

单词 commute
释义 com·mute 英kəˈmjuːt美kəˈmjutAHDkə-my›tʹ ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝6八COCA⁹⁶⁵⁰BNC³⁶⁰⁰³iWeb⁶⁵⁰⁹Economist⁹⁷⁷²

vi. 通勤

travel regularly by bus, train or car between one's place of work usually in a city and one's home usually at a distance

vt. 减刑

replace one punishment by another that is less severe

a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work;

there is standing room only on the high-speed commute

exchange positions without a change in value;

These operators commute with each other

travel back and forth regularly, as between one's place of work and homechange the order or arrangement of;

Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word

exchange a penalty for a less severe oneexchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category;

Could you convert my dollars into pounds?

He changed his name

convert centimeters into inches

convert holdings into shares


She commutes between A and B every day.

She commutes from A and B every day.她每天往返于A地和B地之间。词根词缀: com-共同 + -mut-往来,互换 + -e动词词尾
用作动词 v.
~+介词commute between〔from〕通勤于…之间commute into以…变成…commute to以…换成…
commute into〔for〕 v.+prep.

交换,折合 exchange (one thing, especially one kind of payment for another)

commute sth into〔for〕 sthHe commuted his pension into〔for〕 a lump sum.他把退休金一次领清,拿了一大笔钱。钱博士com加强语气+mut变化,交换,移动+e→交换,变换⇒通勤在家和公司之间往返,变换位置;兑换,代偿变换支付方式;减刑变换刑罚措施
GRE红宝书com共同, mute改变-坐车换车-坐公车上下班com共同, mute哑巴: 只有在公车里的人才都不说话.
com 一起 + mute- 变化;communicate 交流,都是互相交换的意思
com共同+mut改变 →坐车换车→坐公共车)
com加强语气+mut变化,交换,移动+e→交换,变换⇒通勤在家和公司之间往返,变换位置;兑换,代偿变换支付方式;减刑变换刑罚措施。非常记忆com公司〖编码〗+mu木〖拼音〗+te特〖拼音〗⇒公司的阿童木有特权坐马车上下班往返词根记忆com共同+mut改变+e→一起坐车改变位置→经常乘车往返于两地词根记忆com=with 以+mut改变+e→以一物改变另一物→交换,抵偿词根记忆com共同+ mut-改变/交换+ e → 坐车换车 ⇒坐公交车词根记忆com共同+mute=和大家一起变动=坐公共车近义词 ride骑move移动alter改变travel旅行change变化switch转换shuttle梭子replace取代permute改序exchange交换transform改变transpose调换convert使转变substitute代用品transmute使 … 变形metamorphose改变形状go back and forth来来往往
S+~+AHe lives in Hong Kong andcommutes.他住在香港而通勤往来。
S+~+ n./pron.His sentence was commuted from death to life imprisonment.他的判刑由死刑减为无期徒刑。Pcommutern.乘公共车辆上下班者月季票乘客Pcommuterization往返市区及郊区住所的生活方式



用作动词Mary used tocommutefive miles from her home in the suburb.玛丽过去每天从郊区的家里走五英里来上班。
They chose tocommuteequity intolicense agreements.他们选择了将股权转换成许可协议。
Regular train travellers maycommutea single monthly payment for daily tickets.经常坐火车的人可以按每天的票价折换购买月票。
He seemed at times to be asking God tocommutethese penalties.有时他好象还恳求上帝减轻惩罚。
He cancommutepain for pleasure.他能变痛苦为快乐。
These operatorscommutewith each other.这些操作工经常交换岗位。用作名词Hercommuteto work will be easy.她上下班交通会很方便。verb.travel to work
同义词 drivego back and forth,take the bus/subway/train
反义词 increase,keep,lengthenverb.reduce punishment
同义词 shortenalleviate,curtail,decrease,mitigate,modify,remit,soften
反义词 aggravate,grow,increase,intensify,irritatekeep,lengthenverb.exchange, trade
同义词 barter,change,convert,interchange,metamorphose,substitute,switch,transfer,transfigure,transform,translate,transmogrify,transmute,transpose
反义词 hold,keep,leave alone,persist,remain,stagnate,stayincrease,lengthen
changeverb make or become different
accommodate,adapt,adjust,alter,alternate,convert,diminish,diverge,diversify,evolve,fluctuate,make innovations,make over,merge,metamorphose,moderate,modify,modulate,mutate,naturalize,recondition,redo,reduce,reform,regenerate,remake,remodel,renovate,reorganize,replace,resolve,restyle,revolutionize,shape,shift,substitute,tamper with,temper,transfigure,transform,translate,transmute,transpose,turn,vacillate,vary,veer,warp
changesverb make or become different
accommodates,adapts,adjusts,alternates,alters,commutes,converts,diminishes,diverges,diversifies,evolves,fluctuates,makes innovations,makes over,merges,metamorphoses,moderates,modifies,modulates,mutates,naturalizes,re-does,reconditions,reduces,reforms,regenerates,remakes,remodels,renovates,reorganizes,replaces,resolves,restyles,revolutionizes,shapes,shifts,substitutes,tamper with,tempers,transfigures,transforms,translates,transmutes,transposes,turns,vacillates,varies,veers,warps
convertverb change;adapt
alter,apply,appropriate,commute,downlink,download,interchange,make,metamorphose,modify,remodel,reorganize,restyle,revise,switch,switch over,transfigure,transform,translate,transmogrify,transmute,transpose,turn
convertingverb change;adapt
actuating,alter conviction,assimilating to,baptizing,be bearing again,bending,biasing,brainwashing,bringing,bringing around,budging,causing to adopting,change of heart,changing into,convincing,creating anew,impelling,inclining,leading,leading to believing,making over,moving,persuading,proselyting,proselytizing,redeeming,reforming,regenerating,saving,seeing the light,swaying,turning
drivenoun journey by vehicle
Sunday drive,airing,commute,excursion,expedition,hitch,jaunt,joyride,lift,outing,pickup,ramble,ride,run,spin,tour,trip,turn,whirl
drivesnoun journey by vehicle
actions,advances,appeals,crusades,efforts,enterprises,get-up-and-gos,initiatives,pushes,surges“ Job seekers have more power than ever,” says Zack Grossbart, a virtual team coach and author of The One Minute Commute.
“求职者比以前有更大的权限,”扎克.格罗斯巴特说。 他是一位虚拟球队教练以及《一分钟上下班》书稿的作者。 yeeyan

