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com·plex·ness 英'kɒmpleks美kəm'pleks 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配近义反义句型用法例句 adj.复杂的⁸⁹;合成的²;复合的²n.综合体³;复合体⁴;医综合症状;心情结副词complexly名词complexness adj.形容词 由许多部分组成的,复合的consisting of many closely connected parts 复杂的; 难懂的difficult to understand, explain, or deal with; not clear or simple n.名词 C综合体,集合体a system consisting of a large number of closely related parts C情结,夸大的情绪反应a group of unconscious confused wishes, fears, feelings, etc. which influence a person's behavior Noun: a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts;the complex of shopping malls, houses, and roads created a new town a compound described in terms of the central atom to which other atoms are bound or coordinatedpsychoanalysis a combination of emotions and impulses that have been rejected from awareness but still influence a person's behaviora whole structure as a building made up of interconnected or related structures Adjective: complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts;a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody a complex mass of diverse laws and customs complex,complicated,sophisticated,intricate这些形容词均含“复杂的”之意。 complex侧重内在关系的复杂,需通过仔细研究与了解才能掌握和运用。 complicated与complex的含义接近,但语气更强,着重极其复杂,很难分析、分辨或解释。 sophisticated侧重指事物发展到或达到高级的程度所体现出的复杂。 intricate着重指错综复杂,令人迷惑理解。 1652年左右进入英语,直接源自法语的complexe,意为部件的组成;最初源自古典拉丁语的complexus为complecti的过去分词:com 一起) +plectere (纺织),意为织在一起。 用作形容词 (adj. ~+名词complex idea复杂的观念complex machines结构复杂的机器complex networks of roads错综复杂的公路网complex sentence复合句complex situation复杂的情况~+介词complex in structure机器等结构复杂用作名词 n.名词+~building complex综合建筑housing complex住宅区laboratory complex综合实验室shopping complex综合商场sports complex综合体育场superiority complex优越感 近义词 mixedpuzzlingadj. complicated反义词adj. simpleuncomplicated 用作形容词adj. 用作定语 ~+ n.He had not a particularly complex mind.他的头脑并不十分复杂。 It is a complex problem.这是一个复杂的问题。 This is a complex sentence.这是个复合句。 用作表语 S+be+~The engine of an airplane is very complex.飞机的引擎非常复杂。S+be+~+to- vWhat he said was too complex for me to understand.他说的太复杂了,我无法理解。用作名词n.This is a complex of new building.这是新建筑群。 I am developing a guilt complex about it.我对此事有一种负罪感。 adj.形容词
complex用作形容词的基本意思是“由许多部分组成的,复合的”,指某事物由许多相互关联、相互作用的不同部分组成,引申可表示“复杂的,难懂的”,含有处理这种事物需认真研究并具备专业知识的意味。 在心理学上,complex解释为“情结”的意思,例:inferiority complex 自卑情结,maternal complex (母性情结)。此处的complex是类名词,因此在此之前的冠词a或者an都不能省略。 He was overawed by his friend's learning and had something like an inferiority complex.他被他朋友的成绩所震慑到了,因此产生了自卑的情结。 She soon developed a maternal complex towards her sister's son.她不久开始对她姐姐的儿子产生了母性的情结。 形容词71%,名词28%,动词1% 用作形容词It was a complex problem.这是一个复杂的问题。 Complex briary fruit with smoldering oak.有复合的水果香和烟熏橡木香。 They also provide composable functionality required to support complex, large-scale systems.并提供可复合的功能以支持复杂的大规模系统。用作名词⎤ |