

单词 adzuki bean
释义 ad·zu·ki bean 英ædˈzuːkiː美ædˈzukiAHDăd-z›“kē 短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺
小豆; 赤豆异体字adsukibean
bushy annual widely grown in China and Japan for the flour made from its seeds近义词 adsuki bean赤豆Vigna angularis赤豆Phaseolus angularis赤豆
The red bean beans of a lot of similar gooseflesh grew on my left shoulder, who knows what returns a responsibility?我的左肩膀上长了好多类似鸡皮疙瘩的小豆豆,谁知道什么回事啊? One of the main stored grain insects of adzuki bean is Callosobruchus chinensis.
绿豆象是小豆的主要仓贮害虫。 dictall

Objective: To explore the estrogenic activity of ethanol extract from adzuki bean Phaseolus angularis and its effect on progesterone receptorPR level of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells.
目的:评价赤豆的雌激素样作用及其对人类乳腺癌 MCF-7细胞孕激素受体水平的影响。 cnki

Research made it clear that the function stage length of adzuki bean leaf blade is: at the plant middle position at the bottom at the top, and at the main stem leaves at the branch leaves;
研究表明:小豆植株叶片功能期长短表现为植株中部>植株下部>植株上部,主茎叶片>分枝叶片; cnki

The studied92 varieties were a random sample from1300 adzuki bean variety sources of North China.
本研究从我国北方小豆地方品种资源1300余份中抽取92份材料组成随机样本。 cnki

The studied92 varieties were a random sample from adzuki bean variety sources of North China.
本研究的供试材料是从我国北方小豆地方品种资源中抽取的,由92份品种组成的随机样本。 cnki

Then, after a few days, adzuki bean Baner slowly into the small leaves, each one has a few small leaves.
又过了几天,小豆瓣儿慢慢地变成了小叶子,每一棵都有几个小叶子。 tradeask

Adzuki bean SOYBEAN, who grew up a little faster, and let know that you grew up in the end, what will become.
小豆豆儿,们快一点儿长大吧,让知道你们长大以后到底会变成什么样子。 tradeask

Adzuki bean is one of traditional grain legumes in China.
红小豆是我国传统的栽培豆类之一。 cnki




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