

单词 complex mixture
释义 complex mixture短语¹¹⁴⁴⁶⁷⁺
This incident reflects He Xingjun's complex mixture of self- display, low self- esteem, self-confidence and other contradictory feelings manifested in his later years.
何良俊妓鞋行酒的背后恰是其一生自炫、自卑、自信等矛盾心理在晚年的一次集中显现。 journal.bit.edu.cn

Its cause is unknown, but a complex mixture of genetic and environmental risk factors is thought to be to blame in many cases.
这种疾病的致病原因未明,但是基因和外部环境不良因素的综合影响被认为是其致病的重要原因。 xywy

Key blanks production means a complex mixture of several different technologies and articulated production where logistic flows are mastered in compliance with“ lean manufacturing” principles.
钥匙生产代表着一连串复杂的生产技术,胜嘉公司有其一套运筹流程来控制整个生产线。 silca

Some minerals, particularly those that have a more complex mixture of atoms, vary slightly in their properties, depending on their precise composition.
某些矿物,特别是那些原子结构较为复杂的矿物,其性质随确切的成分不同而略有差异。 jukuu

Ultimately, what a person becomes depends on a very complex mixture of their genes, the potential provided by the genes, and their environments.
总的说来,一个人会成为什么样取决于他的基因的综合,基因提供给了些什么以及他们后天生活的环境。 dxy




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