

单词 composing
释义 com·pos·ing 英kəmˈpəuziŋ美kəmˈpozɪŋ 高COCA¹⁸⁹⁵⁷BNC²⁰⁴⁷⁰iWeb³⁶²⁶⁷Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole;

harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art

musical creationcomposing stick排字盘composing room排字房compose作曲composing frame排字架photo composing machine照相排版机composing machine自动排字机
蒋争熟词记忆compose排版;排字-ing名词后缀⇒排字compose排版;排字-ing名词后缀⇒排字近义词 元件…component零部件composition成分

用作名词Mesopotamia was the alluvial plain lying between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers,composingparts of Iraq and Syria.美索不达米亚是冲积平原,位于底格里斯河和幼发拉底河之间,组成了伊拉克和叙利亚的各部分。
It is a great honor and pleasure to welcome the groupcomposingby distinguished men.承蒙由如此杰出的人士组成的团体造访本公司,实属莫大的荣幸。as in.component
同义词 basic,fundamental,integralelemental,inherent,intrinsic,part and parcel of,part of
反义词 additional,extra,secondaryas in.constituent
同义词 basic,combining,division,essential,factor,fraction,fundamental,ingredient,integral,portionconstituting,elemental,forming
反义词 accessory,additional,auxiliary,extra,inessential,minor,nonessential,secondary,unimportantwholeas in.making
同义词 accomplishing,building,constructing,creating,effecting,executing,fabricating,fashioning,forging,forming,generating,manufacturing,originating,producing,shapingas in.manufacture/manufacturing
同义词 accomplishment,assembling,assembly,casting,completion,composition,construction,creation,doing,erection,fabrication,finishing,forging,formation,making,mass-production,preparing,produce,toolingas in.manufacturing
同义词 construction,manufactureaccomplishment,assembling,assembly,casting,completion,composition,creation,doing,erection,fabrication,finishing,forging,formation,making,preparing,produce,toolingmass-production
componentadjective constituent
basic,elemental,fundamental,inherent,integral,intrinsic,part and parcel of,part of
constituentadjective component, part
makingadjective preparing
manufacture/manufacturingnoun production of processed goods
manufacturingnoun production
manufacturingsnoun production
accomplishment,assembling,assembly,casting,completion,composing,composition,construction,creation,doing,erection,fabrication,finishing,forging,formation,making,manufacture,mass-production,preparing,produce,tooling In point of fact I was, while composing it, saturated with the mood of song.
事实上,在创作这出剧本的时候,我是满带着歌曲的心情的。 yeeyan

The WSDL authoring process, despite the availability of editors and other tools, still presents a considerable gap when it comes to composing a document based upon fragments from several others.
尽管可使用编辑器或其他的工具,然而当基于一些片段构成文档的时候, WSDL编写流程仍旧相当复杂。 ibm

Algorithmic music composition is the application of a rigid, well- defined algorithm to the process of composing music.
算法作曲将严格的、定义良好的算法应用到作曲过程中。 ibm

Chinese modern oil painters express their perceptions on the real world and art by exercising distinctive skills in composing activities.
中国当代油画家在创作活动中运用独特的个性化的表现语言来体现自己对现实世界、对艺术的理解。 ebigear

His most famous collection of poems is’ Gitanjali’. He also specialized in composing and painting.
他最著名的诗歌集是《吉檀迦利》,他还擅长作曲、绘画。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

However, once the basic operation of the camera is mastered, one needs to direct their attention to seeing and composing effective images.
然而一旦掌握了相机的基本用法,人们应该把精力集中在发现和构成生动的图像上。 yeeyan

If this is important to you, start composing your want list now so that you can check features on the2.0 processors that will be available when the spec is finalized.
如果这些方面很重要,现在就可以考虑组成需要的列表,在规范完成之后检查2.0处理程序是否有自己需要的特性。 ibm

In contrast to the server-side programming model, there is no client-side mechanism for composing atomic transactions over the repository.
与服务器端编程模型相反,不存在用于构成针对存储库的原子事务的客户端机制。 ibm

Involves understanding and expressing oneself through music and rhythmic movements or dance, or composing, playing, or conducting music.
包括通过音乐和节奏韵律,或者舞蹈、作曲、演奏、指挥来理解和表达自己。 yeeyan

Not all of us write for publication, but every living person has the power of authorship when it comes to composing our lives.
虽然不是所有人为出版而写作,但是在谱写人生时每个活着的人都有作者的力量。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Previously, you saw that the complexity of the generated job, and thus the number of stages composing the job, increases when you use columnar tests or functions with a rule.
从前,看到所生成任务的复杂性,组成任务的阶段数量,在使用具有柱状测试或者函数的规则时会增长。 ibm

Spano grew up in a musical family, composing and playing flute, violin and piano.
斯帕诺成长于一个音乐世家,会作曲,会演奏长笛、小提琴和钢琴。 voanews

Such calm pictures focus mainly on a few essential elements for composing the perfect shot.
这类静谧的图片着力描绘一些必需的元素,以构成完美的镜头。 yeeyan

Tablets could take over the more complex tasks, such as composing documents, browsing the web, and viewing or presenting multimedia.
平板电脑可以承担更为复杂的任务,如文档写作、网络浏览以及多媒体观看或展示。 yeeyan

Users can do everything from tweaking photographs to composing complex multitrack musical arrangements.
从图形编辑到复杂的多轨音像编排,用户均可发挥想象,自由创作。 yeeyan

Composing music requires creativity and mental agility.
作曲需要创造力和思维的敏捷。 ecocn




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