

单词 common stocks
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名词 common stock:
stock other than preferred stock; entitles the owner to a share of the corporation's profits and a share of the voting power in shareholder elections And panic selling of U. S. common stocks will prove to be a very inappropriate response.
事实将证明,恐慌性抛售美国普通股是非常不适当的应对之举。 xuejiaocheng

The essence of all such plans— except the simple case of dollar averaging— is that the investor automatically does some selling of common stocks when the market advances substantially.
所有这些计划,除了简单的“美元均摊成本法”情况外,其本质都是当股市涨幅很大时抛售一些普通股。 blog.sina.com.cn

The reason is that annual rates of return for common stocks fluctuate so much that averages taken over short periods are meaningless.
理由就是普通股的年回报率波动得如此剧烈以至于取短期平均是无意义的。 blog.sina.com.cn

The reform of the issuance of common stocks has been always the core issue in improving China's capital market.
股票发行改革一直是我国建设一个完善的资本市场的主要议题。 fabiao

This higher return comes at a cost since common stocks entail the most risk.
长期说来,普通股,藉由资本成长,产生比几乎所有其他投资较高的报酬。 xiaxls

In 1924, Smith published the results as a book called Common Stocks as Long Term Investments.
1924年, Smith在他的《长期投资--普通股》一书中发表了自己的研究成果。 yeeyan

In the light of their ownership s, stocks can be divided into common stocks and preferred stocks.
按股权来分,股票可分为普通股与优先股。 dictall

Liquidity risk and corporate control considerations jointly affect shareholders' willingness to invest in stocks and thus influence the prices of common stocks.
流动性风险和企业控制权这两个因素共同影响着股东投资于股票的意愿,进而影响着股票的价格。 cnki

Now, when buying companies or common stocks, we look for first-class businesses accompanied by first-class managements.
现在,当我们投资时,我们总是要寻找由一流管理层打理的一流企业。 blog.sina.com.cn

Our second choice is to own parts of similar businesses, attained primarily through purchases of marketable common stocks by our insurance subsidiaries.
我们的第二选择是拥有类似的业务的一部分,主要通过我们的保险公司购买市场普通股来实现。 blog.sina.com.cn

This Notice shall apply to the centralized register and custody of non- overseas listed shares of overseas listed companies which have not publicly issued RMB common stocks inside China.
本通知适用于尚未在境内公开发行人民币普通股的境外上市公司非境外上市股份的集中登记存管业务。 lawinfochina

We find a significant positive relationship between stock price and EPS, and the stock price has a significant negative relationship to the volume of circulating common stocks.
我们发现,股票价格与公司每股收益显著正相关,与流通股本规模显著负相关。 cnki

Whenever we buy common stocks for Berkshire's insurance companies leaving aside arbitrage purchases, we approach the transaction as if we were buying into a private business.
我们在投资的时候除了一些套利交易外,我们将交易视作我们购买的一个企业。 xianguo.com

Common stocks are often most widely traded among all the securities for there are constant in market liquidity and easy to be transferred among investors.
普通股因其持续的市场流动性及所有权易于在投资者间转让,而成为所有证券中最广泛交易的对象。 ordinaryslut

European common stocks sell at12 times current earnings, which translates into an earnings yield of8.5.
欧洲的普通股投资者以12倍的市盈率抛售他们的股票换算成净收益率为8.5%。 yeeyan




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