

单词 compacts
释义 com·pact·s 英'kɒmpækt美'kɑːmpækt COCA⁴³⁵⁸²BNC²⁴⁴²⁷
vt. & vi. 压紧,使坚实

press sth firmly together


closely packed together; neatly fitted in a small space


agreement or contract between two or more parties

a small cosmetics case with a mirror; to be carried in a woman's pursea signed written agreement between two or more parties nations to perform some actiona small and economical car
closely and firmly united or packed together;

compact soil

compact clusters of flowers

having a short and solid form or stature;

a wrestler of compact build

he was tall and heavyset

stocky legs

a thickset young man

briefly giving the gist of something;

a short and compendious book

a compact style is brief and pithy

succinct comparisons

a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject

have the property of being packable or of compacting easily;

This powder compacts easily

Such odd-shaped items do not pack well

compress into a wad;

wad paper into the box

make more compact by or as if by pressing;

compress the data

squeeze or press together;

she compressed her lips

the spasm contracted the muscle

compact, concentrate, consolidate, unify


compact表示“压紧,束紧”,通常指将许多东西压在一起,形成一个结实的整体; consolidate通常指联合或融合在一起,从而得以“巩固”“加强”; unify表示“统一”,强调由部分构成的统一体,但是各部门仍行使自己的职责,既为自己也为整体的利益服务; concentrate表示“浓缩”“聚拢”,指将许多散开的东西聚集在一个中心的周围。






用作动词 v.
~+名词compact snow把雪压实compact the soil把土地压实~+副词compact out把…扎紧~+介词compact into把…压实
compact into v.+prep.

把…压实 press sth firmly together into sth

compact into sthThe old snow has compacted into the hardness of ice.雪堆积久了变得像冰那样坚实。
This article was compacted into a passage.这篇文章被压缩成一段。compact sth into sthTry to compact the sand into the mold.设法把这沙土堆积到模子里。
compact out of v.+adv.+prep.

把…扎紧 fix firmly

compact sth out of sthThe saleslady compacted a neat package out of my wife's purchase.那位女售货员把我妻子买的东西整整齐齐地扎成一包。近义词 tidysmallpressedv. compresspressadj. dense反义词 loosedispersedv.loosenadj. big
S+~+AThousands of crates compacted in a warehouse.数以千计的板条箱堆放在仓库里。
S+~+ n./pron.Heat and lack of rain have compacted the soil.高热少雨使土壤板结。其他The compacted snow on the pavement turned into ice.人行道上被踩实的雪已变成了冰。
The compacted mass of snow was on the yard.院子里有团压得很结实的雪团。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.It was a compact package.这是个捆得很紧的包裹。
The primitive hut was made of compact mud and branches.原始的茅舍是由坚硬的泥土和树枝建成的。
News reporters must learn to write compact sentences.新闻记者必须学会写紧凑的句子。
The apartment has a compact but well- equipped kitchen.这间套房有一个虽小巧但设备完善的厨房。
I bought a compact dictionary last month.我上月买了一本袖珍字典。
S+be+~Stamp the soil down so that it's compact.把泥土踩结实。
The computer looks compact and functional.这部电脑看上去很小巧,并且很实用。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseThe long poem is compact of three sections.这首长诗由三部分组成。用作名词n.They made a compact to buy a new aircraft.他们签订了一项购买一架飞机的合同。






用作形容词He received acompactpackage.他收到一个扎得很紧的包裹。
As writers, they like a structure that iscompact.写文章的时候,他们喜欢采用紧凑的结构。
Regulator shall be corrosion resistant,compactand lightweight.这种调节阀应该是耐腐蚀的,紧凑的和轻型的。
We'd love to buy acompactcar.我们想买一辆简洁的车。用作及物动词The kids are try tocompactthe sand into the mold.孩子们正在设法把这沙土堆积到模子里。
Heat and lack of rain havecompactedthe soil.高热少雨使土壤固结。用作名词You should sign your name on the right side of thecompact.你应该在合约的右边签上你的名字。 As the star condenses and compacts it heats up even further, burning the last of its hydrogen and causing the star's outer layers to expand outward.
恒星聚缩时甚至继续升温,这个过程燃尽了残存的氢,并导致恒星外层向外膨胀。 yeeyan

Camera manufacturers have really raised the bar in producing durable underwater compacts at affordable prices.
机器厂商制造的耐用的水下器材的门槛儿确实提了老高。 yeeyan

I've been amazing people for at least seven years with what I pull out Canon's compacts.
至少七年来我的佳能小相机拍出的照片一直令人惊叹。 yeeyan

The means of absorption include law, agreements and compacts, or forms of economic organisation.
吸纳的概念包括法律、协议、契约和经济组织。 www.chinesefolklore.org.cn

The mechanical properties of mixed powder specimens were nearly equivalent to the ASTM for the PM compacts.
混合粉末样品的力学性能几乎达到美国 ASTM粉末冶金的标准。 iciba

The underwater tunnels form when ice compacts in the winter months and in spring when it starts melting creating cracks and tunnels like in these pictures.
水底隧道形成于在冬季时冰变得很厚实以及在春天时冰开始融化并且产生了裂缝,就像这些图片上的一样。 ebigear

Chinese companies sell compacts, sedans and SUVs to Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam and elsewhere, largely in the developing world.
中国企业将小型汽车、轿车和运动型多用途车出口到了俄罗斯、乌克兰和越南等国,这些大体上都是发展中国家。 iciba

GM makes vehicles including Buick Excelle and Regal cars as well as Chevrolet Lova compacts with its Chinese joint-venture partner SAIC Motor Co.
通用与其在中国的合作伙伴上汽生产包括别克凯越,新君威和雪佛兰乐风。 yeeyan

In essence, because G1 compacts as it proceeds, it copies objects from one area of the heap to the other.
本质上,由于 G1在处理同时做压缩,它将对象从堆的一个地方拷贝到另一个地方。 infoq

Injured introduced at noon on the student's parents,12 received a phone call was told his daughter when spring outing compacts.
受伤学生家长介绍,当天中午12时接到电话,被告知女儿春游时被挤压。 www.059ren.com

Safely cleans registry junk, compacts registry bloats and defragment the whole registry for maximum performance.
安全清除注册表垃圾,契约登记大幅膨胀和整理整个注册表的最高性能。 www.52725.com

The DPTK query language further compacts your templates by enabling you direct access to almost anywhere in the DOM with a single string.
DPTK查询语言通过让您能够用单一字符串直接访问 DOM中的几乎任何位置,进一步压缩了模板。 ibm

The United Nations even has an agency which could broker these compacts. It's called the Peace Building Commission.
联合国甚至还有个对这类约定仲裁的机构,叫做“和平建立委员会”。 yeeyan

What a pity, then, that writer- director Darnell Martin reduces these pioneers to the sum of their foibles— greed, lust, drugs— and compacts each tragedy into bathos.
遗憾的是,编辑兼导演达内尔·马丁把故事集中到了这些先驱者的小缺点——贪婪,欲望和毒品上,使每一个紧凑的悲剧都乏善可陈。 yeeyan

While making most of its money on inexpensive compacts and subcompacts, it has turned heads at auto shows with ambitious concept cars that look like Western sports cars and even Rolls-Royces.
虽然并未花费巨额,吉利仍以其野心立于中国汽车产业之先,它看上去像西方跑车,甚至是劳斯莱斯。 yeeyan




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