

单词 advocate
释义 ad·vo·cate 英ˈædvəˌkeɪt美ˈædvəˌketAHDădʹvə-kāt' ★★★☆☆高四六研GIMST宝6八COCA³²⁵⁶BNC¹¹⁵²¹iWeb³⁸¹⁶Economist⁴⁷⁹⁵

vt. 提倡,主张

speak publicly in support of


a person who supports or speaks in favor a cause, policy, etc.


a person, especially a lawyer, who speaks in defence of or in favor of another person

a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an ideaa lawyer who pleads cases in court
push for something;

The travel agent recommended strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day

speak, plead, or argue in favor of;

The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house

advocate, agitate for, air, preach

这组词语都有“鼓吹”的意思。其区别在于:preach指认为正当或有价值而极力主张; advocate指公开宣扬一种计划或主张; agitate for则指公开极力宣扬或强烈反对某些政治或社会变革; 而air则指大声宣扬自己的思想、观点或抱怨等。

advocate, support, uphold

这组词的共同意思是“支援,赞助”。其区别在于:support指道义上或物质上支持某人,也可指对一项事业的支持或赞助; advocate指通过发表演说或写文章来表示支持、拥护,常暗示提倡某事或为某事辩护; uphold指把快要倒下的东西扶直并撑稳,引申指支持正受到攻击或挑战的某人或某事。例如:

I was supported by him both materially and spiritually.我既得到了他的物质支持,也得到了他的精神支持。
He advocated building more good roads.他主张修筑更多的好公路。
He upheld his brother's honor.他维护他兄弟的名誉。
advocate, attorney, barrister, counsel, counselor, lawyer, solicitor

这组词的共同含意是“律师”。lawyer是律师的总称; barrister是英国的出庭律师; solicitor是英国的初级律师,为barrister的出庭准备材料; counsel, counselor和attorney都用于美国, counselor可指律师,也可指法律顾问, counsel意思与counselor相同,但可用于复数,即“辩方”, attorney主要指法律或财务方面的代理人; 而advocate则指大陆法系国家的律师。





















用作动词 v.
~+名词advocate a reform of the tax system主张改革税收制度advocate a reduction in military spending主张削减军费开支advocate a theory宣扬一种理论advocate a view提出一种看法advocate building more elementary schools主张建造更多的小学advocate early rising主张早起advocate economic reform主张经济改革advocate family planning提倡计划生育advocate free competition主张自由竞争advocate free trade提倡自由贸易advocate nonviolence鼓吹非暴力主义advocate self-defence主张自卫advocate self-reliance主张自力更生advocate the revision of the rules主张修改规章副词+~firmly advocate坚决主张openly advocate公开主张passionately advocate热烈拥护strongly advocate强烈主张warmly advocate热烈拥护用作名词 n.形容词+~aggressive advocate积极进取的提倡者blind advocate盲目的鼓吹者sincere advocate诚挚的拥护者strong advocate坚决的拥护者名词+~client advocate当事人律师patient advocate主张维护病人利益者~+介词advocate for the oppressed替被压迫者辩护的人advocate of equal pay for men and women提倡男女同酬者advocate of peace提倡和平的人advocate of reform支持改革的人advocate of the oppressed替被压迫者辩护的人
GRE红宝书该词原指律师-拥护、支持当事人的人, 后引申为拥护者. ad增加, voc号召, 呼吁-增加号召, 呼吁-拥护
ad肯定 + vocate 召唤;vocal voice 声音,发音
ad增强+voc叫喊, 声音+ate→增强声音 →拥护;
故事记忆局长把一生 Dedicate奉献现在坐下来 Indicate指示罪犯外表很 Delicate纤弱的其实最擅长 Fabricate伪造关键是把她 Locate确定位置全体警察都 Advocate拥护非常记忆ad阿弟〖拼音〗+vo我〖谐音〗+cate凯特〖谐音〗⇒阿弟拥护我和凯特词根记忆ad加强voc-叫喊/声音声音,喊叫+ate做→大声喊→拥护,提倡词根记忆ad + voc叫喊,声音+ ate → 为其摇旗呐喊 ⇒拥护词根记忆ad加强+voc声音,喊叫+ate做→大声喊→拥护,提倡词根记忆ad加强+voc喊叫+ ate做→大声喊→提倡词根记忆ad增强+voc+ate=增强声音=拥护近义词 lawyermaintainv. defendsupportn. friend反义词v. oppose
S+~+ n./pron.He advocated caution.他赞成遇事谨慎。
We advocate late marriage.我们提倡晚婚。
We advocate temperance.我们主张禁酒。
They openly advocate free trade.他们公开提倡自由贸易。
He advocated the spread of education.他提倡普及教育。
He advocates the return of capital punishment.他主张恢复死刑。
The group does not advocate the use of violence.该团体不支持使用暴力。
The president advocated health care reform.总统主张改革保健制度。
They advocate higher salaries for teachers.他们主张提高教师的薪水。
He firmly advocated the creation of a permanent United Nations.他坚决主张建立一个永久性的联合国。
He advocates a reduction in military spending.他主张削减军费开支。
They have been violently advocating neutrality.他们一直激烈地鼓吹中立。
We have always advocated concern for the livelihood of the masses and opposed bureaucracy, which is callous to their well-being.我们历来提倡关心群众生活,反对不关心群众痛痒的官僚主义。S+~+ v -ingDo you advocate accepting the offer?你是否主张接受这个报价?
I do not advocate doing such things.我不主张干这样的事情。
He advocated building more good roads.他主张修筑更多的好公路。
I do not advocate building large factories.我不主张建大工厂。
At that time, he advocated fleeting to the south.当时,他主张南下逃跑。
Many people advocate building more schools.许多人主张设立更多学校。
She advocated our withdrawing from the contest.她主张我们退出比赛。
She advocates taking a more long-term view.她主张采取更长远的考虑方法。
He firmly advocates building a hospital in the area.他坚决主张在该地区建立一所医院。
Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour.很多专家主张对小孩的良好表现加以奖励。
Many people advocate keeping all children at school until the age of sixteen.许多人主张所有的孩子应在学校学到16岁。S+~+that-clauseThey advocate that strikes be banned.他们主张禁止罢工。
He advocated that Britain should join the alliance.他主张英国应加入同盟国。
They advocated that we should establish a day-care center.他们主张我们可以建立日间托儿所。
The report advocated that all buildings be fitted with smoke detectors.报告主张所有的建筑物都应安装烟火探测器。
He advocated with passionate eloquence that one candidate withdraw from the presidential election.他激昂雄辩地主张一位候选人退出总统竞选。其他There is no point advocating improved public transport unless we can pay for it.提倡改善公共交通毫无意义,除非我们能支付得起改善的费用。用作名词n.He is a lifelong advocate of disarmament.他是一位为裁军奋斗终生的人。
He is an advocate of more airplanes and fewer warships.他是一个提倡多造飞机、少造军舰的人。
He got the best advocate in town to defend him.他请城里最好的律师为他辩护。





