

单词 comparison method
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A simulation comparison method is used to analyze the effect of public participation on a project construction in the process of EIA.
结合实例运用模拟比较法分析环评过程中的公众参与结果对项目建设的影响及效果。 dictall

Owe system the amounts adjusting a circuit carrying out calibration and comparison method on standard wave form, may measure out part discharging looking at in electric charge by JFD-301.
该系统通过 JFD-301校准脉冲发生器对标准波形进行校准及比较法,可测量出局部放电的视在电荷量。 tianya

Chapter2 investigates the concerning practice of the acceptance system of civil action abroad, through comparison method of analysis.

For example: inductive research method, comparison proving method, internal analysis method, comparison method in system number, and perspective separating method.
如:归纳研究法,比勘互证法,内部分析法,系统数量比较法,透视分离法。 cnki

In this paper, the UV-Vis spectra of more than30 CCT formed from oxygen with organic compounds, including ethers, alcohols, amines as well as hydrocarbons, were measured by the comparison method.
本文采用比较法测定了醚类、醇类,胺类、烃类等三十多种有机化合物的 CCT光谱。 cnki

In this paper, structure model, differential equation model, transfer function model and state space model of quantum control systems are studied using comparison method.
文中主要采用比较法,对量子控制系统的结构模型、微分方程模型、传递函数模型、状态空间模型进行了研究。 cnki

This paper discusses the reflectance measurement of the magneto-optical disk using a comparison method, and describes the effects of the optical systems nonideal condition.
讨论了用比较法测量磁光盘反射率问题,重点分析了由于系统光路的非理想性对测试结果的影响。 dictall

This paper describes four calibrating methods of EMI testing systems as follows: comparison method, standard antenna method, insertion loss method, and standard field method.
本文介绍电磁干扰测量系统的四种校准方法:比较法,标准天线法、插入损耗法和标准场法。 cnki




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