

单词 complete overhaul
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And he praised AMR for attempting a complete overhaul, rather than incremental improvements.
他赞扬 AMR公司尝试对系统进行彻底的整修,而不是逐步改良。 yeeyan

At the center of Bob’s plan was a complete overhaul of the department’s system for measuring and monitoring employee performance.
鲍勃的计划核心就是对组织监测、监督员工表现的制度进行彻底改革。 yeeyan

On September18th he promised to end the so-called“ special regimes” as part of a complete overhaul of the social- security and benefit system.
9月18日,他承诺,在对社会保障和福利体系进行大调整过程中,所谓的“特殊养老金体制”将得到废除。 ecocn

Congress must keep pressing for a complete overhaul of the consumer protection system.
国会必须不断督促彻底检查消费者保护体系。 blog.sina.com.cn

I guess it requires a complete overhaul.
我想得需要一番彻底的检修。 iciba

It's clear that the Wolves need a complete overhaul— starting with the front office.
很明显森林狼队需要彻底重建---从办公室开始。 hoopchina

Last year, it was found that there were none. And this was three years after the government had announced a complete overhaul of the system, after the Sariska reserve was also found to be empty.
而去年,在政府宣布对自身体系进行彻查之后的第三年,在沙里斯卡保护区的老虎已经绝迹之后,当地也同样没有发现一只老虎。 eucma

Now being in used, the ATS meets the need of test and diagnosis in airborne equipment complete overhaul, and maintenance efficiency has been increased greatly.
自动测试系统已投入生产运行,满足机载设备大修时的测试、诊断需求,较大地提高了维修效率。 cnki

This country needs a complete overhaul. We've got to get out of the mess that we're in.
这个国家需要一次彻底的修整,我们要度过我们正在经历的各种难关。 vip.book.sina.com.cn

While trying to precisely capture the functionality of totems in the MMO is an admirable goal, we decided that a complete overhaul of totem rules was in order.

Windows Phone Series7 is the result of a complete overhaul of Microsoft's vision of the mobile phone.
Windows7手机版是微软对于其手机系统的一个颠覆。 yeeyan




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