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词汇 adversely
释义 ad·verse·ly 美æd'vɝsli 高TCOCA¹⁸⁹⁶⁵BNC¹¹³⁸³iWeb¹⁰⁸⁶⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

in an adverse manner;

she was adversely affected by the new regulations

adverse-ly像⇒adv.不利地⁶⁰;有害地²⁰;逆向地²⁰近义词 badly差的poorly贫穷地harmfully有害地negatively否定地unfavorably不利地unpleasantly令人不愉快地…

用作副词It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect peopleadversely.显而易见,这种不舒适的感觉必然给人们带来了不利的影响。
Thisadverselyaffects water movement, permeability, and aeration.这对水分移动,渗透度及通气性有不利影响。
Her health wasadverselyaffected by the climate.那种气候损害了她的健康。
Constant exposure to intense light affects the eyesadversely.老是暴露在强光之下会给眼睛带来损害。adv.unfavorably
同义词 negatively,skepticallyresentfully,unsympathetically,with prejudice,without sympathy
differentlyadverb in another way;otherwise
abnormally,antagonistically,antithetically,asymmetrically,conflictingly,contradictorily,contrarily,contrastingly,contrastively,discordantly,disparately,dissimilarly,distinctively,divergently,diversely,hostilely,in a different manner,incompatibly,incongruously,individually,negatively,nonconformably,on the contrary,on the other hand,oppositely,poles apart,separately,uniquely,unorthodoxly,unusually,variously,vice versa
unfavorablyadverb negatively
adversely,conflictingly,contrarily,critically,disparagingly,opposingly,oppositely,unflatteringly,untowardly A relatively noise-free environment is required because the presence of any sound outside the emitted vocal expression can adversely affect the reference voice print.
需要使用噪声相对较小的环境,因为声音表达以外的任何声音都会对参考声波纹产生不利影响。 ibm

A test environment enables you to safely test new applications without adversely affecting the performance of the production environment.
测试环境可以让您安全地测试新的应用程序,而不会对产品环境的性能产生不利影响。 ibm

Quite the reverse: evidence suggests that East Asian countries can raise their environmental and labor standards without adversely affecting their exports and investment inflows.
与此相反,有证据表明东亚国家能够在对出口和吸引投资无不利影响的情况下提高环境和劳工标准。 worldbank

“The Board is confident that the Company’s operations will not be adversely affected by Mr. Tang’s current condition, ” the Belle said.
百丽国际表示:“董事会相信,公司业务不会因为邓先生目前的状况受到不利影响。” forbeschina

An attacker may choose to adversely affect a site by defacing it, browsing around to locate valuable data, or dropping off an early Christmas present in the form of an infected file.
攻击者可能通过破坏站点来对其造成不利影响,浏览站点以查找重要数据或以感染的文件的形式破坏数据。 ibm

As my national security advisor, he had to deal with the British on many other issues that could be adversely affected by the visa.
作为我的国家安全顾问,托尼需要在许多其它问题上与英国人打交道,签证问题可能会对这些问题产生不利的影响。 yeeyan

Both these scientists warned that the sea-level rise would adversely impact35 per cent of the world’s human population as they live in coastal regions.
这两位科学家都警告说,海平面上升将对世界35%的人口产生不利影响,因为他们生活在沿海地区。 yeeyan

China's policy of intervening to prevent currency appreciation that would adversely impact its traded goods sector enhances that deflationary bias and risks igniting a US- initiated trade war.
为防止货币升值对其商品贸易产生负面影响,中国采取了干预政策,这会加剧通货紧缩,并有可能导致美国发起贸易战争。 ecocn

Enrollment isn’t the only issue adversely affected by discrimination.
入学率并不是唯一受歧视负面影响的问题。 worldbank

First, a slowdown in private capital flows will adversely affect economies that had been relying on these flows to finance much- needed investment, particularly infrastructure investment.
第一,私人资本流动的减速将对依赖这种流动资助急需的投资的经济发生负面影响,尤其是基础设施投资。 worldbank

I think everyone has something from their past that they're worried might adversely affect how they raise their children.
我想每个人都会担心自己过去的某些事可能会对他们如何培养孩子产生不利的影响。 yeeyan

In this case, compilation activity can adversely affect the user's experience without substantially improving the application's performance.
在这种情况下,编译活动可能对用户使用造成不利影响,同时又不能显著地改善应用程序的性能。 ibm

It's also possible that the chronic stress associated with working long hours adversely affects metabolic processes, she said.
她说,这也有可能是慢性压力与长时间工作相关的新陈代谢过程产生的不利影响。 yeeyan

Poor food buyers in the cities and non- food producers in rural areas who spend a large share of their incomes on food are the most adversely affected.
城市里贫困的粮食购买者和农村地区的非粮食生产者将收入的很大一部分用来购买粮食,这些人受到的不利影响最为严重。 fao

PPR, a French holding company which owns Gucci and several retail chains, has already declared that it will be adversely affected by its hedging policy, for example.
比如说,拥有古奇和几家零售连锁店的法国 PPR集团已经宣布,将会受到自身风险规避政策的不利影响。 ecocn

Sharma says the next two weeks could be critical in determining whether the production of such crops as rice, oilseeds, cotton and corn will be impacted adversely.
沙尔马指出,对于水稻、油菜籽、棉花和玉米等农作物来说,生产会不会受到不利影响,接下来的两周将是关键时刻。 ebigear

The EPA issues a recent ruling that GHG is a pollutant, and this sets a precedent that could adversely impact corporations on the wrong side of this debate.
美国环保局EPA最近作出一项裁决-温室气体 GHG是污染物,这开创了一个先例,可能对公司造成负面影响,成为本次辩论中理亏的一方。 yeeyan

The problem also poses a particularly insidious threat to Africa’s sustainable development by adversely impacting important sectors of the region’s economy.
尤其重要的是,这个问题对非洲地区经济的重要部门具有负面影响,因此严重威胁非洲的可持续发展。 worldbank

The slump in the price of oil is adversely affecting an already strained economy.
对该国本已脆弱的经济来说,石油价格萧条正在产生不利影响。 yeeyan

There are several hidden factors that can adversely affect a team's attitude.
有几个潜在的因素会对团队态度产生负面影响。 infoq

There is an acceptable failure rate that does not adversely affect your enterprise.
有可以接受的对您的计划产生负面影响的失败率。 ibm

They are amazed that heavy porn use can affect them adversely, that no one told them it could affect them, and that humans have actually masturbated without porn.
他们很惊讶,经常使用色情会不利于性功能,也没有人告诉过他们这些,而人居然不依靠色情也能自慰。 yeeyan

You do not want to adversely affect the system by developing your SMIT extensions in the system object repository.
您不会希望因为在系统对象存储库中开发 SMIT扩展而对系统造成负面影响。 ibm




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