

单词 communicational
释义 com·mu·ni·ca·tion·al 英kəˌmjuːnɪ'keɪʃn美kəˌmjuːnɪ'keɪʃn 高COCA¹⁰¹¹³¹BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb⁵⁷⁴²²

act of communicating


thing that is communicated; message

P通信工具; 交通设备

means of communicating

the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information;

they could not act without official communication from Moscow

something that is communicated by or to or between people or groupsa connection allowing access between persons or places;

how many lines of communication can there be among four people?

a secret passageway provided communication between the two rooms

communication, traffic, transportation

这组词都与“交通”有关。communication指邮电、无线电、火车、公路等各种各样的交通方式或媒介; traffic指路上、街上车马行人往来的数量或货物、旅客运输的数量; transportation的本义是“运输”,现在常用来指距离较短的“交通”。






用作名词 n.
动词+~cut off communications切断联系establish〔hold, have〕 communication建立〔保持,有〕联系form communication建立无线电通讯wait a communication等待消息形容词+~air-to-air communication空对空通讯联络confidential communication秘密情报direct〔ground-air, long-distance〕 communication直接〔地空,远距离〕通讯official communication官方交流oral communication口头通知personal communication私人通信名词+~cable〔telegraph, wire〕 communication电缆〔电报,有线〕通讯mass communications大众传播phone communications电话联络water communication水路交通~+名词communications satellite通讯卫星communications service通讯业务介词+~in communication保持联系means of communication交际手段~+介词communication by letter通信communication from sb某人的来信communication in writing书信联系communication to寄往…的信communication with与…的联系
近义词 fax传真letter信favor偏爱speech演说给……发电子…message消息contact接触transfer转移exchange交换statement陈述expression表情email发电子邮件phone call电话declaration宣言intercourse交往inspiration灵感transmission传输consultation咨询announcement通告interaction相互作用communicating动词communicat…traffic人或车等交通流量…
用作名词n.Telegraph communication was broken off.电讯中断了。
We are in communication with them on the matter.我们正在就这件事和他们交换意见。
This communication is confidential.这消息是机密的。
All communications with the north have been stopped by snowstorm.北部的一切交通均为暴风雪所阻。


We have received your communication of 25 April.我们在四月二十五日收到了您的信函。

Ministry of Communications意为“交通部”,当中的Communications指的是所有一切交通方法或交通工具means of communication;

表示部队从后方到前方的“交通线”时,可用line of communications。

The beach life-guards usually flag one another for communication.海滨救生员通常用旗号传达讯息。
Students should come with better preparation and better communication skills.学生应做好更充分的准备,具备更好的沟通能力。 A concept of network comprehensive connectivity is put forward in order to study the communicational connectivity between different ground users in the service area of communication constellation.
为了研究通信星座服务区域内不同地面用户之间的通信连通情况,提出了网络综合连通度的概念。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn

In low SNR area, when the fading factor isn't lower than4, BER will not satisfy communicational commands.
当信噪比较低,衰落指数大于等于4时,系统误码率将无法满足通信需求。 http://www.emimag.com

The basic shortcomings of traditional education don't lie on the lack of communicational strata and its aftermath, educational one sidedness, but on its obligatory structure.
传统教育的基本缺陷,不在于交往层面的缺失以及由此导致的教育的片面性,而在于其交往框架的强制性。 cnki

The communicational interface is used between the development system and the virtual machine system.
通信接口用于开发系统和虚拟机系统之间的通信。 cnki

As the communicational technology development, the transmit ability of main meshwork has been improved very much;
随着通信技术的不但发展,骨干网的传输速度已经得到了很大提高; fabiao

As an organization, management institution of students' affairs of higher college has typical communicational characteristics.
高校学生工作机构作为一个组织,它具有典型的传播特性。 cnki

Constructivism-based web instruction is developing with the development of multi- media technology, communicational technology and modern instructional theory.
基于建构主义的网络教学是多媒体技术、网络通讯技术与现代教育理论相结合的产物。 cnki

Early childhood education aims at the development of the child's physical, communicational, emotional, cognitive and social features.
早期教育目的在于发展孩子身体,社交,情感,认知和社会性。 xici

It is at the advantage level on accuracy, precision, and communicational function.
其准确度、精确度及通讯性能均处于先进水平。 cnki

Netethics is a communicational morality rule for people in internet.
网络伦理是人们在电子信息网络上交往的道德准则。 cnki

The author discussed mobile communicational vehicles meaning of grounding, actualities and relic problems in details, and put forward solutions for them.
对移动通信车辆的接地含义、现状及存在的问题作了较为详细的理论分析,提出了解决问题的思路; cnki

The new media represented by digital technology has changed the production and communicational means as well as the concept of the whole art production and consumption.
以数字技术为代表的新媒体不仅改变了艺术生产和传播方式,同时也改变了整个艺术生产和艺术消费。 cnki

Through analysis, it discuss-es the principal factors infecting the communicational system leading to several feasible settling measures.
通过分析,讨论了影响通信系统的主要因素,给出了若干可行性解决措施。 com

To sound language of Kazak, it is a communicational tool with a kind of complement and supplementary.
对于有声的哈萨克语来说,它是一种补充,是一种辅助性的交际工具。 cnki

With the quick development of modern informational technique and communicational technique international revolution is triggered in the field of library.
随着现代信息技术和通信技术的迅猛发展和信息网络的日益完善,一场网络革命正在图书馆界蓬勃兴起。 cnki




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