

单词 competence
释义 com·pe·tence 英ˈkɒmpɪtəns美ˈkɑmpɪtənsAHDkŏmʹpĭ-təns ★☆☆☆☆高四六GIT宝6八COCA⁶⁴²⁸BNC⁴⁶⁸⁶iWeb⁸⁰¹⁵Economist⁶⁴⁰¹

U能力; 胜任

ability to do what is needed; being competent


the powers of a court of law

the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectuallyability,capacity,capability,genius,talent,competence,faculty,gift,aptitude











用作名词 n.
动词+~acquire〔gain〕 competence获得能力have competence具有管理权形容词+~comfortable competence丰富的技能technical competence技术工作能力名词+~English competence运用英语的能力介词+~beyond〔within〕 competence在…范围外〔内〕~+介词competence as作为…的能力competence for对…的能力competence in在某方面的能力
com一起+pet急冲+ence名词后缀,来自拉丁语动词的现在分词形式,相当于ing→冲到一起→彼此匹配→符合要求⇒能力,胜任。非常记忆compete比赛〖熟词〗+n门〖编码〗+ce厕〖拼音〗⇒能力优者比赛前在门口抢厕所GRE红宝书compete竞争+ence →竞争的能力→能力, 资格
compete 竞争 + ence→竞争能力
词根记忆compete竞争+ nce ⇒竞争需要能力→胜任词根记忆compete+ence=竞争的能力=资格来自competev. 竞争→竞争需要有能力近义词 gift礼物skill技能talent天赋genius天才ability能力fitness健康efficacy功效aptitude天资capacity容量technique技术dexterity灵巧capability能力competency能力experience经验proficiency熟练qualification资格understanding理解expertise专门知识know-how 实践知识…faculty大学的系或院…反义词 incompetence无能力
用作名词n.I'm only worried about his attitude to the job; his competence is not in question.我只担心他对那项工作的态度,他的能力是不成问题。
We knew her competence in solving problems.我们都知道她解决问题的能力。
I doubt his competence as a teacher.我怀疑他能否胜任教师。
These are matters within the competence of the court.这些是法院权限以内的事。
The case is beyond this court'scompetence.本案超出本法庭的管辖权。Pimmunocompetencen.免疫活性

用作名词Competence is prerequisite to promotion.能力是升职的先决条件。
I doubt hiscompetenceto do the work.我怀疑他是否有能力做那件工作。
No one doubts hercompetenceas a teacher.谁也不怀疑她能胜任教师工作。
It has beyond thecompetenceof the court.它已经超出法院的权限。
It does not lie thecompetenceof this committee.这不属于该委员会的权限范围。noun.ability
同义词 appropriateness,capability,capacity,competency,expertise,fitness,know-how,proficiency,qualification,savvy,skill,suitabilityadequacy,makings,might,moxiecutting it,cutting the mustard,hacking it,making the grade,qualifiedness,the goods,the right stuff,what it takes
反义词 ignorance,impotence,inability,inappropriateness,incompetence,ineptness,lackinadequacy,incapabilityinefficience
abilitynoun power to act, perform
adequacynoun ability, competency in some
action capability,capacity,commensurateness,competence,enough,fairness,plenty,requisiteness,satisfactoriness,sufficiency,suitableness,tolerableness
aptitudenoun quickness at learning
ability,capability,capacity,cleverness,competence,faculty,flair,gift,giftedness,intelligence,knack,proficiency,savvy,smarts,stuff,talent,what it takes
aptitudesnoun quickness at learning
abilities,capabilities,capacities,cleverness,competences,faculties,flair,giftednesses,gifts,intelligence,knacks,proficiencies,savvy,smarts,stuff,talents,what it takes
brightnessnoun intelligence
calibernoun capacity;character
ability,appetency,capability,competence,constitution,dignity,distinction,endowment,essence,faculty,force,gifts,habilitation,merit,nature,parts,power,quality,scope,stature,strength,talent,value,virtue,worth,worthiness It is easy to criticize the competence of those with greater responsibilities than ourselves, and even easier to fantasize about how we would do the job better.
对那些责任比我们更大的管理者的能力说三道四很容易,幻想自己在那个位置上肯定会做得更好更是不费吹灰之力。 acsf