advocate属及物动词,后不可加介词,如不可说He advocates for reform;

advocate后较少接that从句,如不常说He advocates that due attention should be paid to reform;

advocate后可接动名词,不可接不定式。We advocate stopping the practice.

用作动词Many educatorsadvocatea liberal education.很多教育家提倡通才教育。
We don'tadvocatelearning by rote.死记硬背的学习方法,我们是不提倡的。
Many peopleadvocatebuilding more hospitals.许多人主张增设医院。
Weadvocatehigher salaries for teachers.我们主张涨老师的工资。用作名词She is a passionateadvocateof education reform.她是一名教育改革的热情拥护者。
This judge is a strongadvocateof prison reform.这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。
Theadvocatehas undertaken my case.律师己接受我的案子。
He got the bestadvocatein town to defend him.他请城里最好的律师为他辩护。noun.person supporting an idea or cause publicly
同义词 backer,campaigner,defender,lawyer,promoter,proponent,supporterapostle,attorney,champion,counsel,exponent,expounder,pleader,proposer,speaker,spokesperson,upholder
反义词 opponentantagonist,assailant,enemy,opposition,protestorverb.support idea or cause publicly
同义词 back,campaign for,defend,encourage,favor,further,justify,press for,promote,propose,push,recommend,support,tout,uphold,urgeadvance,advise,bless,bolster,boost,champion,countenance,plug,side,vindicateargue for,be in corner,brace up,build up,get on bandwagon,give a leg up,give a lift,go for,go to bat for,go with,hold with,plead for,plump for,ride shotgun for,root for,run interference for,say so,speak for,spread around,stump for
反义词 block,conceal,condemn,deny,disapprove,discourage,dissuade,hide,hinder,hurt,oppose,refuse,reject,decrease,halt,prevent,undermineassail,attack,criticize,impugn,protest
abetverb assist, help in wrongdoing
back,condone,egg on,encourage,endorse,goad,incite,instigate,prod,promote,provoke,sanction,spur,support,urge
abolitionistnoun person wanting something ended
adherentnoun supporter or follower
advocate,aficionado,backer,believer,card-carrying member,devotee,disciple,enthusiast,fan,hanger-on
adviseverb offer recommendation
admonish,advocate,caution,charge,commend,counsel,direct,dissuade,encourage,enjoin,exhort,forewarn,give a pointer,give a tip,guide,instruct,kibitz,level with,move,opine,point out,preach,prepare,prescribe,prompt,put bug in ear,put in two cents,recommend,steer,suggest,tout,update,urge,warn
advisesverb offer recommendation
admonishes,advocates,cautions,charges,commends,counsels,directs,dissuades,encourages,enjoins,exhorts,forewarns,gives a pointer,gives a tip,guides,instructs,kibitzes,levels with,moves,opines,points out,preaches,prepares,prescribes,prompts,puts bug in ear,puts in two cents,recommends,steers,suggests,touts,updates,urges,warns
agentnoun person representing an organization or person in business
abettor,actor,advocate,ambassador,assignee,assistant,attorney,broker,commissioner,delegate,deputy,doer,emissary,envoy,executor,factor,factotum,functionary,go-between,handler,intermediary,lawyer,mediary,middleperson,minister,mover,negotiator,officer,operative,operator,principal,proctor,promoter,proxy,representative,salesperson,servant,steward,substitute,surrogate,ten percenter,worker If one thinks that Arab political systems are in crisis because their development models failed, then one is likely to advocate for wholesale change in these models.
在阿拉伯国家政治制度的危机之中,有人归因于发展模式失败了,那他人可能会主张大规模改变这些发展模式。 yeeyan

