

单词 compilers
释义 compilers 英kəm'paɪləz美kəm'paɪləz COCA⁵⁶⁰⁸³BNC¹⁷⁴⁵⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
名词 compiler:
a person who compiles information as for reference purposescomputer science a program that decodes instructions written in a higher order language and produces an assembly language program
用作名词In the earlier diagram we have seen how classiccompilersconvert high-level source code into instructions the computer can understand.在较早图表中,我们已经看到传统编译程序如何将高级别源代码转换为计算机可识别的命令。as in.collector
同义词 connoisseur,hobbyistaccumulator,antiquarian,antiquary,authority,fancier,finder,gathererpack ratas in.lexicographer
同义词 linguistauthor,editor,lexicologistdefiner
collectornoun one who collects specimens
accumulator,antiquarian,antiquary,authority,compiler,connoisseur,fancier,finder,gatherer,hobbyist,pack rat
collectorsnoun one who collects specimens
accumulators,antiquarians,antiquaries,authorities,connoisseurs,fanciers,finders,gatherers,hobbyists,pack rats
lexicographernoun dictionary editor
author,compiler,definer,editor,lexicologist,linguist A static compiler converts source code directly to machine code that can be directly executed on the target platform, and different hardware platforms require different compilers.
静态编译器直接把源代码转换成可以直接在目标平台上执行的机器代码,不同的硬件平台要求不同的编译器。 ibm

It is not possible to compile code by hand, so they always use compilers.
手工编译代码绝无可能,所以他们一定要用到编译器。 ibm

These gains come about because of different libraries, processor features, and updated compilers.
性能的改进得益于不同的库、处理器特性和编译器更新。 ibm

Automated tests are also ideal for rather arcane code such as a tree manipulation and, in particular, compilers.
对于相当晦涩的代码如,对树的操作,尤其是编译器,自动化测试也是较理想的。 ibm

But specifying the suffixes manually improves the code readability and eliminates the possibility of the compilers guessing incorrectly.
但手工指定后缀可以改善代码的可读性,并可以消除编译器猜测不正确的可能性。 ibm

Finite state machines are an organizing principle for those who design and implement complex behavior in event- driven programs, such as network adapters and compilers.
有限状态机很早就已用作设计和实现事件驱动的程序比如网络适配器和编译器内复杂行为的组织原则。 ibm

For example, an application may gain performance boosts by taking advantage of the enhanced compilers available for SLES9.
例如,通过利用 SLES9 中得到增强的编译器,应用程序可能会获得性能的提高。 ibm

For this reason, JIT compilers do not compile all code with the same degree of optimization.
因此, JIT编译器不会使用相同的优化度来编译所有的代码。 ibm

Listing5 shows the code that proves the point on compilers optimizing empty base classes.
清单5给出的代码在优化了空基类的编译器上证明了这一点。 ibm

Modern C compilers combine the compile and assemble steps into one step.
最新的 C编译器将编译和汇编步骤组合成一个步骤。 ibm

Most compilers have the ability to issue warnings for statements that may cause bugs, even though these statements do not cause a compilation error.
大部分编译器都能够就可能导致问题的语句发出警告,即使这些语句并不导致编译错误。 ibm

Not all JIT compilers generate the code as above.
不是所有的 JIT编译器都生成如上代码。 ibm

Not all compilers are flexible enough or provide these types of services, however.
但并不是所有编译器都足够灵活到可以提供这些服务。 infoq

Now, there are two compilers currently available for SPU programming, and, as one might expect, they excel in different areas.
目前,有两个编译器可以用来进行 SPU编程,正如您期望的,它们适合不同的领域。 ibm

Plug-ins extend the IDE with support for new languages, compilers, and other development tools.
插件扩展了 IDE,以支持新的语言、编译器以及其它开发工具。 ibm

Special compilers for programming languages like FORTRAN were developed to optimize the code to take advantage of the vector processors.
开发了用于像 FORTRAN的程序设计语言的特殊编译器来优化代码,以利用向量处理器。 ibm

The parsers behave more like interpreters and are not compilers.
解析器的行为更像解释器,而不是编译器。 ibm

These small benchmarks also illustrate the challenge of interpreting performance results in the presence of dynamic compilers.
这些小基准测试也阐明了存在动态编译器的情况下解释性能结果所面临的挑战。 ibm

These compilers have added flags that take advantage of POWER5 optimizations, mentioned previously in this paper.
这些编译器已经增加了可以利用 POWER5优化的标记,方法如本文前面所述。 ibm

This is the broadest and most current collection of information on compilers, other tools, and documentation.
它收集了有关编译器、其它工具和文档的最广泛且最新的信息。 ibm

This pseudo code is not only possible, but is exactly what happens on some JIT compilers.
这段伪代码不仅是可能的,而且是一些 JIT编译器上真实发生的。 ibm

You can run into trouble here as well, because not all compilers align the elements of a structure in the same way.
这里,也会遇到麻烦,因为不是所有的编译器都以相同的方式排列一个结构的元素。 ibm

Compilers certainly present the sort of programming issue that should deal with parallelism at different levels.
编译器的确提出那种应该在不同层次上处理并行的程序设计问题。 ibm




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