had recently sold down its investments in BNP Paribas, Unicredit, Credit Agricole and Belgium's KBC. 多头基金基金们正试图降低银行给其带来的风险,而且就在不久前, Aegon还以低价卖掉了其在巴黎银行,瑞士联邦信贷银行,法国农业信贷银行以及比利时联合银行中的投资股份。 yeeyan One of her forebears, the third Aegon, had seen his own mother devoured by his uncle's dragon. 她的一个祖先,伊耿三世,亲眼看着他的母亲被他叔叔的龙吞食。 cndkc Prince Aegon sounded shocked. 伊耿王子听起来很震惊。 cndkc She turned back to Prince Aegon. 她再次转向伊耿王子。 cndkc She would keep her eyes on Aegon's High Hill across the city, on the towers of the Red Keep shimmering in the light. 她会一直注视着城市对面的伊耿高丘,注视着在阳光中闪耀的红堡塔楼。 cndkc So far only Aegon, of the Netherlands, has been bailed out, but a number of rating downgrades are now expected, which could push more firms to the brink. 迄今为止,只有荷兰 Aegon一家获得了救助,但很多公司的信用评级预计会被调降,这将会使更多企业危在旦夕。 ecocn Tywin said that it was Prince Aegon and we took him at his word. 泰温说那是伊耿王子,于是我们就默认了。 www.china-w3.com AEGON-CNOOC Insurance can provide the service to foreigners these who stay or work in Nantong more than one year, global protection. 如果贵公司有外籍人士,且在通已有一年以上,可直接向海康保险投保,全球联保。 ntbmf.0513.org AEGON-CNOOC Insurance can provide the services to outlanders and foreigners these who stay or work in Nantong more than one year, share global protection. 海康人寿提供全方位的寿险服务,即便是外地人甚至外国人只有在通一年以上,可直接向海康保险投保,全球联保。 my.0513.org |