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词汇 complicity
释义 com·plic·i·ty 英kəmˈplɪsɪtiː美kəmˈplɪsɪtiAHDkəm-plĭsʹĭ-tē ★☆☆☆☆高四GST宝八COCA²⁰⁹⁶⁴BNC¹⁸¹³⁵iWeb²²⁸⁵³Economist¹⁰⁹¹⁴

guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offensecom-, 强调。-plic, 编织,组成,词源apply,implicate. 即卷进去的,同谋。钱博士com一起+plic编织+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→一起编织阴谋的性质和状态⇒共谋,串通
词根plic- /plect-编织,折叠,合拢来自拉丁语,最终源自原始印欧语词根*plek-编织原始印欧语词根*pel-(2折叠的派生形式)。词根plic-的过去分词形式为plicat-,词根plect-的过去分词形式为plex-。
GRE红宝书com共同, plic重叠, ity表状态-共同重叠的状态, 也就是证词都一样的状态, 一定是串通好了com共同, pli = play玩, city城市: 本拉登就是和一帮亡命之徒串通好了, 把纽约城给玩了.
com + police 与警察一起勾结合谋
com+plic重叠+ity →共同重叠→同谋关系
com一起+plic编织+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→一起编织阴谋的性质和状态⇒共谋,串通。词根记忆com + plic重叠+ ity → 共同重叠 ⇒合谋词根记忆com共同+plic+ity=共同重叠=同谋关系近义词 complot共谋support支持collusion共谋intricacy纷乱connivance默许conspiracy阴谋complexity复杂confederacy同盟involvement卷入complication复杂entanglement纠缠collaboration合作participation参加partnership合伙人身份collusivenesscollusive的名词…

用作名词She did not suspect him ofcomplicitywith the authorities.她没怀疑他会与当局串通。
He deniedcomplicityin the murder.他否认自己曾参与谋杀。
He was suspected ofcomplicityin her murder.他涉嫌合谋将她杀害。noun.conspiracy
同义词 collaboration,collusion,connivance,guilt,involvement,manipulationabetment,agreement,concurrence,confederacy,engineering,guiltiness,implication,intrigue,machination,partnershipcomplot
反义词 ignorance,innocence,noninvolvement,refusal
collusionnoun secret understanding, often with intent to defraud
bait and switch,bill of goods,bunco,cahoots,con game,connivance,conspiracy,craft,deceitdiddlingdodge,double-cross,fast shuffle,flam,flimflam,fradulent artifice,graft,guilt,guiltiness,gyp,intrigue,plot,racket,scam,scheme,shell game,skunk,sting,trick,whitewash
cover-upnoun concealing;preventing investigation or exposure
burial,camouflage,closeting,complicity,concealment,conspiracydisguisingdissimulation,evasion,front,hush-up,masking,placing under wraps,pretense,seal of secrecy,smokescreen,veil of secrecy,whitewash
plotnoun plan, scheme
artifice,booby trap,cabal,collusion,complicity,connivance,conniving,conspiracy,contrivance,covin,design,device,fix,frame,frame-up,game,intrigue,little game,machination,maneuver,practice,ruse,scam,setup,stratagem,trick And the closer we stand together, the less likely we will be faced with the choice between armed intervention and complicity in oppression.
我们如果更密切地合作,就很少有必要在武装干预和纵容专制压迫之间进行选择。 ebigear

In an attempt to make up for complicity and dithering in Tunisia and Egypt, France has stuck its neck out over Libya.
出于试图弥补在突尼斯和埃及事件上的表错情以及犹豫不决,法国决意为利比亚出头。 ecocn

The money showered on them by the state still buys individual complacency and the complicity of big business and big religion.
国家花在他们身上的大笔金钱还是能让个人满足、让大企业和大宗教串通一气。 ecocn

But her punishment for alleged complicity in the murder of her husband has yet to be decided.
但是她与他人串通谋杀自己丈夫的罪还有待决定。 ecocn

Dahl, who is serving a five-year sentence for complicity in smuggling amphetamines, stole the show.
因共谋走私安非他明而被判五年有期徒刑的 Dahl在这场辩论会上出尽了风头。 yeeyan

He is now accused of “ complicity in false accusation, complicity in the use of forgeries, receipt of stolen goods, and breach of trust”.
他如今被控有“共谋诬告、共谋使用伪证、接收赃物和背信”的罪行。 ecocn

Islamists are likely to believe that Israel acted with American approval or complicity, whatever denials emerge from Washington and Jerusalem.
伊斯兰主义者很可能认为,美国批准或者共同谋划了以色列的行动,华盛顿和耶路撒冷怎么否认也不管用。 yeeyan

Klarsfeld, whose postwar research was the first to reveal the extent of France's complicity in the deportations, agreed that enough had been done in recent years.
克拉斯菲尔德的战后研究第一次揭示了法国在多大程度上参与共谋了逐犹行动。 yeeyan

Moreover, recent reports allege that the unmanned drones being used in the strikes are in fact based inside Pakistan, which would suggest a certain Pakistani complicity in the ploy.
此外,最近有报道称,美军袭击中所用的无人机事实上部署在巴基斯坦境内,暗示在运用导弹打击策略中,巴基斯坦一定程度上串通美国。 ecocn

Mr Sener is best known for a book that documents the complicity of the police in the2007 murder of Hrant Dink, a Turkish journalist of Armenian origin.
奈迪姆最出名的一本书中提到了2007年警察共谋杀害了亚美尼亚新闻记者赫兰特丁克一事。 ecocn

No one can force you, without your complicity, to not enjoy.
没你的同意,没人可以组织你去尽情享受。 yeeyan

Now my lack of fighting spirit sees me accused of complicity in mass death.
现在,我缺乏战斗的精神让我做为大规模死难的同谋受到指控。 yeeyan

Several of his officials and allies have been accused of complicity with the paramilitaries and his army murdered many civilians.
一些他的官员和盟友遭指控与右派民兵串通共谋,且军队开枪射杀很多无辜百姓。 ecocn

So before getting into the tricky questions of guilt and complicity she tries to find an international adultery league table.
因此在进入关于罪恶和共谋的棘手问题之前,她试图排个国际通奸名次表。 ecocn

Such a revelation, sadly for the weary Lebanese people, might prove just as explosive as solid proof of Syrian complicity.
这样一个对黎巴嫩疲劳民众来说伤心的结果,或许会成为叙利亚同谋的铁证。 ecocn

The democratic wave sweeping across the Arab world won’t tolerate US complicity in Israel’s decades-long oppression of the Palestinians.
席卷阿拉伯世界的民主浪潮不会容忍美国和以色列串通的长达数十年对巴勒斯坦人的迫害。 yeeyan

Yet for the first two and a half years of his administration, not a single elected official was arrested for complicity with the traffickers.
然而,在他管理的头两年半的时间里,不只有一位民选官员因与非法赎卖者勾结而被捕。 ecocn

Yet France has veered from complicity to confusion.
但是法国却从与别国串通一气转向了混乱。 ecocn




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