In general, no. I am no longer an advocate of elaborate techniques of security analysis in order to find superior value opportunities.
现在来说,我不再是对证券做出精细的分析,以找出更好的价值机会的技术的支持者了。 yeeyan

Agile methods advocate eliminating all artifacts that are not absolutely necessary to quickly produce quality code for execution on some target.
敏捷的方法提倡去除所有对于为了在某个目标上执行而快速地生成质量代码不是绝对必要的工件。 ibm

He is an advocate of more airplanes and fewer warships.
他是一个提倡多造飞机、少造军舰的人。 kekenet

I always advocate to our clients that they first investigate how their target audience is actually behaving online rather than relying on assumptions that may be outdated and inaccurate.
我还一直主张我们的客户调查他们的目标受众的实际在线行为,而不是依赖那些可能过时的和不准确的假设。 yeeyan

I guess that makes me an advocate of death panels.
我想正是这使我成为“死亡项目”的支持者。 yeeyan

If you believe this model, the way to fight terrorism is to change that equation, and that's what most experts advocate.
在这个模型的前提下,像很多专家主张的,对抗恐怖主义的方式就是改变政治成本和收益的等式。 yeeyan

If I had any energy left, I would advocate work reform. Fridays off!
如果有剩余精力的话,会倡导一场工作变革,周五也休息! ebigear

Moreover, we should advocate a more frugal lifestyle so as to reduce the growing scale of waste pollution.
此外,我们应该提倡一种更加节俭的生活方式,以减小垃圾污染的增长规模。 ebigear

SIMM does not advocate or require a linear movement from one maturity level to the next.
SIMM并不提倡或要求从一个成熟度到下一个成熟度的线性迁移。 ibm

Some new leftists perceive China as already moving toward the model of democracy they advocate.
一些新左派认为中国已经转向他们所倡导的民主模式。 ecocn

They advocate environmental education while on the job but are wasteful and polluting at home.
她们在工作中提倡环境教育,但在家中却依然浪费资源、污染环境。 yeeyan

This is why I advocate using static analysis tools to identify coding violations.
这也正是我提倡使用静态分析工具识别编码违规的原因所在。 ibm

This is why I advocate employing user stories.
这就是为什么我要提倡使用用户场景。 ibm

This process works perfectly well to accomplish the goal, but there are two reasons why I do not advocate it.
这个过程能够完美地实现目标,但是我出于两个原因不提倡使用它。 ibm

To coordinate development between man and nature, we should maintain a proper growth in population, a sustainable utilization of resources, and advocate ecological principals.
为了人与自然之间协调发展,我们应该保持适当的人口增长、资源的可持续使用和提倡生态保护原则。 bbs.tczzb.gov.cn

We advocate seeking a proper solution for these frictions and problems on the basis of equal consultation.
对待这些问题和摩擦,我们主张双方应在平等协商的基础上寻求妥善解决。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

We advocate strict control of pollution to protect environment.
我们主张严格控制污染以保护环境。 hxen

Working to a timetable is something that we advocate during the normal school year, and particularly when exams are looming.
在正常学年,尤其是考试迫在眉睫之时,我们总会提倡给自己制订一张学习时间表。 yeeyan




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