It had never cost him a day off work, the judge said, and his management of the condition with therapy and medication showed it was no barrier to judicial competence.
法官说抑郁症从没有花费他一个休息日,而且他对医药治疗情况的处理显示这并没有对他的审判能力造成障碍。 yeeyan

What will matter is not your competence, but your character.
重要的不是你的能力,而是你的品格。 putclub

Your scholarship and research competence will be questioned if any of the above applies to your proposal.
如果你的研究计划里有任何上述问题,你的学术和研究能力就会受到质疑。 yeeyan

And if you are in compliance with leaving, they will write a glowing recommendation for you about your competence, so that you can go and get a job with the competition!
如果你同意离开,他们会对你的能力写一份大加赞扬的推荐信,这样的话尽管有竞争,你还是.可以再找份工作! kekenet

But as to competence, that depends on the individual candidate—and, since none of the leaders has much of a foreign- affairs record, voters will have to guess about that.
但是谈到能力,它取决于单个的候选人-并且,既然没有一个领导人拥有外事工作的记录,选民们不得不去就此去猜一把了。 ecocn

But Beethoven was confident enough in his ability; he felt assured that his competence as a composer was growing regardless of his success relative to other musicians of his day.
但是贝多芬对相信自己的能力;他相信自己作为一位作曲家的能力在日益提高,虽然与同龄人相比,他的成就要显得逊色些。 yeeyan

Credibility is an essential attribute that is built on the elements of integrity, reliability, veracity, competence and commitment.
诚信是一个基本的特质,是建立在正直,可靠,诚实,能力和承诺的基础上。 ebigear

For many people, the peak earning years of midlife offer a sense of competence and mastery.
对多数人来说,中年赚钱的顶峰时期给人一种能力和有技术的感觉。 yeeyan

From above, by elite opinion about his competence. From below, by mass anger and anxiety over unemployment.
一方面来自上层精英对其能力的质疑,另一方面是底层失业者的焦急愤怒和抱怨。 yeeyan

He has chosen loyalty over competence in his cabinet.
他选择忠诚胜于能力的人进入内阁。 ecocn

He is just family charisma, not coupled with wit or competence.
他有的只是家族魅力,却不是智慧与能力。 ecocn

If, however, our self- respect derives from within, and our confidence stems from our sense of competence independent of other people, then our self-esteem will be mostly independent.
反之,如果我们的自我尊重程度来自自己,我们的自信心来自自身的能力,不受他人影响时,我们的自尊心则多半是独立的。 yeeyan

If your idea of exploration is to always know where you are and to be inside your zone of competence, you don't do wild new shit.
如果你的探险理念是时刻知道自己在哪里,时刻据守在自己的能力范围之内,你就不会做出疯狂的新举动。 fortunechina

In doing so, you displayed your own competence and showed how application integration can be implemented quickly and efficiently.
通过这个方法,您展示了您的能力,也展示了如何快速有效地实现应用整合。 ibm

Is it in my circle of competence?
是不是在我的能力范围之内? yeeyan

It is essentially the combination of transparent and accountable institutions, strong skills and competence, and a fundamental willingness to do the right thing.
本质上就是透明和负责任的机构、很强的技术能力、要做正确的事情的基本愿望三者相结合。 worldbank

Now if ever is the time for leadership, competence and integrity. What are the chances of getting them?
如果现在真是领导能力、胜任力和忠诚的时代,得到它们的机会是什么? ecocn

Some people blame all his vexation for bad luck rather than lacking of competence.
有些人把自己所有的苦恼都归咎于运气不佳,而不认为是缺乏能力。 kekenet

This varies somewhat with the segment or domain; however, it's important in that there is no quick fix for lack of experience and competence.
然而,这与片段或者领域是有所不同的:最重要的是它不能快速解决缺乏经验和能力的问题。 ibm

We can certify for him competence as an editor.

You want to project an image of competence, character and commitment.
你应该建立一种有能力、有个性并且有责任的形象。 iciba

Competence alone won't get you far if people don't know or have confidence in you.
如果人们不了解你,或者对你没有信心,仅有能力并不能让你走得更远。 fortunechina




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