

单词 communally
释义 com·mu·nal·ly kəˈmjuːnəli 高COCA⁵⁰⁵⁴⁷BNC⁴¹²⁹⁶iWeb⁴¹¹¹²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

by a group of people rather than an individual;

the mills were owned communally

communal-ly像⇒adv.共同地³³;社区地⁶⁷近义词 together共同jointly共同地mutually互相地publicly公开地collectively共同地
as in.en masse
同义词 all at once,as a body,as a group,as a whole,as one,collectively,cooperatively,en bloc,ensemble,in a group,in chorus,in unison,jointly,together,unanimously,unitedly,wholly,with one voiceas in.unanimously
同义词 collectively,commonly,consistently,universallyagreeingly,all together,concertedly,concorantly,consensually,cooperatively,harmoniously,in agreement,in unison,nem con,nemine contradicente,popularly,undisputedly,unitedly,without dissent
en masseadverb all together
all at once,as a body,as a group,as a whole,as one,collectively,cooperatively,en bloc,ensemble,in a group,in chorus,in unison,jointly,together,unanimously,unitedly,wholly,with one voice
unanimouslyadverb of one mind
agreeingly,all together,collectively,commonly,communally,concertedly,concorantly,consensually,consistently,cooperatively,harmoniously,in agreement,in unison,nem con,nemine contradicente,popularly,undisputedly,unitedly,universally,without dissent A member of an Anabaptist sect originating in Moravia and now living communally in parts of Canada and the northwest United States.
赫特兄弟会会友:兄弟会一个教派的成员,产生于摩拉维亚,现以公社的形式居于加拿大和美国西北部一些地区。 odict.net

And there's no property market in rural villages because land is communally owned.
在农村没有房地产市场,因为土地都是集体所有。 yeeyan

On the farming front, issuing individual land titles, no easy task in a continent where much land is still communally held, is another.
农业方面应该实现土地私有,因为在一块大部分土地公有的大陆上,想做点什么都不容易。 ecocn

One could argue that they more or less hit“ classless society with everything communally owned” sometime during the reign of the PRC but really I wouldn't call it that.
在中华人民共和国统治时期人们或多或少会感受到“一切公有的无阶级社会”,但我是不会这么说的。 shideya

That would require a massive act of social will such as Venezuela made, to empower students to work in orchestras and perfect their skills communally.
中国需要大量的实践性的练习,比如委内瑞拉,让学生能和管弦乐队一起表演,完善自己的技巧。 yeeyan

But there’s a difference between television, which many of the guys have to watch communally, and a magazine that’s theirs.
但不同的是,电视只能很多人一起看,而杂志是他们私有的。 yeeyan

Firing the wood kiln communally, using others kilns, exposed me to how others work and fire showing the secrets behind a multitude of ceramic materials.
大家一起烧柴窑或者使用别人的窑使我得以了解别人是怎样工作和烧制的,同时将多种陶艺材料背后隐藏着的奥密展现出来。 futogp

He hatched a concept for a hilltop retreat where artists could come to work; their art would become part of a communally owned gallery there.
他提出了“山间静修小屋”的概念,艺术家们可以在那里工作,而他们的作品也可以成为那里一个共有的美术馆的一部分。 yeeyan

In these cases, food is often offered communally, which is why it's important to wash your hands before eating and observe the right- hand-is-for- eating and the left- hand- is- for- other-duties rule.
在这种情况下,食物往往是众人一起分享的,因此饭前洗手很重要,而且要遵守用右手吃东西的习俗左手往往有其他用途。 kekenet

Land title is still often held communally, making it nigh- impossible for farmers to get credits.
土地所有一般仍是公有,这样,农民几乎不可能用其进行贷款。 ecocn

The best-known illustration of the invisible influence of scent is the way the menstrual cycles of women who live communally tend to synchronize.
气味的无形影响最著名的解释是群居女性的月经期往往会彼此相同。 blog.sina.com.cn

The building takes a“ pure form so it does not detract from what's important” such as how the building functions musically and communally.
整个建筑展示出一个纯粹的形象,却并不减损至关重要的东西,如建筑的音乐功能化和社区功能化。 archgo

This is because science knowledge is communally constructed.
这是因为,科学知识是通过共同努力建立起来的。 zk5u




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