

单词 adviser
释义 ad·vi·sor 英ædˈvaɪzə美ædˈvaɪzɚAHDăd-vīʹzər ★★★☆☆高研八COCA³³⁵⁵BNC⁴⁶³¹iWeb⁴⁸³²Economist²³³⁸

an expert who gives advice;

an adviser helped students select their courses

the United States sent military advisors to Guatemala

legal adviser法律顾问economic adviser经济顾问investment adviser投资顾问technical adviser技术顾问chief economic adviser首席经济顾问…engineering adviser工程顾问adviser on financial affairs财政顾问field adviser现场顾问adviser on legal affairs法 法律顾问…financial adviser财政顾问artistic adviser艺术顾问senior adviser高级顾问
advise+er表示人⇒adviser n.顾问,劝告者近义词 man男人sage圣人coach教练guide向导solon贤人expert专家Dean系主任helper助手wise聪明的teacher教师monitor监视pilot飞行员advisor顾问mentor指导者director董事resource资源umpire裁判员wise man智者backseat后座driver驾驶员guidance指导counselor顾问tutor家庭教师preceptor教师urger驱策的人referee裁判员arbiter仲裁人consultant顾问counsellor顾问persuader说服者admonitor劝告者conferrer授与者encourager鼓励者arbitrator仲裁人confidant心腹朋友confidante红粉知己prompter提示台词者professional职业的therapist临床医学家instructor教师,教员meddler爱管闲事的人…coaxercoax的名词形式…Solomon所罗门 (男子名…criticizercriticize的名词…admonisheradmonish的名词形…guru古鲁(指印度教等宗教的宗…backseat driver坐在汽车后座对驾驶员指手…guidance counsellor学习指导员(解决关于学习…

用作名词An empty stomach is not a good politicaladviser.空肚子不是政治上的好顾问。
We engage him as technicaladviser.我们聘请他担任技术顾问。
Every student shall have anadviserof studies or research.每个学生都应该要有一名指导教授,指导其学业或研究。 Has the adviser performed well in bull and bear markets?
这位顾问是否在牛市和熊市都表现出色? ebigear

Paul Gully, a senior adviser on communicable diseases at the WHO, for example, defends the existing system in which countries share data within the WHO but not with outsiders.
例如, WHO的流行病问题高级顾问保罗•格利解释道,就现有的疾病预警系统而言,各国仅在 WHO内部共享数据,对外则概不公开。 ecocn

“ He can tell them: OK, you don't like me, but when there is a crisis I am there,” says one adviser.
一个咨询顾问说“他可以告诉他们:好的,你们可以不喜欢我,但如有危机出现,我会出现在那里”。 ecocn

“ If there’s a hostile offer for, say, Danone, the FSI will be ready,” says an adviser.
如果有恶意报价,比方说,达能,投资策略基金会将做好准备,”一名顾问讲道。 ecocn.org

A defence adviser to a west European head of state, requesting anonymity, says his government is still upset.
一位要求匿名的欧洲政府首脑的国防顾问称,其政府现在仍为之心烦意乱。 ecocn.org

Auditors are crucial, since they verify the existence of the assets your adviser manages.
审计行非常关键,因为他们能核实你的顾问所管理的资产是否存在。 ebigear

But the role of trusted adviser is not a natural one for big banks, which have tended to lose touch with customers as they have grown.
但对于大银行来说,信托顾问这一角色并不是他们很自然的选择,因为这些大银行会随着受益人的成长,逐渐失去此等客户关系。 ecocn

Don't ask if someone deserves a bonus or whether an adviser is confident that an idea will generate superior returns.
不要问某人是否理应拿奖金,或是一个顾问是否对一个想法将产生巨额回报有信心。 ebigear

For four decades he has been lawyer, adviser and friend to many prominent companies and investors.
在从业四十年间,他是许多著名公司和投资人的律师,顾问和朋友。 ecocn

He was a senior adviser to the Carter administration and has taught at Columbia and Harvard universities and the University of California, Berkeley.
他曾是卡特政府的高级顾问并曾任教于哥伦比亚大学、哈佛大学、加利福尼亚大学和伯克利大学。 yeeyan

How often do they evaluate their goals with the adviser?
他们隔多久会评估与顾问的投资目标? ebigear

I hoped to become an assistant at least, or an adviser or perhaps even— dare to dream — a speechwriter.
我希望至少会是个助理职位,或是顾问什么的,或者更大胆一点——一个讲稿撰稿人。 yeeyan

I'llgo and talk with my adviser.

Jungle Republic Legal Adviser, where are you?
丛林共和国法律顾问,你在哪里? yeeyan

Not much else seems to be known about him, other than that he is an adviser to the Saudi royal family.
有关他的其他情况似乎就知道的不多了,只是知道他是沙特王室的顾问。 iciba

One of his favorite teachers there was Barbara Tomlinson, who taught American history and American literature, and was the adviser to the school newspaper when Bharara was its editor.
他最喜欢的一位老师是芭芭拉•汤姆林森,她在学校教授美国历史和美国文学。 巴拉拉在校报做编辑时,她也是校报的顾问。 fortunechina

She has virtually become our adviser.

Talk to your accountant or tax adviser to determine the best strategy for you and your business.
请您的会计师或者税款顾问给出对您和您的企业最好的战略。 yeeyan

Test out with this adviser what you are perceiving around you.
他说,和这个顾问一起测试你对周围事务的看法。 iciba

' Try to find six degrees of separation from the adviser,' he says.
他说,试图从顾问那里找到其他人的评价。 ebigear

We engage you as a legal adviser.




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