

单词 commuted
释义 com·mute·d 英kə'mjuːt美kə'mjuːt COCA⁴²⁹¹¹BNC⁴³⁸²⁸Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
vi. 通勤

travel regularly by bus, train or car between one's place of work usually in a city and one's home usually at a distance

vt. 减刑

replace one punishment by another that is less severe

a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work;

there is standing room only on the high-speed commute

exchange positions without a change in value;

These operators commute with each other

travel back and forth regularly, as between one's place of work and homechange the order or arrangement of;

Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word

exchange a penalty for a less severe oneexchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category;

Could you convert my dollars into pounds?

He changed his name

convert centimeters into inches

convert holdings into shares


She commutes between A and B every day.

She commutes from A and B every day.她每天往返于A地和B地之间。
用作动词 v.
~+介词commute between〔from〕通勤于…之间commute into以…变成…commute to以…换成…
commute into〔for〕 v.+prep.

交换,折合 exchange (one thing, especially one kind of payment for another)

commute sth into〔for〕 sthHe commuted his pension into〔for〕 a lump sum.他把退休金一次领清,拿了一大笔钱。近义词 ride骑move移动alter改变travel旅行change变化switch转换shuttle梭子replace取代permute改序exchange交换transform改变transpose调换convert使转变substitute代用品transmute使 … 变形metamorphose改变形状go back and forth来来往往
S+~+AHe lives in Hong Kong and commutes.他住在香港而通勤往来。
S+~+ n./pron.His sentence was commuted from death to life imprisonment.他的判刑由死刑减为无期徒刑。


用作动词Mary used tocommutefive miles from her home in the suburb.玛丽过去每天从郊区的家里走五英里来上班。
They chose tocommuteequity intolicense agreements.他们选择了将股权转换成许可协议。
Regular train travellers maycommutea single monthly payment for daily tickets.经常坐火车的人可以按每天的票价折换购买月票。
He seemed at times to be asking God tocommutethese penalties.有时他好象还恳求上帝减轻惩罚。
He cancommutepain for pleasure.他能变痛苦为快乐。
These operatorscommutewith each other.这些操作工经常交换岗位。用作名词Hercommuteto work will be easy.她上下班交通会很方便。 For many years I commuted to work by bike.
很多年来,我骑自行车上下班。 lang-8.com

The term of a fixed-term imprisonment that is commuted from a death penalty with suspension of execution shall be counted from the date the suspension of execution expires.
死刑缓期执行减为有期徒刑的刑期,从死刑缓期执行期满之日起计算。 hjenglish

The death sentence may be commuted to life imprisonment.
死刑可能减为无期徒刑。 iciba

The payments were commuted for cash rather than kind.
支付方式改换为现金支付,而不是以货代款。 nciku

To keep her family in Atherton, she commuted to the office, which required a long, traffic- clogged drive across the Golden Gate Bridge.
由于家住阿塞顿,所以每天必须经过拥堵不堪的金门大桥才能到达公司。 ecocn

After lobbying by international human- rights groups, Iran’s judicial authorities commuted the sentence of death by stoning of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a woman convicted of adultery.
经过国际人权团体的游说,伊朗司法机关同意减轻对犯有通奸罪的妇女阿施蒂纳石刑的判决。 ecocn

Article 79 If punishment to a criminal is to be commuted, the executing organ shall submit to a People's Court at or above the intermediate level a written proposal for commutation of punishment.
第七十九条对于犯罪分子的减刑,由执行机关向中级以上人民法院提出减刑建议书。 ebigear

But after surviving numerous fights, his sentence is commuted and he has been sold as a slave to be trained as a gladiator.
但他经历了无数个生死较量后存活了下来并获得减刑,他作为奴隶被卖并接受角斗士训练。 hudong

For more than two weeks this month, I commuted between two countries each day.
本月,我在两座城市间往返通勤了两个多星期。 yeeyan

Gao Junjie, who supplied the melamine-laced “ protein powder”, was handed down the death penalty, suspended for two years. Such a sentence usually gets commuted to life imprisonment.
高俊杰,犯有提供改为:销售加有三聚氰胺的“蛋白粉”的罪行,被判处死刑,缓期两年执行。这样的判决通常会被减为无期徒刑。 blog.sina.com.cn

His punishment has been commuted from death to life imprisonment.
他的刑罚已从死刑减为无期徒刑。 hotdic

His punishment of imprisonment has been commuted to a fine.
他的被囚禁刑罚已减为罚款。 hotdic

In actual judicial practice, over 99% of criminals given the death penalty with two years reprieve have had their sentences commuted to life imprisonment or set terms of imprisonment through reform.
从司法实践看,被判处死刑缓期二年执行的罪犯,经过改造后,99%以上都被减为无期徒刑或有期徒刑。 hotdic

In India the death penalty is carried out by hanging, but it is rarely used and most death sentences are commuted to life imprisonment.
在印度,被判死刑者都是执行绞刑而死,但是真正实行绞刑的很少。大多数的死刑到后来,都会变成终身监禁。 yeeyan

It was she who commuted to work, but her husband, Hank, who chose the cars.
她要开车上下班,却由她的丈夫汉克选车。 yeeyan

Mr Dickinson had originally been given a jail sentence; had this not been commuted, he would have become the first person to be imprisoned for criticising the prime minister.
迪克森原本被判处监禁,若没有减刑的话,它将成为首位由于丑化总理而入狱者。 iciba

The islanders commuted to shore in canoes, or they built causeways just beneath the surface to conceal them from the crannog- looting scoundrels that roamed the countryside.
岛上的人乘独木舟与岸上交通往来,或者建造低于水面堤道。因为乡野之所流氓猖獗,将堤道隐藏在水下可以防止小岛被打劫。 yeeyan




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