

单词 complainer
释义 com·plain·er 英kəm'pleɪnə美kəm'pleɪnə ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁴¹⁴⁶BNC⁶⁴⁹⁹²iWeb³⁰⁶⁵⁸

a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining近义词 critic评论家censor检查员moaner抱怨者whiner啜泣者squawker通话盒cynic愤世嫉俗者sniveller啜泣的人crybaby爱哭的孩子grumbler发牢骚的人bellyacherbellyache的名词…

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudestcomplainerfor the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.以为为公众大声疾呼者就是最急于为公众谋福利的人,其实是一个极其普遍的错误。noun.whiner
同义词 bellyacher,crab,crybaby,faultfinder,growler,grumbler,grump,moaner,nagger,nitpicker,objector,protester,troublemakerfusser
angry young mannoun rebellious man
dissatisfied customer,dissatisfied person
cavilernoun critic
crabnoun grouch
cranknoun an ill-natured person
criticnoun faultfinder, detractor
aristarch,attacker,backseat driver,belittler,blamer,carper,caviler,censor,censurer,complainant,complainer,defamer,disapprover,disparager,disputer,doubter,fretter,hypercritic,maligner,muckraker,mud-slinger,nagger,nit-picker,panner,quibbler,reviler,scolder,sidewalk superintendent,slanderer,vilifier,worrier,zapper
criticsnoun faultfinder, detractor
aristarches,attackers,backseat drivers,belittlers,blamers,carpers,cavilers,censors,censurers,complainants,complainers,defamers,disapprovers,disparagers,disputers,doubters,fretters,hypercritics,maligners,muckrakers,mud-slingers,naggers,nit-pickers,panners,quibblers,revilers,scolders,sidewalk superintendents,slanderers,vilifiers,worriers,zappers The notion that education peaked around the time of the complainer's own graduation, and has gone down ever since, is an ancient one.
抱怨的人总是认为教育质量在自己毕业的时期达到巅峰而后盛极而衰,这古已有之。 ecocn

The third-rate wife is a nag and complainer.
三等太太,唠叨不休,嫌怪家事。 chandao

“ I don't think I was a frequent complainer, ” Ginsberg said.
“我不认为我是一个经常抱怨,”金斯伯格说。 flyertea

A good design could ba good complainer seeking for better solution.
好的设计师就是一名寻求更好解决办法的抱怨者。 www.blog.edu.cn

And the last thing the boss wants to deal with is a complainer. The boss is likely way more stressed than you are.
老板也最不愿意见到整天满腹怨言的人,因为老板自己可能正承受着比你更大的压力。 www.justing.com.cn

As a complainer, Mr. Wang kept on bad- mouthing his boss.
王先生是位埋怨者,他不停地说他老板坏话。 uslawtc.com

Because the original complainer had posted full details of his experience, the company was able to contact the customer and rectify the situation.
因为发起人张贴了他自己的相貌细节,公司得以联系上这位顾客,扭转了局面。 douban

Being a complainer.
变成一个爱抱怨的人。 yeeyan

Don't be a complainer. Some people habitually criticize the food, the wine, the weather, or life in general and are consequently perceived as negative and unpleasant.
不要抱怨个不停。有些人会习惯性地挑刺,食物、红酒、天气或者生活都能抱怨,这种人会显得非常消极而且让人不快。 readdaily

He is a chronic complainer.
他这个人老是抱怨。 dict.v.wenguo.com

If you are not a complainer, or focus on problems, alter your focus now.
假如你是唯一爱抱怨的人,或者总是想着疑难题目的人,那么目前改变你的主意力。 qnenglish.com

If you are a complainer, or focus on problems, change your focus now.
如果你是一个爱抱怨的人,或者总是想着问题的人,那么现在改变你的注意力。 hjenglish

Shore tried to restrict Mr. Ray to the other end of the office, but couldn't keep the pup away from the complainer.
肖尔试着把雷限制在办公室的另外一边,但它却总是缠着那名员工。 fortunechina

This is his third complaint this week. He's a real complainer.
这是他本周每三次提出申诉了,他实在是个爱抱怨的家伙。 blog.sina.com.cn




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