Dave Givens drives370 miles to work and back every day and considers his seven- hour commute the best answer to balancing his work with his personal life.
戴夫-吉文斯每天上下班要开车370英里,他认为7个小时的上下班往返时间是平衡其工作与个人生活的最佳答案。 edu.sina.com.cn

Forty percent of commuters in New Delhi would choose to work more if their commute time could be significantly reduced.
百分之四十的新德里通勤者会工作更长的时间如果他们的的通勤时间能够明显减少。 yeeyan

Hiring is a negotiation between employers and employees over the terms at which they'll agree to come to work— wages, benefits, working conditions, length of commute, relocation requirements.
雇佣是雇主与雇员基于某些使雇员同意前来工作的条件达成的协议,条件包括:工资、福利、工作条件、通勤长度、搬迁条件等。 yeeyan

I promised not to commute the sentences of any more first-degree murderers and said I’d require greater participation by victims in the decisions of the Board of Pardons and Paroles.
我向人们保证,再也不为任何一个一级杀人犯减刑,我还说将规定受害者的家属更多地参与到赦免与假释委员会的裁定。 yeeyan

If jobs require people to commute a great distance or to move themselves to another state, or to another hemisphere, employers may find they need to sweeten their offers.
如果提供的工作要求雇员通勤很长的距离或者搬家到另一个州或另一个半球,那么雇主则会发觉他们应该提供更丰厚的待遇。 yeeyan

Leaving the car at home and sharing your commute with others can help you reach your gallon goal very quickly.
把汽车在家里和与其他人分享您的通勤,可以帮助您很快达到一加仑的目标。 yeeyan

Most adults in the US have a commute of over20 minutes.
在美国,大多数成年人的上下班时间都超过20分钟。 yeeyan

Music relieves the boredom of the commute, or of a lazy Sunday afternoon. It's something to do when we don't know what else to do.
作为上下班或是一个懒洋洋的下午消除无聊的良药,音乐确实是当我们不知作何时唯一可做的不二法宝。 yeeyan

New Yorkers could look forward to a commute shared with hummingbirds and mourning doves— not rats.
纽约人可以期待着与蜂鸟和鸽子哀悼而不是老鼠共享的通勤。 yeeyan

No matter how you commute, you can always take advantage of the time you have.
不管你用什么方式上下班,你总是可以有效利用你的时间。 yeeyan

One in three employees with a commute longer than90 minutes say they have had recurring neck or back pain within in the past12 months.
在上下班时间超过90分钟的雇员里面,有三分之一的人表示在过去的12个月里经常发生脖子或者背痛。 yeeyan

One of the most stressful parts of any job is the commute.
任何工作中的一个压力比较大的部分就是通勤问题。 yeeyan

Only single females with no children, those who could work flexible hours, and women whose partners were responsible for the bulk of childcare were unaffected by the daily commute.
只有那些没有孩子的单身女性,有弹性工作时间的女性或者伴侣愿意分担育儿工作的女性才不会受到每天通勤的影响。 yeeyan

That fear has led some doctors who live in the city to commute to hospitals far outside New Orleans rather than work locally.
这种担心促使一些本地的医生宁愿交换到远离新奥尔良的医院也不愿在当地工作。 ecocn

These cars have the fuel efficiency, reliability and space to get you through your daily commute with ease.
这些汽车所具备的燃油效率、性能和空间可以使您轻松度过每日上下班的时光。 yeeyan

This job was better, but I still felt out of balance due to the two hour daily commute one hour each way and the on- call nature of the job.
它比原来的好一些,但是我仍旧觉得失衡,因为它每天上下班需要花费两个小时来回各一个小时而且需要随叫随到。 yeeyan

Try to keep your commute time to a minimum.
尝试着把你上下班的时间降到最小值。 yeeyan

Use your commute to stay aware of what’s going on in the world.
利用你的通勤时间来让自己了解世界上正在发生的事情。 yeeyan

We go about our morning commute in a haze because we've trod the same route a hundred times before.
我们在薄雾中行走在早晨的通勤路程上,因为我们以前在同一条路上走过一百次了。 blog.sina.com.cn

We have to commute more, from suburb to suburb, as job tenures become shorter.
随着工作任期的缩短,我们不得不更加频繁的通勤于郊区路上。 yeeyan

Who is most frustrated by the daily commute?
那些每日工作的人,谁上下班最坎坷? hjenglish

You can do these on your commute or while you exercise to save time.
你可以在上下班途中或者健身时学习以节省时间。 yeeyan

You may be thankful to have healthcare and other benefits. You may like your coworkers, or the fact that you have a short commute.
你也许对于公司的医疗保障和其他福利非常感激,你也许喜欢你的同事,或者你通勤的路程很短。 yeeyan




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