

单词 common law
释义 common law 英'kɒmən lɔː美'kɑːmən lɔː ★☆☆☆☆高短语³¹³⁹³

civil law a law established by following earlier judicial decisionsa system of jurisprudence based on judicial precedents rather than statutory laws;

common law originated in the unwritten laws of England and was later applied in the United States

common-law wife未正式结婚而同居的…
近义词 precedent先例case law判例法
Customary law includes also conventional customs.习惯法也包括约定的习惯。
It administered the customary law merchant.它实施商业习惯法。noun.(evolved law
同义词 case law,non-statutory law,precedent
case lawnoun precedental law
common law,non-statutory law,precedent As a result of these hearings a new document was drawn up, proposing radical reforms of common law which would offer greater protection to the rights of free men.
这些听证会的举行促进了一个新的文件的起草,这个文件提议彻底改革习惯法来给予自由人的权利更多的保护。 yeeyan

Likewise many unmarried couples, who have cohabited for years, may assume there is no need for a will as they are common law husband and wife.
许多未婚同居多年的情侣,可能认为没必要立遗嘱,因为他们是习惯法认可的夫妻。 yeeyan

And as some lawyers have introduced unreasonable things into common law, so likewise many teachers have introduced absurd things into common good manners.
有的律师会将一些情理不通的东西引入普通法之中,同样,许多教师也将荒诞之事带到日常礼貌中来。 yeeyan

And some lawyers have introduced unreasonable things into common law, so likewise many teachers have introduced absurd things into common good manners.
有的律师把没有道理的东西引进了习惯法;同样,许多教师把荒唐可笑的东西引进了礼貌之中。 ebigear

As Mr Smith notes, four of the top five HDI countries share the Common Law. They also speak English.
如史密斯先生所言,排名人类发展指数前五名中的四个国家都有不成文法,也是英语国家。 yeeyan

At common law, conduct tending to interfere with the course of justice in particular legal proceedings constitutes criminal contempt.
在普通法上,意在干预具体法律程序的司法过程之行为将构成藐视法庭罪。 ebigear

But he concedes too much when he states, at least at the beginning of his paper, that “of course it the common law is efficient” relative to certain specified goals.
但是,至少在论文的开头他作了太多的妥协。他说,对于某些具体的目标而言,“当然,普通法是有效率的”。 blog.sina.com.cn

Hence, the wisdom of the common law's stress on the crucial distinction between misfeasance and nonfeasance, between a wrongful aggression against someone's rights, and leaving that person alone.
因此,普通法的智慧在于,它重点强调了违法行为与消极不行为,以及违法侵犯他人权利与对他人置之不理之间的区别。 blog.sina.com.cn

Leaping forward, Lane briefly summarizes the emergence of common law freedoms in Britain and the imposition on King John of the rights enshrined in Magna Carta.
接着莱茵笔锋一转,跨越式的简要概述了英国普通法自由和大宪章的出现,大宪章里把权利奉为神圣,并强迫英王约翰接受。 yeeyan

Second, in its place as a cornerstone of English common law, once the book was referred to in a legal dispute, the judgment was final.
其次,作为英格兰普通法的基石,一旦在法律纠纷中涉及到这份报告,那法庭的判决将是最终判决。 yeeyan

Since the American legal system was originally based on English common law, that would be an inconvenience.
既然美国法律体系最初是基于英国普通法,这必定会带来一些不便。 ecocn

Such a bill could not abolish rights found in the European convention and common law precedent already protects family life and privacy.
类似的法案并不能彻底废除在欧洲人权公约中存在的权利并且之前已经通过的习惯法已经保护了家庭生活权和隐私权。 ecocn

This document, the Provisions of Westminster, formed the basis of English common law for the next several centuries.
这个文件,即威斯敏斯特条款,为接下来几个世纪的英国习惯法奠定了基础。 yeeyan

We demand that Roman Law, which serves a materialistic world order, be replaced by a German common law.
第十九条,我们要求,用一部德国的普通法取代为唯物主义世界秩序服务的罗马法。 yeeyan




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